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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    deep roots are not reached by the frost - any

    She doesn’t know these two nor doesn’t recognize their features as familiar. She feels as though (and her intuition, she will find out, is correct – lucky her) she should know these creatures; know their names and their families. They seem incredibly important, or are successful in perceiving themselves as such. Either way, Merida intentionally plays into their hand – understanding full well that it is possible the second she angers them, the consequences would be dire. Whether it be at the girl’s hand or someone far more fearsome, Merida was not interested in trying to gain the upper hand with these two – at least not yet. She was only interested in being brought out of the bloody water.

    Merida heard what the two wished for, but her mind did not comprehend it as quickly as she would have if she had been standing on solid ground. Her dark legs feel dead in the water, cutting through the frigid temperature with a mind of their own. Her fiery red mane and forelock plaster against her ebony neck, her body melting into the equally dark water. Her flame-colored tail splays out behind her, stark and glaring against the near-black water that she churns so desperately.

    She suddenly feels something besides the painful numbing ache of her legs and chest. It is surprising and extremely unfamiliar, and Merida snorts uncertainly in response. Of course, the feeling was that of Venom’s metaphorical hand gripping her tight, making the black mare feel almost weightless in the icy waters. The young filly’s energy was palpable, buzzing and humming like electricity as Merida feels herself becoming enshrouded by it. It was not a comforting feeling. She does not stop swimming though – her golden eyes lock with the hungry eyes of the twin’s on the shoreline – they could (and probably would) easily let her slip through their fingers the moment she let her guard down. The devious and mysterious pair, though promising to help, could not be trusted fully – Merida is sure that both Venom and Virus knew that already, anyway.

    “Yes, yes,” she says quickly and breathlessly, her voice sounding muffled from Venom’s grip on her body. She inhales. “I’ll find anyone you’d like.” The air rushes from her lungs as she speaks; the squeezing is becoming more intense with every exhalation – like a python suffocating its prey before devouring it. She grimaces and clenches her jaw firmly, teeth bared in discomfort and awaiting the expected release onto the shoreline (hopefully) from the young filly.

    She wonders what their names are and where they're from - where they get all of their confidence and their ability to manipulate to get exactly what they want.
    from the ashes a fire shall be awoken

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: deep roots are not reached by the frost - any - by Merida - 03-17-2017, 10:31 AM

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