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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    and i can still remember just the way you taste; ciri


    When she had been Hyaline’s Heart it had been a place of sanctuary. For castaway children, lost souls, and the broken hearted that had nowhere else to go. They have both been shaped by the ones they had loved and lost, pieces of them woven into the very fabric of their souls. So despite how rough he looks around the edges or how worn and gruff his voice is, she doesn’t wilt underneath the ferocity of his gaze. The swirls of silver instead calmly gaze back into his until he finally turns away with a dismissive snort and returns to tearing at the earth with his teeth.

    Loosening another shaky breath as the pressure of the dragon releases, she chews at the inside of her lip. He seems to be blatantly ignoring her and she thinks maybe this was a huge mistake and perhaps she needs to stop flying off after every dragon she sees. However he suddenly looks up at her again before her resolve starts to crumble, a kinder look, before dropping his gaze at the same time he drops his apology. “It’s ok.” She responds quietly, suddenly embarrassed and averts her own silvery eyes to a part of the forest behind him. Trying to hide the intensity of emotion that swirls in her breast, blaming it on being alone for too long with only memories to keep her warm. Everything about him screamed of neglect. Burrs tangled into tight knots in the length of his mane, dirt streaked smoky patterns amongst his raven coat. He obviously had not been taking the best care of himself. Beneath all the grime and grunge, she can see the handsome older stallion hidden below. Can sense the heat of the dragon that flickers and beckons.

    Lior. The name is strange to her but her iris’s flick back to him with curiosity. “Lior.” She breathes back, tasting the unfamiliar letters that curl around her tongue. Her smile spreads slightly, curling the corners of her lips and softening the ravaged scar slashed across her eye. There's a surge of warmness in her own name that she easily gives when he asks. “Ciri.” She offers and then suddenly scrambles in the following silence for some sort of justification for why she had approached him in the first place.

    “I didn’t mean to annoy you.” She starts, the stardust from her subdued companions leaving fine glittery powder in the dark strands of her forelock and dusting silvery threads along the soft curve of her shoulder. Reflecting an array of colors in the rising sunlight. “ I just… saw you flying in. I thought you were someone else actually.” She gives a small laugh, trying to ease the awkwardness that suddenly floods them both. She doesn’t tell him that it's not just mistaken identity that has her lingering. That her strange connection with the stars had drawn her to him, whispered something to her curiosity, that made her stay.

    all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was


    Messages In This Thread
    RE: and i can still remember just the way you taste; ciri - by Ciri - 05-19-2021, 12:32 AM

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