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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Bind our fortune, damn what the stars own [Atrox/Any]


    There are subtle shifts in the mare’s demeanor and body language that let Ciri know she’s not pleased with the lingering, not happy to stop and chat with a stranger. A shiver of annoyance claws along her own skin as well. This had once been her home. Her only real home… Until she had messed that up with the confusion of her feelings between Castile and Amet. Castile… Now that was a name and face that she had not heard or seen even longer than Amet’s. It’s a strange feeling to recall him, it had been such a long time ago that she’s not even sure how she feels about it all anymore. The last thing he had said to her was “I can’t be seen with you. You’re his.” and that had hit her hard in her already bruised and broken heart. As if she hadn’t been worth the risk after she had spilled her truth openly and honestly to Amet. Because telling Amet at all had been a risk for her and a chance for Castile. There hadn’t been a moment though for her to tell Castile her own conflicted feelings, her own truth to him. Perhaps it would have made a difference. Perhaps it wouldn’t have mattered at all.

    The horned mare answered her questions tersely and is already on the move so the heavily scarred mare has no choice but to fall back in line beside her. She is quiet, there is much Mazikeen has given her to think about. So the darkness was new, new in the sense of this existence hadn’t always known an oppressive night. So perhaps this is the same Beqanna she had left and she wasn’t back in the Underneath. Second, Mazikeen had claimed the title of ruler (which also makes it more understandable that she was annoyed at playing escort). But last…. She had never heard of Amet. Which means either she was in a different plane or she had fallen back into the timeline that she had left. There had never been an eternal darkness in the known history of Beqanna, she would have heard it in stories as a child. She obviously wasn’t in the past.

    It’s not what she was hoping to hear. That his name was lost to time and that he probably would not be found again. It makes her heart heavier than she expected, realizing that she needs to finally lay that chapter to rest. It was time to let Amet and her past go, once and for all. Unshed tears sting her eyelids but she bitterly blinks them back and instead tries engaging the mare beside her once more. She makes sure to keep up her pace this time. “Years ago this place was a sanctuary for children… and for the lost.” She had been one of those lost souls, having been spit out on the shore from beneath the lake in much the same place Mazikeen had found her. Broken and sick. Dreaming of things in a hot fever that she can still remember. She won’t.. she won’t continue to think about it. ” What is your Hyaline like?”

    all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was


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    RE: Bind our fortune, damn what the stars own [Atrox/Any] - by Ciri - 04-10-2021, 09:58 PM

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