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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  bound between the tides of the sea

    he dreams of water

    Before his brief tale of light woe, a surprising glimmer shines in his eye at the vague but rapidly approaching time frame she gives him.  He knows it will surely be a busy time for her, and were he more encroaching he might offer his help.  He is but a stranger still — a distant acquaintance at best.  He knows the invisible boundaries that are in place, and whether or not those boundaries are upheld in many of the kingdoms of Beqanna, it hardly matters.  Soran will not waver from them.

    He appreciates her silence and willingness to not speak or interfere when he speaks about something that is already hard enough to think about.

    His steel gaze drifts to her, not finding pity but rather an empathetic eye.  They both understand, in their own ways, the weight of such loss.  And while it is clear that neither wish to reveal too much, it is something this silently bridges that gap found between those that know little of each other.

    A gentle, albeit duller smile pulls at the edge of his lips.  He lets his eyes look away from the cool colors she wears.

    "Yes, perhaps one day indeed."  He finds himself thinking that doing such a thing would be pleasant.  Although he does know that were he to allow himself to do such a thing there was the possibility he would succumb to the crashing waves of memory.

    After all, he still has trouble with fire sometimes.  Its heat is no longer welcoming, rather he can remember the smell and the cracking sound of precious objects meeting their end.

    He forces his stomach to settle, appreciative of the fact that she allows his terrible change of subject to land.  He finds a far more genuine smile tinging his lips at her enthusiastic nod, and he finds himself feeling joyful for her.  While he understands every child comes with their own set of troubles, each is something to cherish.

    He's happy for her.

    As the canyon makes way to a more secluded, secure area he finally finds himself looking around.  It's a nice, almost picturesque spot.  The calmness of the place relaxes his muscles despite the thoughts that prod the back of his mind.

    His eyes fill with surprise once again, however it is for a different reason.

    The disbelief is easy to see on his face as he looks back at her.  He can't understand how she is willing to tell him this precious piece of information, after all, he is someone she hardly knows.  He's but a man and his character could still be left up in the air in terms of whether or not he is harmless or not.  He knows he would never dare to harm her — would never even dare to come here, even if she has practically invited him to return, but still.

    Amusement then forces a single chuckle to arise.  Her skillful tactics know no bounds it seems.  He can't say he isn't impressed.  He doesn't take his eyes off of her.  "Do you find yourself asking many that question?" He teases kindly, but his expression calms down quickly as he truthfully begins to tell her how that might not be a possibility.

    "I hardly know a soul here," He begins to explain,  "And I am sure this Castile of Loess you told me about during my first time here would find my presence suspicious."  While he is still unsure of the decorum of Loess, he knows that were Oceane to be found leading him about and such, it would call into question certain things.  This is her home, he does not want to bring about unwanted consequences to her.  His tone then takes on a gentleness, "It's a pretty thought, Oceane, truly.  Perhaps one day, however, I know the feelings that often get aimed towards those who are new and unknown."

    He left Melitusa to escape the watchful and scornful eyes, left so that he would be a simple stranger never in one place long enough to be remembered.  He has already failed the latter.

    "Even then, I appreciate the offer and thank you for letting me see where you plan to be while you wait for your child.  I would say I would visit again, but I know you probably have others that will be around."  Again, he is but a simple individual on the outermost ring of her circle, and while her presence might have him gravitating towards her he knows his place.  "I would hate to incite rumors about you."  He says in a teasing tone, however, there's an all too truthful tint to his words.  "If you find it acceptable, though, I would enjoy meeting your child one day."



    Messages In This Thread
    bound between the tides of the sea - by Oceane - 01-19-2020, 11:03 AM
    RE: bound between the tides of the sea - by Soran - 01-22-2020, 12:41 PM
    RE: bound between the tides of the sea - by Soran - 01-27-2020, 05:27 PM
    RE: bound between the tides of the sea - by Soran - 02-20-2020, 10:29 PM

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