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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  your waves are pulling me under; aquaria
    your waves are pulling me under
    i'm caught in your riptide
    The fleck of golden sunshine mingled with a few wispy clouds in the wide-open sky. The blue ocean overhead showed no signs of rain to come. A gentle breeze blew across the island. The familiar noises of the jungle could be heard in the background—gentle waves crashing on the white sand beach and the noisy parrots chirping high in the treetops.

    It was a typical day, like any other day on the tropical island.

    However, it felt different for the purple sea mare today. More particular than the passing days. Eva could not have told you what the feeling had been in her heart. It was not the feeling of heaviness, something saddening that kept her up at night or anxious thoughts that she mauled and stressed over. There was something in her heat, something that it was time to do.

    Eva had spent the last days reflecting, deciding what it was. The days had been warm and generous to her. Many would have mistaken for it to be summer, but the purple sea mare knew better, especially when Aodhan had come to her so recently. Her purple belly would eventually round once more again leading her heart to finally decide it was time for a change.

    Shielded under the canopy of the island jungle, the nereid stands glancing across the shore of Ischia. Her golden gaze flickers across the white sand beach, hoping to find the familiar pearl mare she has been looking for. Eva had no trouble spotting the finned mare in a heartbeats time. She knew her adopted-aunt and friend’s routine almost regularly by now.

    The purple sea mare steps out into the sun, feeling the warm golden rays on her. It brings a gentle smile to her purple satin lips. Eva would never become tired of the sun’s warmth, feeling the gentle breeze, and hearing the waves crash onto the beach. This was her home, and it was everything she had ever hoped for. Making her way to the pearl mare, she lets out a songful greeting.

    “Hello Aquaria,” she says warmly. The sea mare gentle nudges the pearl mare’s neck in greeting. “How are you doing today?” Eva asks thoughtfully, hoping her most trusted friend has been doing well. While an important conversation is at the forefront of her mind, the purple mare knows she can wait to hear how the other mare fares before proceeding. When Aquaria answers her question, Eva then speaks again. “I have something important I’d like to discuss with you.” Her smile is warm and pleasant when she mentions this to Aquaria though.

    “I’ve been thinking recently,” she begins, turning the conversation to a more serious matter, “That it is time for a change.” Changes were something Aquaria and Eva both had not liked before, especially when Adria had been removed from the leadership position in Ischia. However, this change is what Eva felt was the right thing to do. It was time for a new chapter, a new leader to take over. “I would you like to take over and be the Dame of Ischia. You have always inspired me and looked after our community. I have never doubted your ability to handle challenges or make tough decisions. It would be an honor to call you the next Dame, and knowing that our home will be safe in your hands.” Her smile grows wide and brilliant as Eva speaks these words because she felt deep within her heart that they were true. Ischia would continue to flourish. Their vision for their home would continue as well.
    the dame of ischia
    Profile | Detailed Bio | Character Reference

    It had been a day. 

    Well, a night and a day, if she was being honest with herself, which she wasn't very sure she wanted to be at this moment. A night of anonymous pleasure in the arms of a handsome stranger. No. Not stranger. Warbird. Her gut twinged guilty at the thought of the winged stallion, of his baffled face as she'd vanished into the river. Not very nice, but it had seemed like a reasonable option at the time. 

    And then! That dratted kelpie. In her home. Her heart still thudded anxiously at the memory of wicked teeth and hungry eyes. What would come of it, she still wasn't sure. Still, she'd tried to continue with her day like normal. To fall into the comforting rhythm of her life. For a while it worked. She went about the routine of circling the island, of checking on residents and managing her youngest child's antics. For all that Hal wore the coat of a tiger most days, it was Cormorant who kept her running. 

    She felt distracted and tense, but the day must go on. It was a relief though, to run into Eva on her way. The gentle soul of her vivid friend was a much needed balm, and she greeted her warmly as the purple mare approached. Eva seemed a bit distracted herself though. "I'm alright," she replied to the courteous question, and as lost in thought as she'd been, it was true. She opened her mouth to ask Eva the same question, but was beaten to it. 

    Her milky white lips pursed as her fellow nereid continued on what proved to be the thoughts swimming in her mind. 

    "Oh," it was all she could say at first. "Oh. Eva, are you sure?" Her tail rippled in a gentle swoosh as she searched the other sea mare's face for signs of doubt, of hesitation. There was none. In fact, Eva looked almost relieved having said her piece, easy in her decision. Slowly, the pearl mare nodded her head. Her friend had done well. She had been a leader in peaceful times, and Aquaria couldn't blame her for wanting to shift focus. As much as she'd felt comfortable serving as her friend's advisor and second, she knew that her love of the island wouldn't allow her to deny the request. 

    "Thank you for believing in me," her own smile was softer than the one on the violet woman's lips. The shifting weight of responsibility settled on her back. "I will do my best to live up to that faith." It was their own Ischia she was being asked to mind, after all. Not one of the vast kingdoms to the east, with their constantly morphing politics and policies. She could do this. She could. It was not much more than she had been asked to do already. The choice to return to her homeland suddenly solidified in her chest as the only choice. No more regret or hesitation, no more looking back.



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