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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    She sells seashells by the sea shore // PARTY
    Oh look! More islands. 
    Bean is staring out to sea. Probably mesmerized by the waves. It is relaxing enough to lull her to sleep, and she snores on occasion. Yep, Bean has gone and dozed off to the sight and the sound of the sea stretching before her.

    Hours later; maybe minutes; she awakens and stretches out stiff hocks and pasterns, twists and turns until the kinks are all out of her neck and back. She shakes herself like a dog shaking off water and snorts, content and sated in a warm happy way. Bean looks like a big dog, no surprise there!

    Brown eyes set in a brown face attached to a brown neck… brown from head to hoof, she looks around. Looks for Blue, looks at the palm trees and the clouds, the coconuts and seashells and has no clue what to do with herself. Not until her gaze comes back around to the sea, to the tide that goes out and leaves passable paths towards other places…


    Bean lets out a little squeal of delight. That is the perfect thing to do after a good nap! Pleased, she tries out into the tidal flats and ignores all the interesting pools that hold fish and other sea ilk inside them. She’s more interested in the things on the horizon, like taller palm trees and sunnier islands. Not that she was much for the tropics anyway, it was just something to do.

    The brown mare finds herself approaching one such island, bigger than the one she came from. Can she claim to live there? Well, maybe but she hadn’t discussed it with Blue or him with her. Never mind, she preferred the life of a wanderer and was greeted by the magical placement of a pretty lei around her neck.

    It smelled like heaven! She closed her eyes and breathes in the scent of the flowers - plumeria, but she didn’t know that. Or that they are also referred to as frangipani. Just that the yellow flowers and pale seashell looked nice against such ordinary brown. It was the only time Bean thought of herself as pretty, as she managed to look bashful and sweet.

    Which she could be anything but! For now though, she was taken in by the garlands of tropical flowers and the bright tropical colors and oh look! There was a pearly mare and a glimmering long pool in which things moved enchantingly just beyond her vision. 

    Bean smiled and drifted close, feeling like she floated over the sand instead of dragging her feet (she might have just been so excited that she stepped right into one of the smooth gaits her breed is known for, a tolt or something). “Hi there,” she said brightly, smiling.

    @[Aquaria] ❤️

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    RE: She sells seashells by the sea shore // PARTY - by bean - 12-04-2019, 08:23 PM

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