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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello

    Tornados from a butterfly's wing

    She'd considered his offer, long and hard. The only home she'd ever known was the land of harsh plains and rugged rock, it's formidable landscape effectively sewn into her heart from the day Neverwhere had first brought her into it. She'd been lost as an infant. It was in Nerine that she'd felt found. Wanted. 

    As stoic as the cliffs, the butterfly winged mare had watched the waves crash on the rocks, and had made up her mind. Or rather, it was the tumult in her belly that had made up her mind for her. Home was a feeling like any other, and she knew it when she was with him. Knew it again when she felt the unanticipated life rolling in her womb. As she watched as her sides widened as the days grew longer, the earth woke itself up again. Nerine was her childhood haven, but now it felt empty. So she stood on the cliffs, and sent as much love into them as she could bare to feel at once. Hoped that one day, someone else would stand in that same space, and feel the same way. That was goodbye. 

    Hello began with a long walk. Her wings, beautiful as they were, fluttered uselessly on her back as her additional weight kept her firmly on the ground. Her mouth quirked in an ironic smile as the trees began to tower more frequently over her. Who would have guessed that pregnancy had been the ballast she'd been longing for? 

    It was a different kind of wonder she'd felt as the redwoods took over the terrain. They were not the cliffs of Nerine, but held a beauty and majesty all there own. It was almost intimidating, the way they stretched seemingly forever skyward. She felt small, smaller than usual. Not afraid, though. Not when she could feel the warmth in the air. This was a peaceful place. Sacred, in its own way. Perhaps, this too could be home. 

    She'd waited too long, of course, to make up her mind. Parting is such sweet sorrow, and all that. She had been beneath the sweet-scented conifers less than a week when she felt something shift quite suddenly inside herself. A deep, persistent ache that no amount of stretching or walking seemed to ease for longer than it took to come to a halt again. It was time. Instinct told her as much, and yet it seemed like things had moved far too quickly. She was alone. That hadn't been the plan. 

    The pain and pressure increased gradually. With it, her anxiety. Threads of it spun away from her as her focus lapsed. She wanted Nev. She wanted Nev very badly. Surely the no nonsense elder mare would know what she was supposed to do, how she could make the pain ease, or take her mind off of things. Oh, but she wanted her mother. Or anyone, really. Just to not be alone as she squealed in pain and fear as nature took control.


    @[Yanhua] or any

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    I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello - by Amarine - 11-16-2020, 04:50 PM

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