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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    it's still way too soon to be talking about my bed, EIGHT
    We do what we must,
    Because we can.

    Things fall apart. It is entropy, it is the nature of the universe to fall into disarray – but what is magic if not the ability to go against the grain? Even just one of them alone could do the impossible, unspooling time like thread from a spindle, leaving the lives of all those mortals to blow away in the wind, or spinning them back into a pattern of their own making as they choose.

    And is that not what makes them beautiful? Is that not what makes them work? They are two cogs in each others' wheels, spinning around and around. Captivated, captured, changed and also made whole. There is no one like them, and they are not even like each other. But they are all the right things, the fire and the ice, the light and the dark, and together they combine to make the world as it should be.

    Figuratively and literally, considering that between the two of them they contained enough magical power to reshape Beqanna, destroy it, rebuild it, a million times over if they choose.

    But here they are, safe in the womb of Camrynn's creation, talking about the future with all the innocence of a couple lounging on the beach without a care in the world. There will be politics in their future – there will be risk and reward and ups and downs, but in this moment, this perfect snapshot in time, there is just the two of them, their edges blurring together in the soft light.

    He speaks, and her smile is all softness as she listens. She knows that their magic moment here is ticking down, that they're sand through the hourglass right now. Sure enough, they could pause it if they wanted, but there is a crown competition about to start and Cam suspects it wouldn't do well to keep the powers that are running such an event waiting. And so as they banter she replies in kind, the smiles, the bumps, the essence of a love that goes beyond flirtation, and perhaps beyond Eight's comfort zone.

    When he finishes speaking, a wry smile curls her lips for a moment as she looks at him. She skips his second question for the moment, putting it aside in favor of the first one. "Me in the Valley," she chuckles lightly. "With my grandmother there it'd be a regular family reunion." She pauses for just a moment, mischief in her eyes. "Although it would have its benefits." - a slight pause - "The land is very lovely, after all. Even after being partially destroyed by earthquakes I'm sure." Of course they both know that the lovely land wouldn't be the main draw. And that's the fun, they're both in on the joke.

    The sand through their hourglass, but the smile remains on her face. They are so close to imploding, to change – not between the two of them, for they're an unstoppable force, an immovable object – but to the world. She knows that after the competition, the world will be a different place. No matter what the Deserts may judge her, she knows she has him, and she knows that truly the world is their oyster. "What's next," she says with a hint of amusement in her voice. "The game of thrones. Or to be specific, the Deserts throne." she chuckles lightly. "I simply couldn't refuse Scorch." her tone makes it perfectly clear that her entry has nothing to do with Scorch, and that her victory (if she had one) would have nothing to do with the jungle mare either.

    She runs her lips lightly along the crest of Eight's mane. "Speaking of." she exhales, tickling his skin. "I need to be getting over there.". A smile tickles her mouth, and possibly his skin, as her lips still rest just below his mane.

    Silently, she trails her lips up to the galaxy that swirls on his cheek, pressing them to it in a gentle, sensual kiss.

    And then, without another word, she is gone.

    She'll be back – of course she will – and when she is, everything will be different. They'll still be the center of their own universe, but the planets and their gravity will rearrange. No matter what the outcome of the competition, it will be true, because they are the unstoppable force, the immovable object, a single powerful unity like a supernova that never burns out.

    And it is beautiful, and it is powerful, and it could and will be anything and everything.

    C A M R Y N N
    Why? Because I can

    Image copyright MariannaInsomnia

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: it's still way too soon to be talking about my bed, EIGHT - by Camrynn - 04-09-2015, 01:15 PM

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