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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  these are the days i will remember; luath
    He hadn't known there would be a price to pay for entering Beqanna. He had known that he would have to bid his parents goodbye and that he would have to wish his younger siblings well. Perhaps it's because he is still so young and still doesn't understand the finality of it all but these are the things that Kildare had accepted as a kind of 'toll' into adulthood (or at least what he perceives as maturity. At his wise and knowing two years of age, he likes to think he is pretty much an adult). 

    Kildare had paid his price. 

    He left Beyond behind him and had turned his emerald eyes to what laid beyond the mountains that barricaded them from the outside world. Kildare left home and had earned Astana, for whatever reason, as a traveling companion for all his troubles. The yearling liked to talk. She had filled Kildare's head with some mysterious thoughts, some rather perplexing ones and when his mind couldn't handle more probabilities, he let the little girl continue to dream and wonder beside him while he tuned her out. And then as soon as they arrived in Beqanna, the little girl had fluttered off, letting a lone breeze take her wherever it was that little girls go.

    The fact that she vanishes from him so uneasily is the thing that unsettles him most. Some Guardian he was to let his first damsel in distress skip away from him. The thought irritates him and makes him look uncharacteristically grumpy, the solemn expression on his face almost a mirror to serious, sober Tarian. Had he been able to see his expression, he would have remedied it immediately. While he adores his older twin brothers, he has no wish to be seen as austere like his eldest brother or flippant like the other. No, Kildare only wishes to be seen as himself and he thinks that he might have a better chance of achieving that in a place like Beqanna.

    But finally, after what has felt like eons, the darkling boy hears the roll of the tide as it comes and goes, crashing rhythmically on the coast. It's funny. He hasn't grown up near the ocean and he had been born in a place far from it, in a place where the peaks of mountains loomed around him. Kildare feels a draw to this place, to the water and its tempo. When the land finally gives way to a beach and the earth beneath his hooves softens, he finds himself glad to finally be here. He stops, taking a moment to survey the beach around him.  An ocean breeze tugs at his midnight mane and sways his tail and then Kildare grins, a greeting for an old friend. He can't command her like before and he feels almost naked without his ability to control the air current around him.

    But for now, he lets the breeze tussle his forelock like an affectionate friend and he strolls into the coming waves, letting them lap around his ankles as he welcomes the coming tide.

    @[Luath] I'm horrible at starters but hope this was okay!

    Messages In This Thread
    these are the days i will remember; luath - by kildare - 08-06-2019, 05:21 PM

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