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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  two fae refugees seeking stable home, please inquire within

    Well, the spunky, splotchy child had offered them a home and now they were here. So far, it wasn’t as beautiful as their first home – what with the eternal night and glowing plants and all those wonderful things – but there was something pretty cool about living in the shadow of a Volcano. Anuya wondered whether Sidhra would find it as cool, but her sister remained silent.

    This whole quiet treatment was starting to get a little worrying. And a little annoying. Is this what it felt like for everyone else when Anuya was pulling some prank on them?

    No, it couldn’t be – her pranks were amazing.

    Anuya gradually made fewer and fewer jokes about it on their trip here and once they were standing where – she thinks – Aislyn had told them to go, she glances over at her sister with her pale-teal eyes. “You’re going to have to talk to me sometime you know.”

    This whole “worrying that Sidhra was mad at her” thing was getting uncomfortable – Anuya didn’t like uncomfortable things. She skittered away from any negative thoughts because they really weren’t her style. Her style was being the ridiculous one in the pair – but Siddy just went and claimed that crown for herself.

    Maybe what Anuya had to do was just act more and more ridiculous herself until Sidhra had to jerk out of this sullen silence just to tell her off.

    “You know, I counted at least thirty ugly brown horses on our way here.” She commented, idly, before releasing an obnoxiously loud call/greeting thing. Even her own long ears twitched a little bit at the sound of it. “Maybe we’ll be lucky enough to see one up close when they come to say hello!!”

    They were standing, approximately, on what maybe might be the border of Tephra. It was the border of the forest, anyway, and they could just see the volcano over the tops of the trees where they were standing.

    While they waited, and while Anuya waited for some annoyance thrown at her for that call that didn't need to be quite so loud, she wondered whether Sidhra would say something if she decided to stroll up that volcano... Might be worth keeping in mind.

    Pesky Pixie

    art by eluatl at deviantart.com

    @[Sidhra], @[Aislyn] if you wanna, and anyone else!! Come greet these weirdos they wanna join!!

    Messages In This Thread
    two fae refugees seeking stable home, please inquire within - by Anuya - 10-08-2019, 09:21 AM

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