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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    She sells seashells by the sea shore // Laura pony
    She moves like a dancer, every muscle choreographed and supple as the water parted to let her pass. Wide eyed as a doe, the nereid smiled in a mockery of innocence when she felt his yellow gaze follow her motion. There was magic in her bones, in her skin. In the very air she exhaled. Magic that she was only just beginning to take an active participation in. She enjoyed the feeling of being looked at. Of being desired. 

    And for all that he had not said much of anything, she could feel the hunger in those golden eyes. He does not react as strongly to her scattering of water as she had hoped he would, simply peeling the lips from his teeth in a humorless smile. She returned it, all glittering carapace with no hint of tender heart behind it. The pale woman was learning, and it growing wiser with each new creature she encountered. This was not a one who would appreciate the softness that she hid inside. 

    Her head dipped in acknowledgment of the black creature's brief assessment, the words dripping like viscous sap from his tongue. It was the voice you would expect a big cat to have. "Yes. But better bold than a scaredy cat." Amusement shone in the amethystine depths of her eyes. Another step carried her within his reach, should he choose to stretch out with a velvet pad. Brave or stupid, it was a fine line, one she frequently walked both sides of. 

    It was dim behind him, the riverside vegetation casting shadows across the water and cloaking the incongruous pair with dappled light. She blinked as he spoke, gaze focused on the midnight pelt that covered him. Was it as soft as it looked? Not very nice, always up to no good. He was her antithesis, and it struck a curious chord in the sea mare. 

    She had a response primed, something clever and biting. The words died on her tongue. Figures, incorporeal whisps of shadow made real. They emerged from the gloom without a sound, eyes like blue flames meeting hers over top the panther's broad head. Confidence drained through her feet, mouth suddenly dry and not for any pleasant reason. Mere feet from the water's edge, her gift reacted sporadically to the sudden racing of her heart. 

    The river bubbled at her back, splashing softly against her heels. It was there for her, foolish girl that she was. If there was water near, she was not alone. "You should know," she began, voice low and hardly tremoring. "That there are...things behind you. I can attack, give you time to move out of the way." If her gift even worked on shadow-horse-demon-spirit-things. It was a big if, she worried. But these things were only coming nearer, and watching this stranger be torn to sheds seemed like an awful possibility at the moment. 


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    RE: She sells seashells by the sea shore // Laura pony - by Aquaria - 11-18-2019, 05:32 PM

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