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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Nothing burns like the cold - Skel - mock
    It’s safe to say the darkness works, he notices when the huge male searches his moving shadow. A smug smile threatens to lift the corner of his lips, but he needs to remain focused, instead using the energy he gets from the confidence boost to tighten his muscles during the approach, ready to feint, dodge, or quicken his pace when he needs to.

    The mountainous stallion moves only a little at the last moment, which made Leilan’s aim more precise than he would have predicted earlier. Thankfully he didn’t come at the other male with a full-power ice blow, or he would have done more damage than he wanted. Now though, it is only the trees looming in front of him that keep him from a good laugh, and he disappears into the woods for his turn.

    When he comes back to the clearing, the misty tendrils envelope his moving body, and it costs him.

    His position is given away, while the percheron hybrid almost stood still - Leilan spots him when he is close, but he is not quick enough to fully dodge @[Skeleton Ghoul]’s hooves: his previous forward motion does not allow him to scramble backwards - especially not when he knows there may be roots in the floor to hinder him. No, the roan stallion must evade the larger horse’s hoofs in a sideways movement, a split-second decision allowing him to swerve to his left. The hooves provide a formidable force on his right shoulder with the man’s weight behind it, especially considered the fact that he probably wouldn’t have used his full strength - and possibly couldn’t have, with the ice straining his hind muscles.

    His dragon scales falter, with Leilan being unable to keep up the trait consistently due to the pain: his ice scales are cracked and his muscles burn beneath that layer of skin. He’s knocked sideways further, sidestepping to his left. But Skeleton Ghoul can’t disappear into the thick sea mist again, and it’s Leilan’s first response to counterattack with sharp teeth. A low rumble comes from his throat that is not altogether horse-like, and his strong, draft-bred hind legs propel him forward in a burst of adrenalin-fueled energy. Now he attacks without thinking, muscle memories and instincts kicking in that he hasn’t forgotten in his years of lulled life with a wife. His predatory side takes over, yellow eyes and thick scales showing, together with tooth and claw. It is a small miracle in retrospect that he didn’t in fact shift upon that first real pain, upon that moment when everything collapsed and the hunter inside was let free. Perhaps that’s due to the fact he had been a mimicker for so long - scales and eyes and teeth alone were his, and it is a very similar - too similar, perhaps - shape that he now takes. A base dragon shape plastered on his horse-self, only good for close-range attacks like this one.

    He aims for the whole of Skel and also no place on him in particular, hoping to perhaps dig his teeth in the man’s shoulder or back muscle, or rake the sharp ends across a more sensitive spot, on or near the spine if he can. The latter would be less likely, the larger draft being over a hand taller than the roan is.
    In his non-aiming state, there is every chance of Leilan missing most of his target, which might be best for both. His predatory instinct does not allow much room or time for him to think on it; the half-dragon he is now, only knows to bite and scratch. Perhaps he’ll open up some of Skeleton Ghoul’s side, or even a leg since the large male’s hind is closest, but thankfully it isn’t likely for a bite to hold. The claws and teeth would be treacherous weapons, able to cause deeper cut wounds than hooves or horse teeth would. Perhaps if the draconic male has a lucky shot, he might actually tear some of the other male’s muscle, which could cause bigger problems - who knows what it takes for Leilan to let go in this state.

    He does, regardless of his actions, get in a close range to the black and white giant. One might say too close, but in the haze of pain and adrenalin, he doesn’t care. There’s little he cannot do, a part of him knows. The other part, which only starts to scream in his mind after it had overcome it’s shock, desperately tries to keep him from a full shift, keep him from hurting more than he should.

    It is a mock, after all, and he can’t lose himself in the fight now; but he’s dangerously close, and the inner battle might be more of a challenge than the simultaneous outer one. Right now, he’s two-faced, switching between predator and prey too easily.

    He’s not. going. to. eat. the male. He’s not.

    The problem is, however, that Leilan has stopped thinking.

    OOC: I’m only like, 3 weeks late. But it’s practise so I figured we’d want to continue anyway
    Also yes, he’s about losing his shit, is ‘t that marvelous
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Nothing burns like the cold - Skel - mock - by Leilan - 07-09-2020, 02:12 PM

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