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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Heavy is the crown, sinking on deaf ears [Assailant]

    More and more, the water calls to him with her sweet, dulcet melodies. More and more, he is vulnerable to her beckoning, so he wends his way to the central lake without hesitation. He takes his time, still not quite confident in the various paths of the Dale, but the gentle humidity and unique scents eventually lead him to his destination.

    The sunlight bounces dazzlingly off the water’s languid ripples, almost too much for one’s eyes to handle. So he lets his eyelids fall as he steps into the lake’s cool embrace, a welcome refuge from the midsummer heat. He sighs quietly, allowing his senses to absorb and process the many sounds and sensations in greater detail.

    The subtle rushing as small waves lap at the shore and his body, the uneven pebbled ground he stands on, the occasional quick grazing touch of an aquatic creature slithering past his legs. The pitter-patter of softly padded feet gamboling through the lush flora, the sharp tearing as the herbivorous creatures sate their hunger. The monotonous clicking and thrumming of flying insects, the rustle of winged feathers chasing a quick snack, the insistent harmonies of both warning and delight cried out into the air.

    A soft, stealthy tread that is eventually unable to avoid the conspicuous grinding of sand beneath hooves.

    His ears flick rapidly in the newcomer’s direction and his nostrils flare slightly as his mind begins to filter through the scents, attempting to match them to his recollections. The obvious ones, such as the wet earthy smell of the lake itself, are quickly pushed aside, but he cannot detect the smell of the unknown creature somewhere behind him. Then, a mild breeze kicks up from just the right direction and delivers it to him.

    There are only a handful of others that he’s met thus far, but it still takes far too long to pull a name from the depths of his mind. As it comes to the tip of his tongue, she calls out to him. He whirls, as much from surprise as from pleasure. He hadn’t realized she was quite that close. As the scattered droplets settle back into the lake from whence they came, he makes a small noise of satisfaction before moving quickly to greet her.

    “Ah, so you found me after all.”

    A smile dances in his eyes as he stretches his neck toward her, letting his muzzle brush lightly against hers. He is genuinely pleased to see her. He hasn’t exactly been worrying about her, understanding that she is fully capable of protecting herself, but he has been wondering what has been keeping her. But then again, he knows she is still unraveling the full potential of her clairvoyance, so perhaps that is the reason for her delay.

    “Was there much trouble in finding your way? I am glad you made it. Welcome to the Dale, by the way.”


    "The comfort zone is always the most desirable place to be. But in settling for comfort, there is a price to pay and it comes in the death of ambition, of hope, of youth, and the death of self."
    -Simon Barnes

    image by EnchantedHawke

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    RE: Heavy is the crown, sinking on deaf ears [Assailant] - by assailant - 06-09-2023, 02:47 AM

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