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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  like wild fire, it starts in my chest; laura pony
    Her first shift happens suddenly and without warning - though perhaps had she known her grandmother, she might’ve known the kind of magic that had nestled inside her chest her whole childhood. But she had remained unaware and unsuspicious, and it had slept inside her, growing in strength and prowess until this very moment. She had nurtured unknowingly, fed it with her wild temper and the fire in her heart, and now that this same heart beat like a drum about to burst, something else inside her burst too.

    It felt like being torn apart, like rupturing and fissuring and coming entirely undone. It felt like she would die from the pain, and if not from the pain then surely from the fire roaring to life inside her chest. She screams, and the beast she had been running from is entirely forgotten as she writhes and wrestles with this new enemy already buried inside her.

    But this is not death, and the pain comes only from trying so hard to fight her own nature, to fight truths she hadn’t known existed. And when she is suddenly changed, suddenly different, and there are giant burning wings that unfold from her avian body to tear at the dark she feels as though she’s been thrown out from within herself.

    None of this feels like her, none of this feels right.
    Firena is not this body she is now trapped inside, not a phoenix burning brightly in the false night.

    Yet when she screams, the bird does too. When she fights and thrashes, there are giant wings that lift awkwardly on either side of her, a tail that hisses and spits and smolders behind her with the intensity of the fear and desperation burning through her chest. Run. Her mind screams, and when she tries to do so she is like a burning comet of fire and feather crashing through the trees until everything she touches is a wild conflagration.

    When she finally stops it is out of senseless exhaustion and she collapses like a dead thing in the grass, her fire all burned out and the forest smoldering around her. She can smell smoke in the air and on her skin, and when she finally pulls herself up numbly and rises, it is on four legs and in a body that feels like home. She blinks, and as that burning red-gold gaze travels over a world still on fire at its edge, she cannot help but wonder if this is hell.


    like wildfire, it starts in my chest

    @[The Monsters] mess with her immortality please!

    Messages In This Thread
    like wild fire, it starts in my chest; laura pony - by firena - 04-04-2021, 11:18 PM

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