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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [mature]  If you hurt me I wouldn't cry [Cheri]

    Kiss me again
    Kiss me until I am sick of it

    He barely flinches as the clouds open above them, as the rain thunders down and soaks them completely. Raven tendrils cling to the slickness of his neck and the back of his haunches, water pelting hard enough to sting. It only seems to sizzle off the heat of his skin as he continues to consume Cheri, his lips on hers as she simultaneously reaches for him. The only time he breaks from her is a quick inhale of breath, a slight tug on the frenzied disarray of her slick jaded locks to bring her closer to him. She is never close enough.

    He has never touched anyone as intimately as he does now. Nobody has dared to kiss him but she does so now, in earnest. How had this happened? He's not sure but what he does know is that he doesn’t want it to stop. Ever. And yet it does, with a soft laugh and a turn of her cheek. He stands slightly dazed as she stumbles from him. “I’m nothing special.” You are. He thinks over and over. You are. But he can’t say it. The feelings rushing through him are overwhelming and he leaps for his armor, sinks deep into the comforting shadows of the wall he’s built for himself. She was dangerous. Feeling this way was dangerous.

    “You’re right.” He breathes harshly, stills scrambling at the remains of his composure. “You’re not special.” No, she’s more than that. Unique. Frustratingly Extraordinary. But he lets the sharp words fall on purpose, to place that barrier back between them. “I should go.” ”Yes you should.” His voice cold and steely, a far cry from where he had warmly whispered against her neck. He nods even as his stomach twists with unhappiness. He searches blindly for the hatred that burned so brightly in his chest. It’s there, smoldering, still full of resentment and disdain. But there’s just a little less disgust now, a little less hate to fuel the fire..

    Every strand of his satiny raven forelock sticks to him, framing the hard lines of his face as a smug smirk resumes its usual position on his lips. He is soaked to the bone but he doesn’t care, an unreadable expression in the depths of red. He’s unsure what game they are playing but it is a game, of that he is sure. He forces himself to think of the stallion she was surely running off to, Mr. Says-My-Name-Like-A-Prayer. She still despised him and he still hated her. Or maybe not hate. He’s not sure what this is now. “You can find your own way out.” He says with a small shrug and then turns and pushes through the wildflowers until he disappears from her sight. Not once does he look back, not once does he expose the way his stone heart now thuds heavily in his chest.



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    RE: If you hurt me I wouldn't cry [Cheri] - by Obscene - 05-13-2021, 10:45 PM

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