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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  If you need a friend, don't look to a stranger
    I know what sin is

    The forked tongue that darts briefly between his lips isn’t missed. It doesn’t bother her in the way it should have. She had seen a similar tongue tasting the air when her brother was covered in his scales. It also reminded her of the demon in the meadow she had found, Draco. To her, that’s where the similarities ended. Molech had never been rude to her, didn’t seem to be held back by his own emotions. She had never been certain what, exactly, Molech was. There was that something that had caught her attention as Tunnel had, as the others had. But he was the complete opposite of all the treacherous beings she had met… Which made him more dangerous then all of them in her mind. And incredibly intriguing as well.

    His handsome features suddenly becomes sharp with his words and for a moment, just a glimmer, she thinks she sees the danger that lurks beneath. And then he softens even as the question hangs between them, filled with an unexpected heaviness. She doesn’t respond, not right away. Instead she looks at him, those golden eyes tracing the pattern of the blaze that makes his face so striking and then finding his lavender gaze that doesn’t seem to match that becoming smile on his lips. “I was.” She finally says quietly, wondering if not many had been kind or honest to him before and that was what had sparked such a reaction.

    She follows where his eyes move up to her horn and it is her turn to smile, something savage yet sweet, when they fly back to her own tarnished ones. “I have.” She finally says, feeling something tighten in her core as they regard each other. Hasn’t everyone lied? She can’t remember a specific incident but she’s sure she hasn’t always been honest, especially to herself. If anything... They had been mostly harmless. Little white lies where the truth might be painful. She shifts her weight, glances down to where one of her flowers has fallen from her mane and lands, wilted, on the surface of the water. Then looks back into his eyes with her own bold and bright ones. “But not to you.”

    They may call me a sinner, but I am at peace with myself;
    html © dante.

    [Image: BQjeje-Bardot2.png]

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    RE: If you need a friend, don't look to a stranger - by Bardot - 10-08-2021, 12:02 PM

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