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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    you know who the god is; ALL
    And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire
    He returns home, blood dripping from acid burns and radioactive teeth. His breathing is labored but he knows he will recover in a few days’ time. It was worth it, to shed some of the rage that brewed between his ribs and overflowed into his daily thoughts. Ghaul wanted to smother the life from each of them but found himself oddly merciful in the end. Briefly, he mulls over the idea of finding them later and snapping their necks like twigs beneath his talons.

    But then Virgil peers over the edge of the nest. His halo teeters left and right as he giggles mischievously. The awful king steps closer and nudges the boy back into bed.

    “You’re bleeding! How!” the boy demands, his golden eyes wide with wonder as he touches his nose to a wound. Ghaul sucks in a sharp breath and gingerly pushes the boy back. “My scales are not perfect. Some enemies have ways of rotting or corroding them,” he explains in a grave tone, hoping his young son remembers this lesson. “Now, lay down for your nap, so you grow big and strong. You’ll need to fight soon.

    The boy huffs in annoyance as he lays down once more. He is at least obedient, Ghaul thinks as he kisses the child’s temple. And then he turns toward Pangea. The autumn afternoon is not gentle on them, here in the desert. The dry ground is still hot enough to conjure mirages in the distance and send the wildlife seeking shade. He flexes his wings and judges their strength to be too poor to fly, so he chooses instead to walk to the center of his kingdom. There is much work to be done.

    Along the way, he issues short croons for the others. He watches their outlines as they drift in from whatever corner of Pangea they hide in. Ghaul arrives in the widest canyon where he comes to a stop, tracing a talon idly across the red clay. He gives one last summons and shifts his great weight.

    We’ve grown quiet, family,” he begins, observing them with a grin of crooked fangs. “The autumn weather has dried our enemies’ homes, turned them all to pyres. We need only to light the match.

    And then his wings spread wide, eclipsing the sun behind him and sending drops of his blood to sizzle on the desert dirt.

    I will go south, to begin the fires in Loess and rid them of their dead weight. My sons, Yadigar and Virgil will go north to tear down their walls and punish them for their prideful ways. And what of you, family? Where would you go? How will you hunt?

    feel free to reply ooc to this if you'd like! this is a formal headcount of who's coming along and where everyone is going rather than the pangea discord chat. plus ghaul likes hanging out with his buddies. <3

    — I'm not here looking for absolution —

    Stave is not accustomed to being summoned—being commanded, and so he does not arrive right away. He peers idly over at where Ghaul calls those in Pangea toward him with a stoic face, nearly apathetic as he muses over whether he will show up at all. He, after all, has no grand plans of power or titles—they seem so dreadfully dry to him—but, in the end, the curiosity of what Ghaul is bringing is too much to ignore. So he shifts and begins to make his way toward the gathering, albeit slowly.

    As he walks, he calls to the things underneath the dirt and soil.

    The things that crawl and the things that fly.

    He does not call on anything particularly large, but by the time he arrives, he is flanked by dead deer and elk and snakes that slither and rattle and clink. Stave pauses and angles his head, looking toward the impressive display of Ghaul, even injured. “I will accompany you south,” he says, his voice dry. In some ways, he has always viewed Ghaul as a brother—the two of them being raised amongst Ana’s brood in their earliest days. And while he does not hold love in his heart, he at least would fight alongside him.

    Or, rather, his undead would.


    It is a quiet journey to Pangea.
    But the viper does not reflect or think or ponder.
    She focuses only on the way the earth unfolds around her.
    There is no heart to consider, no longing or pining.

    There is no softness as she goes. There is no softness when she arrives. There is no flicker of warmth when she sees the two of them flanked by Stave’s undead army. She had belonged to Ghaul once in a way that she never will again. And she glances at Stave only briefly as she settles amongst their ranks. Perhaps she belongs to him now.

    But she looks to Ghaul now for guidance. Even as others gather and he presents them with a choice. She does not belong to him, but she will follow him. She drags in a breath when Stave speaks. “As will I,” she murmurs.

    She does not trust children, even if those children are his.


    Beyza arrives, joining the group and yet not paying attention to where she stands. Her white gaze flickers over the others gathered but it drawn readily back to their draconic leader. 

    Although she has some reservations, they aren’t enough to stop her from speaking up. She’s curious about this and she finds that she trusts Ghaul. If he is leading them against other kingdoms, there is certainly a reason. It is not difficult to believe in him as he stands there, wings outstretched looking more than just a mortal.

    He is a brother through their mutual training with Anaxarete - and that is enough for her.

    “I’ll accompany your sons to the north.” Beyza says in a calm voice, though it feels like her entire body is sparking with anticipation.


    artwork by kharthian

    short and vague but it counts

    Ana's been lurking in her shadows.
    She will go north with Beyza and co. She will also make sure that Pangea doesn't go undefended when they leave *wink wink*.
    Says if Ghaul has any problems in Loess just to call her and she'll send help.

    [Sorry too tired to write you a real post.]

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