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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    not a superstitious man: Lilliana & Popinjay

    There were herds that tried to take the emerald eyed boy in. But, most of the time, he would just pin those silver ears back at them, falling amidst the locks of dark hair, peridot eyes aggressive. He would never be one of them, not truly.  Not all held the fortune of a privileged birth and noble parents that insured their child’s safety. Despite not wanting to join a herd, he has spent most of his time lingering of the edges of them. They would whisper about him, having spotted him moving the shadows with those wings tucked at his sides. He was wary of them, wary of all of them and what they had created. Herd life, herd hierarchy, it was something he had difficulty understanding. The place that everyone seemed to establish, their relationships with each other effortless, when he would have to work so hard to establish social norms. There is something inside of him, through that broken, fractured, disheveled mind that can recall herd life, and parents, but Thales hardly understands the past and memories, the images that find him sometimes in his dreams. He knows the present, knows he is here. That is enough, he decides. 

    The boy has walked miles, in his obsessive desire to search and search, but for what he cannot remember. He thinks he will know when he sees it. He looks mangy, skinny, underfed, but there is a rugged smile that lingers on him, even if he does not intend it to be so. The emerald eyed boy, despite his personality and haggard look, he was indeed handsome. It could be seen in those green eyes, and the curves of his face. Nature is harsh and Thales has been used as its punching bag on more than one occasion. But, somehow, he has remained. He has survived alone for this long, there is no one to say he would not continuing existing just how he lives now. 

    His mind is not like the others. Thoughts given to drift on another wavelength entirely, from one topic to the next, always concerned with what is in front of him and not what is hidden behind their back. Like a child that has not yet learned object permanence. His attention it would seem, is not drawn to the trees. He stands below a tall one in the forest, emerald gaze directed upwards, unblinking, unwavering. That he has this much focus in a single instant is a bit of a mystery. The leaves rustle, and it is thought that perhaps this is what has intrigued Thales so much. The way they wiggle and move and dance as he breeze teases the spaces between them. It seems this might hold his attention for some time, as short as it is. Oh, wait, no. It seems I have spoken too soon. 

    A snort issues from ashen nostrils then as he turns aware, seemingly walking to some where, a look of determination on his face, but, ultimately, he is going no where in particular. His silver body weaves in between the trees, he is walking…some where…some where…

    T H A L E S


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    not a superstitious man: Lilliana & Popinjay - by Thales - 08-18-2019, 05:52 PM

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