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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  to lay waste in your healthy head

    He growls a response to her introduction - and she smiles a little brighter, glad to have a name for the face and first interaction she wasn’t likely to forget anytime soon.

    Adrius catches up and she is still grinning - her response to him being fine also coming a little quick, but she moves past her own words even as they are still emerging from her mouth “I’m always fine.” It’s not exactly a good thing that this is true, but she will not be thinking about that right now. The rain did make her long tail a little heavy but if she didn’t focus on it, it wasn’t so bad. There is a trick she can do to help, but she’s still wary of making Adrius leave - and she’s not sure yet on where he stands on the ‘summoning a few skeletons to help carry some hair’ thing.

    She’s just wondering where she should start on the tour of things Beqanna when Adrius speaks up and she glances at him in surprise - frowning, finally, in her uncertainty. “Doing what? Helping you?” Though she does pause for clarification, in case she’s misunderstood, she goes ahead and answers anyway. “You need help, and even though it probably would’ve been easier to get this rain to stop than for you to finally admit it, I like being able to help when I can.” This truth is easier for her mind to handle, much easier than the ‘I’m always fine’ - and the next truth is easy to - a simple fact. “And I like you, even though you called me rude.” He was endlessly interesting - and certainly entertaining.

    To spare him from potentially panicking again from this second compliment, she glances to the forest nearby. “You’re going to have to forgive me for the rather unimaginative names for everything in this area, I swear it’s not my fault. This is the Forest. This shore is new, the sea rose up and swallowed what used to exist here. On the otherside of the forest is the River - and it runs right from the north to the south of the continent, I’m pretty sure.” Potentially? She’s had geography lessons from her mother, ghosts, and her own set of eyes but she was really only mostly sure of what happened once the land turned to mountains.  “I live on an island to the west, across this water and past the land you can see there. There's common areas, like this, but mostly Beqanna's a network of different lands, all with their own leaders and whatnot.”


    Messages In This Thread
    to lay waste in your healthy head - by adrius - 12-09-2021, 09:45 PM
    RE: to lay waste in your healthy head - by adrius - 02-01-2022, 08:51 PM
    RE: to lay waste in your healthy head - by adrius - 02-12-2022, 01:34 PM
    RE: to lay waste in your healthy head - by adrius - 02-24-2022, 12:53 AM
    RE: to lay waste in your healthy head - by adrius - 04-04-2022, 08:33 PM
    RE: to lay waste in your healthy head - by Maurtia - 04-30-2022, 11:57 PM

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