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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  i loved and i loved, and i lost you; insane
    Sorren does his best to keep her home, but even he is no match for her stubbornness. He stays awake with her for hours, curled around her in the dark even after she’s slipped away into a world of dreams, and she thanks him by disappearing from his embrace when she wakes and finds him finally sleeping. She knows how much he hates it, and the guilt is like a pyre in her skeletal chest, but she feels stagnated by his endless hovering.

    So she disappears into a night she cannot appreciate, because it is a night she’s always known. This dark is no different than the one she finds behind her eyelids except that there is no halo of light to guide her. Perhaps that is why she does not fear this broken world anymore, because the changes are subtle and she’s grown complacent in the absence of any threat.

    The monsters seem to ignore her, seem to think bare bones are not worth the taking. That doesn’t mean she isn’t careful, but it is hard to stay so when nothing ever happens. There is a comfort in unchanging sameness, even when it comes hand in hand with the end of the world.

    It becomes easy to trust that which always wears the same face.

    She slips through the trees, feeling for them with the glowing bones of her bare nose. There is no path she follows, no purpose or direction. And it never matters how far she goes because Sorren will always find her, always take her safely back home again without a word to match the furious quiet of him. He never scolds her though, and she thinks it is for the way she curls gladly into him when he does come.

    There is a sound to her left, something soft and subtle and she hesitates where she stands, tipping her sightless bone face towards it as though she has ever been able to see anything. As though she can see now. It likely lends her an appearance of being unafraid, but it is only the fear aura she draws up around her that makes her feel any kind of bold at all. “Hello?” She asks, and her voice is as fragile as the delicate bones glowing like stardust. “Is someone there?”


    how can i put it down into words,
    when it's almost too much for my soul alone


    Messages In This Thread
    i loved and i loved, and i lost you; insane - by splendora - 03-08-2021, 04:16 PM

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