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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Help! I need somebody - Plant Ladies

    The little green girl was as fiercely independent as ever, but she was not too proud to admit that she needed help.  The girl hadn’t had any parental guidance growing up, nor did she have anyone who could step into a mentorship position. She found that she needed help, but had no one to turn to.

    But Fern wasn’t one to be defeatist. Instead, she decided to seek out the best and most powerful mentors - someone who could help her hone and control her abilities. She’d heard of the plant magician in Tephra.  If rumors were to be believed, potentially there were two plant magicians in Tephra but she knew better than to get her hopes up. 

    Still, the idea of a kingdom was intriguing to her. Fern’s friends had come from a kingdom - that’s where they returned to after a day of fun in the playground. But Fern had no one place where she had to return. She could make anyplace and everyplace her home. And that had suited her fine.  Until now.  Because deep down, the little green girl was lonely.  Her earth-mother was always present and for that she’d always be thankful but she was beginning to think that perhaps that wasn’t enough for her anymore. Perhaps it was all just a childish whim after all. 

    Her appearance seemed to reflect her turbulent mental state. Her mane and tail were tangled, with a smattering of leaves twisted into the strands. Her coat was dirt-smudged and unkempt looking. She looked every part the wild child that she was, and appeared at Tephra’s border in this condition with no shame. However, she was unsure what the etiquette was when it came to visiting those who lived in kingdoms.  She thought about calling out, but felt foolish since she wasn’t entirely sure who she was calling out for.  So instead, she dropped her gaze down to the earth - sending her magic into the ground below and focusing her anger and confusion into the earth, producing a thorny bush with a single yellow rose as a result, pouting all the while.

      F E R N
    image credit

    @[leliana] just in case leli wanted in but zero pressure <3

    Messages In This Thread
    Help! I need somebody - Plant Ladies - by Fern - 01-14-2020, 09:21 PM

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