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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  hands that kiss hymns up your sides.
    i'll let you play the role. i'll be your animal.
    Sabbath had bombarded her grandfather with questions the moment she found him alone. Was everyone in their family some form of serpent? Were any of them beautiful like her mother? Or were they all hungry for the rust flavor of blood like her father? To most of these questions, he simply shrugged and said he had no idea. Vulgaris was equally unaware of the siblings he had roaming the world, leaving Sabbath only with a ravenous curiosity that knew no answers.

    She lifts her gaze to him when he speaks and she does not reply. Instead, she tilts her head and listens as he continues on to explain just how he got his scar. But his focus remains entirely on their small son who remains defiant in the way he returns the unblinking stare. Eucharist has her family’s eyes and she wonders if he holds some secret like his sister but she does not interrupt.

    Sabbath tries to imagine what Nish’s mother must have looked like but squinting doesn’t soften the angle of his jaw. He talks of blood oaths and she wonders if the old king made good on his promise or if there was betrayal somewhere in the story. For her, there is always a chapter about betrayal and why trust is a fool’s errand. The lessons are unkind and she has learned them all the hard way, but it has shown her the depths of depravity and despair. She survived it all, didn’t she? She wonders what it’s like to have all those lessons force fed to you at once, though.

    But then he says Eucharist is like his mother and she looks to him as he snorts softly in protest. He doesn’t mean to, but he’s already picking apart his father’s memories and devouring them so fast it makes his head hurt. Sabbath watches as he pretends not to care for the conversation at hand, choosing instead to trace his nose along his mother’s belly for the scent of milk.

    I was born in plague snow,” she finally says to break the silence. “Down by the river, far from home. My father had a mistress who wanted to eat me before I’d even taken my first breath.” She meets his eyes once more as she remembers listening to her parents talk while they thought she was asleep.

    They were worried the winter would get me first. I was sickly and weak, always lost in my sister’s shadow. I tried to eat a magician just to prove I wasn’t that ugly little thing anymore.” And then she laughs, remembering the first taste of blood she had smeared across her mouth and how she felt so invincible. Sabbath would give anything to finish the job but she’s learned to be more realistic these days.

    I didn’t say it earlier but.. I love you too, Tarnished.

    Messages In This Thread
    hands that kiss hymns up your sides. - by Sabbath - 01-16-2020, 11:04 PM
    RE: hands that kiss hymns up your sides. - by Sabbath - 01-21-2020, 11:55 AM

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