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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  My Gentle Stupid Mind
    The role of teacher, of shaman, of father - stern, but not from unkindness - is the only one he ever assumes naturally. Coming with about a century of years to his name, the large male falls into a pattern he’s known for longer than he’s known any one of his own children. There is a sadness to his heart and mind when the though surfaces from his subconscious, but it is overlooked with the presentation of the bay claiming to know hate. Perhaps he has an experience not too unlike true evil, as he claims that someone can hate without knowing. If it is true hate that way or a simple pushing away - not simple for the recipient, but the easy way for the hater - remains up to debate. Ahti would be saying so if something about the younger man’s demeanor causes a pause; another statement follows and he nods. ”So it’s the actions that you would hate.” Isn’t it so? He tilts his head, blinking and then smiling a bit at the other. ”I for one, would hate to see you hate yourself or someone else for one action, bad as it may be. Redemption should be on offer at least once. Don’t you think a second chance could turn someone around?” A single chance may be all that’s needed. If someone won’t take it, well yes, that is another story altogether.

    Someone like a young man with plenty of chances to learn from their past, perhaps? The watery male never moves from the surface when he makes that deduction; he could be wrong, certainly, but something about the other stallion makes him stay in teacher-mode, and it could be a subliminal message. One butterfly is lost, true. To claim that he must be hated henceforth would be too much even in Ahti’s experience.

    @Bayun Sorry I’m late! Hope this works to continue their dialogue

    Messages In This Thread
    My Gentle Stupid Mind - by Bayun - 10-16-2021, 11:52 PM
    RE: My Gentle Stupid Mind - by Ahti - 10-19-2021, 08:15 AM
    RE: My Gentle Stupid Mind - by Bayun - 10-20-2021, 12:48 PM
    RE: My Gentle Stupid Mind - by Ahti - 11-16-2021, 12:04 PM

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