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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  All the violence that I swore, you can have back // Ivar
    I have a riddle for you: 

    What has four legs, two wings, holds all the colors of the rainbow, and can hold a grudge like a bitch? 

    If you guessed anything that wasn't me, you're wrong. 

    I had left with a cold heart, and that had lasted me a few days. But soon enough it had given way to something much more volatile. Anger. Was I so damaged that I was fit only to be kept on a high shelf, discarded when I no longer sat there prettily? No. I was no predator, did not hold the power of tooth and claw in my repertoire, but I have other weapons. 

    It was with this in mind that I prepared myself. Washed the dust of days from my flanks and preened the long feathers of my wings, put more effort into my appearance than I had in a long while. There was nothing to be done about the windswept witch knots in my hair, but I shook them out to hang straightly down my neck. Every trace of blackened blood was fastidiously removed, the cracks in my skin shimmering as white hot sparks traced their lines. 

    Looking into the mirror of a still tide pool, I was at last satisfied with my reflection. There was steely resolve etched into the brow of the mare looking back at me, and I forced her to soften the look into something more... well, soft. My purpose was known only to me, and that's how it would remain. 

    I did not pass by anyone familiar on my way past the bounds of the Cove, and so did not need to lie on my way out. Once the land opened up before me, my wings spread wide, catching the air and lifting me rapidly upward as my legs beat the wind at my feet. Cracks of thunder echoed in my ears, ominous in the cloudless autumn sky. 

    It was a long flight, the map of Beqanna unfolding beneath me like a fiery tapestry. It was a breathtaking sight, more so this time of year than at any other. As the island of Ischia crested my vision, a shiver travelled along my spine. 

    This place held many memories for me, most of them unpleasant. Briefly, I considered turning back. I could let this go, move on with my life. But that would mean accepting my scorn, and the wrongs that had been done against me. I was so tired of powerlessness. More than anything, I wanted to strike back at the one who had hurt me. I wanted to make him bleed. Loved or hated, all I would not tolerate was to be forgotten. 

    With these warlike thoughts loud in my head, I descended on the shore, gliding as much as possible to minimize the rumbles heralding me. I would make no secret of my leaving the island, but to accomplish my purpose, I did not want all eyes on me. 

    Finding the kelpie was not so difficult a task. Simply trace along the water ways, and look for the gleam of his scales, the glint of gold. Odds were he'd see me coming before I laid eyes on him. Ideal, I hadn't polished myself to gemstone brilliance for no reason. I found him. And greeted him with a smile when I found him, and a kiss that could only diplomatically be called polite. 

    "Hello, Ivar," I said with a gentle tip of my head, making rainbows dance on my skin. "It's long past time I thanked you properly for all you've done for me... don't you think?" My lips curled into a vicious smile, tail flicking suggestively against my hips. 


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    All the violence that I swore, you can have back // Ivar - by Sabra - 02-27-2019, 12:07 PM

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