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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Reilly, Badden;
    Things were messier than the sloshiest pub in his hometown. He'd taken Lacey and Badden away with him for a bit of a reprieve. Much needed, he'd say. But as much fun as they'd had, they'd all missed home. Missed their family. They had no way of knowing they'd be returning to.. this. Disease rampant. New lands risen. Everyone scurrying to safety, them included, with some rallying for trouble. Reilly was a bit tired of trouble, if he was being honest. He had been ready to come home and settle in, kick back a little. Although, he supposed he could do that here as well. Just wasn't the home he'd had in mind. But he shouldn't complain. They were together and safe. Home is where they were. Where she is.

    He and Baddie had gone on a morning walk, checking out the new island for a bit. He had felt the worry in the boy, in the way he'd been more quiet than usual, and had thought that some time alone with him would ease him a little. Not for long, though. They'd all been away from each other long enough. Reilly was really looking forward to spending more quality time with the other kids. Kharon, Kali. Definitely Kylin, though no longer a kid was she. Poor dear. How they could ever make it up to her- if they could- he didn't know. But he would try.

    For now, though, he especially wants to check in with Lacey. As messy as everything was right now, he knows she's got a lot going through her mind. So they go to her, little Badden at his side. Handsome fella, stretching those wings of his. It was pretty cool seeing him grow up and watching the changes in him. Couldn't help feeling like he would grow to be quite the heartbreaker, once he started being interested in girls. He smiled at the thought as the colt nickered to his adopted mom and went up to nuzzle her.

    The day was turning nice and warm as the sun rose in the sky with few clouds to block it. Her coat shines in the golden rays, bringing out the different shades of color in it. A light breeze from off the coast tousles her hair against her neck. When she turns to look at him, he catches the glint in her chocolate colored eyes as she tells him she doesn't like it here. God, she's beautiful. The shape of her face, even with the firm set of her jaw, the slight pout in her lip, and the crease in her brow brings a smile unbidden to his own mouth. "Ah, it isn't all that bad, love. It's only temporary." He shares an affectionate look with Badden and reaches down to tussle his forelock, to which the boy responds by grimacing and headbutting him before shaking his head and walking off a bit to rub his growing horn on a tree.

    His attention back to Lacey, he sidles up to her, soaking in the nearness of her body to his. He doesn't touch her often, without knowing for sure she's okay with it, but in this moment just now he feels a little emboldened. His voice lowers, deepening and baritone. "Tell me what's going on in there, lovely." He leans his muzzle toward her head, daring to brush a bit of her brown waves out of her eye. He lingers just a bit after, inhaling the spicy scent of her at her neck, lids drooping over his blue-green eyes. Softly, he sighs before pulling his head away to look at her. He was all ears for her to let loose, if she wanted. If not, perhaps he could help her. Distract her. Many ways to let loose, after all.

    Messages In This Thread
    Reilly, Badden; - by Wallace - 11-04-2018, 04:37 PM
    RE: Reilly, Badden; - by Badden - 11-26-2018, 10:37 AM
    RE: Reilly, Badden; - by Reilly - 12-16-2018, 10:20 PM
    RE: Reilly, Badden; - by Wallace - 12-23-2018, 10:09 PM

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