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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Winter is here;
    The fox-shifter had thought his strategy of eating everything in sight during his captivity in Loess would suffice. He thought the extra storage - extra cushion - would help to buffer the anticipated weight loss when he returned home. He also thought that Loess stealing him and using him as leverage against the North would be all there was to it. But, no! They had to burn his home, too. As if they weren't flipping him the bird, already. They flipped him off and then, jabbed and dug it repeatedly in his eye. This was personal.

    The moment he did finally plunge into the cold waters between Nerine and the Isle, Jesper's sensitive olfactories wrinkle with the putrid stench of sulfur and burnt carbon. His jagged hooves find traction on land, but sink into a film of dusty ash versus crunchy snow or, smooth ice. His nose wrinkles and his lips curl upwards. Jesper stretches his whiskered muzzle towards the ground though, he is quickly repulsed by the plume of ash that flutters into his airways. He retracts with a violent snort and jerk of his poll before allowing his icy gaze to survey the charred, barren landscape. This is personal, he thinks. Jesper presses on to find his companions and family safe. That is a relief and, yet, the black feels a dark ember burning deep within his gut.

    Days later, Leilan's call stirs him from his restless pacing. He answers the summons with peppy jog. The padding he accumulated during his accommodations in Loess is rapidly melting away. His barrel is no longer round but, rather, sleek with a couple of visible ribs. The pang in his stomach growls angrily and, that little ember is now a flickering flame. Jesper embraces his brother's proposal eagerly. He sticks close to the pack of misfits: the towering, reddish-brown mammoth male, his bear-shifting mom, the indigo-pointed bay male, the uniquely marked black and white male, the sooty buckskin and white male, and of course, the bay roan draft male. He remains close to all save for Sabrina. The black is perturbed that she has stuck around, and has wriggled her way back into the public scene. He keeps his objections silent as they have no place here. Absolutely nothing would stop him from pacifying this hunger.

    He trails behind Intoxication and Caelestra with a lightness in his step that can only be explained by their mission today. After reaching the mainland, Jesper shifts into his silver fox skin. While his equine instincts are modified by the dual capacity of his brain, they are by no means suited for this. He needs every sense in its most acute form. He needs his body as light and agile as possible. He would also like to ensure he gets his fill and, showing up with an herbivore's stomach would have competition. His canine body can digest a wider variety of resources and so, his menu will be bigger and, his competition less.

    Their arrival on the lush edges of the Pampas is largely uneventful. Everyone is able to arrive and take in the scene prior to anyone getting suspicious. He notes that Chemdog gets right to eating and, with an approving smirk Jesper nods. His aquamarine gaze surveys the thick grasses and bountiful flowers. His first thought is, Leilan is brilliant for making this our first stop!

    For a moment, Jesper second-guesses his decision to order take-out as a fox since there seems to be plenty for the horses here. But then, the tip of a rabbit's ear rotating catches his eye. The silver canine notes which direction the wind passes his nostrils. He crouches low amongst the blades of grass and moves with the breeze to stay down-wind of his prey. He pauses when it turns its head and waits until it is busy foraging and, unsuspecting. He wiggles his hips and tucks his tail low. He springs off of the ground to pounce on the rodent with his maw parted. In one swift motion, he closes his jaw around the prey's neck and pins the smaller critter between his front paws. He is about to twist and snap its neck when the soft voice of a female ushers, Welcome to the Brilliant Pampas.

    Jesper contemplates letting the creature go but, the rumble in his stomach reminds him that he is so close now. He repositions himself so his back faces the group. He proceeds with preparing his first meal, in ages, and twists its neck. In one motion, it falls limp. There, now it cannot run away. He turns back towards the group and sets the now-lifeless rabbit down at paws. The silver canine sits for a moment and takes in the scene. Jesper casts a fleeting glance to Sabrina to see if she would he so bold as to claim his catch for herself. Then, he acknowledges the red-roan winged mare with a smile, though his gaze remains icy. Leilan's reply is diplomatic: enough information to suffice but, still vague.

    After the ice dragon finishes speaking, Jesper takes a moment to note that the rest of their motley crew is munching away. He looks back at Noah with a warmer blue tone to his gaze. His smile softens and he speaks up. "We are very hungry." His words could be a threat in any other tone but, he kept his voice matter-of-fact. The next sentences emit in a somber tone and his body language changes to match the despair he feels. "I am not sure anyone can help us." He shifts his paws and tucks his tail closer to his seated haunches before continuing. "I suppose it cannot hurt to ask. Do you know of anyone who can regrow plants?"

    @[Noah] @[KAMALI] @[Chemdog] @[Leilan] @[Ivo] @[Sabrina] @[Intoxication]

    Messages In This Thread
    Winter is here; - by Leilan - 04-08-2020, 02:26 AM
    RE: Winter is here; - by Intoxication - 04-09-2020, 08:27 AM
    RE: Winter is here; - by Ivo - 04-09-2020, 11:37 PM
    RE: Winter is here; - by Chemdog - 04-12-2020, 08:03 AM
    RE: Winter is here; - by Noah - 04-13-2020, 10:46 PM
    RE: Winter is here; - by Leilan - 04-14-2020, 02:03 PM
    RE: Winter is here; - by KAMALI - 04-15-2020, 01:25 PM
    RE: Winter is here; - by Chemdog - 04-17-2020, 07:20 AM
    RE: Winter is here; - by Jesper - 04-17-2020, 08:29 AM
    RE: Winter is here; - by Ivo - 04-23-2020, 11:49 PM
    RE: Winter is here; - by Noah - 04-30-2020, 08:03 PM
    RE: Winter is here; - by Leilan - 05-01-2020, 08:38 AM

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