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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    When I fall to pieces in my sleep; Kyrapony
    no one understands me, too scared to command me. walking through an empty underworld of demons dancing.

    Autumn had settled in  over the weeks and with it came the dew turning to frost and the glistening wetness on rocks as it melted in the morning sun. Wind blew harsh and bitter, chilled enough to leave the more delicate blossoms little more than reminders of the beauty they’d once been. Yet? It is not simply a time of death, for with the flood of color spreading across the leaves and trees: the brush and bushes, there came a green flood of pine and conifers- a burst of life in the hard growing roots and briars. A glimmer of moonlight or a well placed sweep of the sun brought it forward too as hardier flowers and vines remained and all the world continued in it’s cycles.

    Such it was that the path from the top of the Mountain had become more dangerous- become riddled with fallen stones and ice, and wet leaves; but also sparked by newborn life as babes took their breaths for the first time before the winter freeze. Foxes and voles played games of prey and predator, and hawks dove wildly before owls snatched their targeted squirrels and carried them to nests with fluffy chicks. Briella knew, more than most, that this was why the Barn Owl watched her- why it waited to see if her footsteps would rouse the life of some sleeping creature… but nothing came and so the bird, went.

    Absent ideas of where to go she stood amidst the strange base of the great climb- considering the Fae Creature and it’s request: considering the nature of it’s question as she mulled over where and how to find the others. With certainty she slipped away into the wild and woods, and steered herself through dark forests with her gemstone eyes alight and maw brushing each tree as if searching for something.

    No matter, she found herself drifting and nomadic, and Briella cast her gaze across the meadow with a kind of familiarity. Grasses and ferns touching her belly and the brush scratching at her legs as she waded into the green grass sea from the conifers surrounding it. Patient and quiet she noted the sparse burst of sunlight between the grey clouds- the odd highlight of gold around the silvering edges. Timid and unsure she hesitated then, found herself looking out and exhaling softly.

    In shorter brush and foliage she stood, a seemingly matted down area likely bedded by deer; but she remained: thinking on who she might find.

    @[Kyra] For Raeee

    Messages In This Thread
    When I fall to pieces in my sleep; Kyrapony - by Briella - 08-16-2019, 07:34 PM

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