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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  don't come find me; any

    i hear the wicked get no rest, but when you do
    ---------- i hope you dream of me

    She has healing, Gale muses, but is unable to use it on others. The same kind of self-regeneration that his host possessed, the kind that keeps the soul alive even when the body has been obliterated. It is something beyond the magician’s abilities, and something that entirely snuffs out his idle imagining of how nice she would look illuminated by the light of a lava flow, her bones melting into the liquid stone.

    “You’ll have to tell me what it is someday,” he responds with a rakish smile, knowing that he needs the information before he attempts to kill her. It is never pleasant coming across unexpected abilities in others, or fighting magics that he is not familiar with. While those grow fewer with each passing year, he still prefers to be prepared.

    Divest is undeterred by his tale, instead turning his own question against him.

    “There might be a few,” he replies with a shrug of his shoulders, one accompanied by an self-effacing grin. Not the best answer, but he should have expected it. The blue-eyed creature has lost some of his skill with conversation with time, it seems, but remains at least a consummate actor.

    Playing the light-hearted Gale is easy, but it is also remarkably boring. Less boring is the way he steps away from Divest to pull the fabric of the world taut around him. He reaches for the image of it he can See within his mind, and when he opens them, the image is visible in the air in front of them. A ragged-edged shape has been torn in the air itself. The sides are held back with shadows, and lightning dances around the rim in an endless circle.

    This magic will drain him quickly, but portals are always impressive.

    “Is this what you had in mind?” The magic that sustains the portal ripples through him like lightning. Gale swallows, and glances quickly back at the dark-edged things as though he works constantly to maintain it.

    “After you.” He asks, and as he speaks more it is clear that there is just the softest bit of strain in his voice, as though he realizes that showing off might not have been his wisest choice.


    Messages In This Thread
    don't come find me; any - by Divest - 09-02-2021, 11:14 PM
    RE: don't come find me; any - by Gale - 09-06-2021, 08:07 AM
    RE: don't come find me; any - by Divest - 09-06-2021, 03:38 PM
    RE: don't come find me; any - by Gale - 09-07-2021, 09:27 AM
    RE: don't come find me; any - by Divest - 09-08-2021, 10:13 PM
    RE: don't come find me; any - by Gale - 09-09-2021, 09:28 AM
    RE: don't come find me; any - by Divest - 09-09-2021, 11:02 PM
    RE: don't come find me; any - by Gale - 09-10-2021, 07:59 AM
    RE: don't come find me; any - by Divest - 09-12-2021, 08:50 PM
    RE: don't come find me; any - by Gale - 09-13-2021, 07:59 AM
    RE: don't come find me; any - by Divest - 09-13-2021, 07:36 PM
    RE: don't come find me; any - by Gale - 09-17-2021, 08:37 PM

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