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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  We Must Have A Talk [Heartfire]
    Just as the rage was building within Heartfire, so was Aten's. His blood was boiling and raising his temperature, his skin by now hot to the touch and his hooves almost leaving singed prints in the ground as he ran. His breath was also warm, but Heartfire was standing far enough away that she wouldn't be able to feel it.

    "My reason for coming should be obvious," he began, but struggled to keep his voice calm. He felt one potential future civil ground, if not friendship, was ruined; he didn't want to ruin another. He needed at least one ally, especially with the changes on the horizon. If he couldn't trust Heartfire with this matter, then there would be no one on the mainland. And he definitely wouldn't trust Castile.

    There was another option, but if they could avoid the journey and stay on the mainland, he would feel better.

    "Castile has moved in on Taiga and named himself it's King as a territory of Loess. Lepis all but handed it to him, and placed Pteron on it's seat of leadership. The only reason I'm not doing anything is because I don't have the force to back it up, and we both know the power Castile has within Loess."

    He stopped for a breath, his tongue affecting his speech as he felt his throat grow hot from the fire building in his chest.

    "I'm at a crossroad here Heartfire. Lepis named me her heir, but I doubt she'll go against Castile because I know he doesn't trust me. And I know she knows that too. Pteron may have it now too, but I don't think Castile will leave him in the leadership for long; he'll want someone under his hoof to move in, someone who won't question his motives and wants to keep Taiga a Loessian territory. Nerine might be vulnerable now too... Taiga won't be part of it, I don't think Castile will allow it's residents to defend Nerine from danger either.

    "I am unsure of where to move from here now... I don't want my loved ones in danger, and Wolfbane is growing more dangerous too. I fear he may eventually do something to Lethia and our foals...

    "Heartfire, I trust you, I still do, and I won't lie and say I have no respect for Lepis, because I do. I can't forget the good she has done for Taiga. She didn't get it into the middle of this power struggle. The blame does not solely rest on one horse, and there have been threats of destruction from both sides. But I have promised to help you... I won't abandon my word. Perhaps Castile will choose to talk to me one day, and maybe his Taiga" - how Aten hated say that - "won't turn out a complete mess, but that is a lot of hope riding on a future dominated by a horse who marched in and thought he could take Taiga without a fight.

    "I will stay within, I will protect Taiga, but I have a favor to ask of you. I love Lethia... and our foals... should something happen within Taiga, or others threaten to hurt them... I want to know if they can come somewhere safe. I'd like to know they can come here... have a safe place to call home and escape any danger that might be heading Taiga's way..."

    @[Heartfire] most likely, Aten is also going to end up revealing his new ability; he'd like to let Heartfire know to show he does trust her and hope she will help with Lethia in case Taiga goes sideways.

    Messages In This Thread
    We Must Have A Talk [Heartfire] - by Aten - 11-17-2019, 04:29 AM
    RE: We Must Have A Talk [Heartfire] - by Aten - 11-20-2019, 09:16 PM

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