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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  our little feast of kings, anaxarete.
    she's the only one who knows what it is to burn.

    “I’m proud of all you’ve done, Ghaul,” she offers, as the boy has been busy in the best of ways. Her affection for the boy was genuine - and she was pleased with how much he’d grown. It is too easy to slip into idleness.  “Pangea will always welcome those ostracized from other lands, like Gospel. No one under the protection of Pangea will ever be hungry,” she adds, cooly. So many were threatened by the darker impulses of their children - trying to morph them into something docile and sweet.  It was unrealistic and often damaged the children more than encouraging them to live up to their full potential.  It was one of the many reasons that Anaxarete often found herself drawn to the youth.

    It has not escaped her notice that Ghaul had successfully captured those from other lands. The idea of stealing doesn’t phase the shadowmare.  Stealing was so often harmless, and with it came a unique opportunity as well. “Captives always offer opportunity - the more impressionable can be swayed to stay. The hard minded may inadvertently reveal information about their homelands and the leadership there,” she replied. There was always a way to bend such things to their advantage. “Similarly, if one of ours is ever stolen it would allow us a unique opportunity to see inside a foreign kingdom - their politics, their ranks, and how the leadership really functions.”

    She pauses for a moment, musing on an adequate reward for the boy.

    “I think you’re ready for something more,” she muses. The Cove had been quiet since Dawn had returned to her daughter’s land.  She’d met the girl and had no complaint, but the idea of thriving territories to help bolster Pangea was something she had to consider. With Atrox settled in Hyaline, that just left the Cove.  The cove was positioned in a way that made it important to Pangea, and she believed that Ghaul was up to the task of breathing life into the territory.

    “I’d like to offer you leadership of the Cove, Ghaul. You may rule as you see fit, so long as both you and the Cove remain loyal to Pangea. In turn, Pangea will come to your aid should you ever need it,” she offers, watching curiously for his reaction to this news.

    “If this is acceptable - I’ll take you now,” she says - unfurling her great, leathery wings that she more often than not kept hidden away. ”You can spend as much or as little time there as you’d like - you’ll keep your rank here in Pangea and will always be welcome here at home.”  She wants to ensure that he knows this is a reward and that Pangea will always be his home.

    a n a x a r e t e .
    stock credit 


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    our little feast of kings, anaxarete. - by ghaul - 01-16-2020, 06:43 PM
    RE: our little feast of kings, anaxarete. - by Anaxarete - 02-18-2020, 09:37 PM

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