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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  bound between the tides of the sea

    O C E A N E

    Anywhere, the scarred stallion had mused and it strikes a chord in Oceane. It was a very her answer — anywhere — and it reminded her that she, too, understands that insatiable drive. Even if it had not been pure and true wanderlust that had torn her from Nau-Aib, it had blossomed within the depths of her with each day she'd spent journeying further and further from her homeland. By the time she had reached Beqanna, Oceane was more nomad than royal court.

    She had assured the dapple grey stallion that most Beqannans held no ill will towards wanderers (she had, in fact, seen more here than in any other civilization she had come across on her own journey) and then he had gone on his way — to familiarize himself with Beqanna, she had hoped, though a melancholy feeling has begun to grow in the pit of her stomach over the last few months, spurred by the thoughts that perhaps he had sated his thirst and left for new lands without coming back to say goodbye.

    Why she cares enough to linger on Soran after months of his absence Oceane is unsure, but when his scent arrives on the springtime breeze that wafts over Loess' rocky foothills, her striped neck is raised immediately and her ears are swiveled to attention. Rustling the feathered wings at her sides, the pegasi pivots over the dirt and sandstone pathway and lumbers herself in the direction of the scent.

    It, thankfully, does not take long for the heavily-pregnant woman to find him. She graces him with a warm smile as they make eye contact before she comes to a halt, allowing the dappled stallion to close the remaining distance between them. "I was beginning to think you'd explored everything and then left on a new journey," she says with mock accusation, though kindness still shines through. Her nostrils flare at the plethora of smells on his gleaming coat and she side-eyes his expectantly.

    "I haven't been able to explore much recently so," she pauses, pinning him with her amber eyes, "Please tell me you have interesting tales to share."

    " "

    n | t
    i must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
    and all i ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by

    Messages In This Thread
    bound between the tides of the sea - by Oceane - 01-19-2020, 11:03 AM
    RE: bound between the tides of the sea - by Soran - 01-22-2020, 12:41 PM
    RE: bound between the tides of the sea - by Soran - 01-27-2020, 05:27 PM
    RE: bound between the tides of the sea - by Soran - 02-20-2020, 10:29 PM

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