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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    do you feel like a young god? ALL
    Unknown to Siba, she and Iset were more alike than first thought. Well, at least the only way they were alike so far was that neither liked being woken up when they were fast asleep.

    Though the sun was already high in the sky this day, Siba was still sleeping soundly under the watchful eye of her dam. The younger mare had spent a majority of last night seeking out a safer place within Hyaline's walls, for Nitika wasn't a fan of the small grove of wisteria trees several yards away from Hyaline's main lake. The smell gave her a headache, the mare complained.

    Of course, Siba saw through that lie; her dam wasn't allergic or anything. She just suspected the mare wanted more distance between herself and the lake, though for what purpose, Siba did not know. Having a grove near the lake would've been an advantage in multiple ways, but the mare didn't feel like arguing with her dam. Instead, she had set out into the dusk hours, grumbling to herself as she continued searching through the night until she found a suitable one.

    The following day, about another day or so after being let into the Hyaline kingdom, Siba showed her dam the grove of red maples she found. Fair distance from the lake, with plenty of grazing meadow in between. Nitika seemed pleased; she hadn't complained yet, which was positive in Siba's book. Since she'd brought Nitika here at the crack of dawn, Siba thought it'd be a good time to catch up on her sleep.

    But Amet clearly had other plans. Only a few hours and not enough after her escapade the previous night, the young stallion sent out a summoning call for Hyaline's residents. Siba lifted her head, snorting indignantly, "What in the hell?"

    Nitika nipped her daughter's shoulder, causing the now grumpy mare to snort at her in return, "Cut it out mother, I'm not a filly. I have a right to be grumpy."

    The older paint mare sighed, "Should I go see what he wants?"

    Siba shook her head, "No, you stay here. Get to know this place, and learn to like it so I won't have to search for another."

    Nitika didn't bother firing back; she knew what Siba had said was a product of her grumpy mood. The mare simply nuzzled her daughter's nose before lowering her head and continuing to graze, her tail swishing back and forth to get rid of the flies accumulating on her croup.

    The younger paint mare turned and began heading toward Hyaline's main lake. The call sounded like it came from the east, so Siba started heading in that direction. As she walked along the bank, the mare slowed her stride and stared down into the crystalline blue water. Despite having lived with only one good eye for several years, she still cursed the fact that was the case. How she would have appreciated being born with two good eyes.

    Her dam said that it was because the genes for blue eyes were rare, and that Nitika herself had been lucky to be born with both working. Siba just got the short end of the stick, she guessed. She then began to wonder if any other foals Nitika might end up with in the future would have the same problem.

    As soon as that thought entered her head, the mare stopped short. She was floored; was that the reason her dam had sent her out so late into the night to find a better grove to sleep under? Was she planning to have another foal in the coming year or so? She'd never mentioned anything of the like since Siba had been born, even if she'd desired to have one with Nymphetamine.

    But what else could be the case? It wasn't location unless something was seriously the matter. Nitika had taught Siba the importance of seeking a home near water without too much distance. Had she asked for a different one, like the maple grove, to offer a safer haven for a young foal still learning about safety near the water, as well as to have a quick escape from any hungry predators?

    Or was there something else entirely going on that Siba just couldn't see yet?

    She made up her mind to ask Nitika about it later. If she didn't go answer Amet's call, she had a feeling the stallion would keep asking for all of them to come until a couple were deaf in both ears from his loud shouts.

    When Siba finally reached the east side, she came upon an interesting sight. Amet was standing at the edge of the lake, hock-deep in the water, his coat soaked through like he'd been dunked under. A chestnut filly whose appearance wasn't incredibly far off from his, speaking in terms of their conformation, was standing near him, her coat also thoroughly soaked. Finally, a buckskin paint filly was standing a few feet away, her shoulder seeming to shake a little from a laugh she was probably suppressing.

    Siba had to admit, the sight of the two soaked horses was rather comical. Hiding a smirk of her own, the mare walked up to join the trio of horses, looking Amet and the filly over before speaking to the young stallion.

    "Did I miss something?"

    Messages In This Thread
    do you feel like a young god? ALL - by Amet - 06-04-2017, 03:52 PM
    RE: do you feel like a young god? ALL - by Iset - 06-05-2017, 12:53 PM
    RE: do you feel like a young god? ALL - by Siba - 06-05-2017, 09:22 PM

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