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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    caught in the afterglow; an affy pony

    m e r a x e s

    even at the best of times i'm out of my mind

    Adventuring beyond the borders of Loess sounds fun for once, even though the last time he tried it hadn’t ended so well for him. Perhaps it’s his lack of sense, or his lack of self-preservation, that drives him from his kingdom home and towards the neutral meeting grounds, or maybe it’s just a sense of adventure that overwhelms him and threatens to wash him away in tides of boredom. He’s growing into his body – finally – but he is still too young to join the castes of Loess, though he longs to be a warrior like his father. Maybe one day he’ll have something to do, but for now it’s endless days of exploring every nook and cranny of the kingdom he memorized years ago.

    If he had wings like his brother, it would be so simple for him to just take to the skies to explore. He knows Malone has gone all sorts of places and done all sorts of adventuring and met all sorts of other horses, and Meraxes can’t help but be jealous. Malone is a purebred prince through and through while Meraxes is just one of the several black sheep littering Loess, and Mer wonders often whether the two of them are going to drift apart. For now, they still tell each other everything, but will that change now that Malone has a child on the way?

    His wandering mind distracts him until he crosses into the meadow, and he pauses on the edge of it, breathing in deeply. Perhaps he should be nervous as he skirts the edge of the commons, but he grins as he watches the others interacting, curious as to their conversations but not quite being able to hear them.

    A scuffling noise snatches his attention, and he turns to see a pinto girl around his age stomping around in the dirt. With a grin he approaches her, just barely catching her words and he lets out a carefree giggle as she rears up and smashes her hooves into the ground as if she’s practicing battle moves. “Are you talking to yourself?” he asks her as he moves forward, grinning wolfishly.

    @[Catcher] this only took LITERALLY three years but hi

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    RE: caught in the afterglow; an affy pony - by meraxes - 11-11-2019, 11:22 PM

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