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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    she drank my past, like the finest of wines; nikkai


    The last time she was in the land of the living, she had no powers whatsoever. The little gray mare had carved her place out in the world through sweat and grit and determination, and a little bit of blood; but she had done most of her fighting in defense of herself and her home, and she doesn’t regret the violence as a necessary step to keep others safe. Her power is new and unwieldy, and she doesn’t particularly like it, but the waterfall had been easy. The magic had been pushing, demanding, and envisioning the waterfall from home into this new place had been no sort of hardship. She can still sort of feel the magic thrumming beneath her skin (she supposes she’s a creature of magic now, and it will stay with her until the end of her second life) but it’s not drowning her anymore.

    The clear breath she is able to take feels new – as if her lungs haven’t filled in ages. Maybe they haven’t.

    The mare beside her introduces herself, and Nikkai meets her eyes and manages a smile now, feeling much more like a mortal again. “Nikkai,” she responds, because she can’t remember whether she’d introduced herself to them, in Death, and she wouldn’t have expected anyone to remember in that stress even if she had. “I died long before any of these lands even existed,” she says quietly, looking away over the landscape. “But I was given this magic to bring back to Beqanna, and if it cannot return to the Falls it needed a new home.” she hasn’t answered the question yet, she knows, but it wasn’t exactly as straightforward as they might like it to be. “As long as I live again, the magic in the waterfall is linked to me. But when I pass, it will remain in the waterfall, and for now that waterfall is Tephra’s.”

    “For now, what I need is an introduction to this place and it’s people. I admired the way you handled the challenges we faced in Death, and I think the magic I carry will be a good fit for this land you have chosen, but I suppose we should make sure,” there’s a little bit of a laugh there, a slight tilt of her head, that acknowledges the fact that perhaps two who have been so recently dead should fact-check before turning over some sort of wild magic to a land full of people. “My gift is a peaceful one. The water of the waterfall will increase fertility of the residents here, and it has healing properties. It will even be able to make healers out of the residents, temporarily.”

    As for the future? Well, Nikkai isn’t sure what it holds for either of them.


    @[Warlight] *hides* Sorry I'm the slowest!!!

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    RE: she drank my past, like the finest of wines; nikkai - by Nikkai - 12-23-2019, 12:01 AM

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