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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  you're not alone, I'm standing right beside you

    His kind words easily inspire a smile, though she feels that warmth again when their gazes catch - what she had felt when he had first looked at her and spoken her name like he had said it a thousand times before instead of just learning it earlier today. “You’re very kind to think so.” Not all of her children would agree, she was sure, but she appreciated the gesture anyway.

    She listens with genuine interest as he answers her question and she enjoys the chance to learn him a little more. Each piece he gives her speaks further on his kindness, solidifying that impression in her mind. So when he mentions that one of the sons he birthed may not have cared for him, she shakes her head at the idea. “I don’t see how he couldn’t.” The words come from her easily as she stands beside him and there is an instinct to reach out to him again, to offer him whatever comfort a touch could. This time she refrains, thinking that she’s already imposed her presence on him enough today.

    Then he is speaking of the water and that easy smile fades away. “Twice?” She repeats quietly, her midnight gaze moving from him out to the water. But she doesn’t see its loveliness for a few moments. Agetta frowns at the dazzling ocean and pictures what it would be like to be caught beneath its surface. Caught in the cold and the dark, away from all growing things and the natural order of decay. It felt like a lonely way to die to her, and she grieves for him - for the way he has experienced it more than once.

    There is a memory she doesn't have, of a night where she had tried it and many other ways to cease living and been denied peace. The night she had met one of those sons he had birthed.

    When her attention shifts back to him, the next words are practically blurted out, tossed at him. “I’m sorry I brought you to an island.” Maybe she could have brought Beyza to them on the mainland somehow - she doesn’t doubt her daughter would’ve somehow heard if Agetta had simply called out. As of yet, she has not come across a limit to Beyza’s powers. “I know you just said it’s lovely, and it is... I just -” She trails off, a small smile forming as she realizes she’s nervous and dangerously close to rambling. Worried that her concern might be overbearing, she forces her gaze to return to the changing sky and sea. “If you don’t want to stay any longer, I don’t blame you.” She had been glad he joined her as they moved down the beach, that he was standing beside her now, but maybe this was getting to be too much. Maybe had somewhere to be and she was keeping him - maybe there was even someone out there filled with worry, searching for him.

    She hoped he had someone waiting. Everyone deserved that, didn’t they?


    [Image: Agetta-by-Star-smaller.png]

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    RE: you're not alone, I'm standing right beside you - by Agetta - 09-04-2021, 07:35 PM

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