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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i want to try everything; smidgen
    Great things come in Small packages
    She loves how easy it is with Lilli; the sharing of kindness and joy and conversation. There's nothing more that Smidgen enjoys than making new friends, even when she has to work at it just a little bit to bring a smile to someone's face. In fact, it was the best part! But with Lilli, it was simple and lovely and beautiful, and Smidge can't help but to be glad she's met her.

    When Lilli lowers her scarlet head to Smidge's level, she grins as she bubbles up with silly energy. Her tiny gray nose reaches out to "boop" Lilli's before she pulls back and squeals with a bit of laughter, unable to contain herself. "So, you're pretty and smart! That is a really good combination." She says it and nods matter-of-factly, every bit of her emotions present on her face. She hides nothing of herself well, and hasn't found much need to. Especially with her wonderful new friend!

    Lilliana shreds all worry about showing her wings, and with that, their bond is sealed. She even goes on to show Smidge her own little secret gift, and her leaked blue eyes widen and reflect the light Lilli shows her within them. "Wow! The fairies have gifted you as well, then! That is so amazing!" Her fascination grows and she completely misses the mare's nervous look as she intently watches the glowing around her forelegs. "What all can you do with it?" Her small voice is awed as she asks, not even realizing that it might not be polite to ask.

    She'd all but forgotten the other question she'd asked her friend, so when Lilli answers and the pretty light fades away, it's almost like the tiny mare is broken from a trance. The mare lowers her head to her once more and it takes so much effort not to laugh at herself for being so absent-minded. The only reason she's successful is because her friend states she's from the Taiga. Smidge's jaw drops and then she grins wide. "Really?! Oh yes, I know the Taiga!" Once more unable to contain herself, she grins and dances in place again, her tiny hooves pattering the ground. "I used to live there too! Oh, gosh it's been so long since I've been there.." She trails off at the end, dropping into the shame-filled thought that it really had been a long time and she realizes how much she misses the huge redwood trees and the majesty of the forest. And her family. Guilt begins to rise in her chest as she realizes how long since she'd seen Ruan and Jinju.. Everyone she knew..

    Smidgen struggles not to let it consume her in this moment, focusing instead on Lilli, who lives there now. It shocks her, even, that she hasn't placed the scent of the Taiga on the mare's skin before now. Silly her. Oh, this was exciting! "Do you live there now? Oh, who are the leaders? What are they like?" Shoot, she's asking too many questions, and she has so many more. And Smidge can't help but wonder if it's still like she remembers, and if whomever ran the place now would welcome her back home? Ohhh, it would be so great to return already having a new friend at her side!

    Messages In This Thread
    i want to try everything; smidgen - by lilliana - 09-29-2019, 09:01 PM
    RE: i want to try everything; smidgen - by Smidgen - 11-18-2019, 11:37 PM

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