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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Take in your chemicals [Spink/Venge ponies]

    He heard them. He heard them all.

    Fighting and straining against the portal, pushing to get through. The tentacles of the guard that kept them at bay—he has grabbed the two that were banging at the door, The one with the scales—oh, how they muttered, muttered, muttered. Ashley used his magic, pulling forth the last remnants of his power—he knew this was the end of all things. This would take him, but at least they’d be happy. At least he’d tried to save Dovev from himself. To right the wrongs, in the way he could. In his anger, he’d prove it to them all. That he wasn’t what they said he was.


    But, as the protector of the underbelly reached forward, dragging them all back into the void, one by one, he gripped into the ground as lightning drove from his body like a limitless power. Wrapped around the two…surely they were the girls that he had come here for… surely the one he’d spoken to had kept their promise. He would succeed. He knew he would. He was a magician, dammit.


    And so, the heat from his white light struck the tentacles one by one as it protected the void back to the living, snagging them back to the dark, blocking the way. There was no more time. None.

    Ashley screamed, and blew himself apart.

    A bright, white light took over the expanse.

    And then…Dark.

    The tentacle monster was no more… but still, he had succeeded in his quest. Snatching back the dead from their angry hustle towards the entrance, to escape death and return to the living, it had pulled down the very ceiling upon itself, blocking the entrance. A push and shove, the lightning that Ashley had exhuded had had enough power to crack the door, and present a rift with just enough time to draw out the two he sought.

    Or so he thought.

    And so, A push of white light explodes, and immediately salt water rushes in, carrying them all up. Ashley screams again.

    And then it all goes dark.


    Ashley gasped, his light grey eyes blinking against a sun that was hazy. Washed up on the beach, the salt singed his nose hairs, and his wings were no longer upon his back. Old, and cracked, he tried to generate his wings. Failed. Fuck. So much power used. It would return with time. He was lucky to be alive… He’d accept that as his success. He coughs, took weak to get up, the pull of his muscles and the ache in his joints uncommon to him. Something he is unused to. Just up the coast from him, two figures lay, gasping for air and dragging their sorry bodies up the dunes. Two. Not Four.

    Two. Not Four.

    Where were the girls?

    He looked around. They would have to be here. He was a magician. There were no rules. He had come here to save them. To prove it to them all.

    He languishes there, pushing on his body, willing himself to stand. He finds… that he cannot.

    He coughs, salt singing his eyes and lining his hair. Something is not right. In the distance, some ways away from him, a small charred body lays in the wreckage. The other two bodies look to be righting themselves. Ashley instantly recognizes one of them as No Crosses Count. The other, he does not know.

    He reaches out with his mind, and all he finds is black. Nothing.

    Not even a tremble.

    Something is not right.

    Something is very not right.

    I walked the path, it led me to the end.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Take in your chemicals [Spink/Venge ponies] - by Ashley - 06-22-2017, 02:11 PM

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