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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    | Let the feeling come take you, Amarine |
    Clattering down the rocky path, Yanhua’s hooves echoed off the stony bluff beside him. To his right a cliff grew and grew the further he descended, adorned with clinging moss and trickling water that gave the hard stone a greenish sort of beauty. Wet algae hung down and occasionally brushed against his shoulder, staining the chestnut to a ruddier brown than it already was, and he made his way carefully without slipping too often. He’d expected to be alone here, but upon reaching the section of beach that blended into the pathway he looked up to find Amarine standing sentinel a few yards away and he paused, raising his newly-horned head.

    The Taigan yearling knew he should probably say something to break the silence, but it was her posture that kept him quietly waiting. She stood out among the rock and sea like a sore thumb, covered in a black coat that was studded here and there with turquoise spots. When the wind shifted and the clouds blew out of the sun's way she glinted, and Yanhua had to blink away the bright spots in his eyes.

    Should I leave? He wondered to himself, surprised at not sensing her before now. Normally he was so attuned to the world and its inhabitants that nothing took him by surprise, but Amarine and her eyes that never turned to look at him made the sensitive colt reconsider his plans. He waited, and then decided if she wanted him gone she would’ve said so. The gray waves rolled up the shore and broke against boulders long-detached from withering cliff sides, and Yanhua lifted his legs into a steady walk again.

    “Good day.” He greeted the strange Nerinian, politely passing behind her with every intention of leaving her to her own solitude, expecting no greeting in return aside from a head bob or perhaps a word or two of the same expression. But when he passed her, he still felt nothing. No residual images or hint as to what she might be feeling. It was enough of an absence that he found himself looking over his flat, narrow shoulder with curiosity.

    He stumbled over a rock poking out of the sand with an audible “Oof!” And clambered around to steady his awkwardly long legs again as embarrassment warmed his face.


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    RE: | Let the feeling come take you, Amarine | - by Yanhua - 05-28-2020, 10:29 PM

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