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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  She's Just a Girl, and She's On Fire [Kreed]
    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    Blinded by rage I turn and run.  My flame laced heels leave behind small flickering lights until my hooves touch the ground no more.  

    I hardly notice when I begin to lift off the ground.  Only when I cannot hear the clip of hoof on rock do I look down to find myself gliding over the land.  Had I never seen a horse fly before I may have been more shocked.  Though I'd hardly consider this flying, it was at least something to carry me away from my troubles.

    With slight concentration I find myself able to control the fiery wings at my sides just enough to keep me in the air.  This causes me to smile happily, my rage sated for now.

    I pass over rock and maneuver through a couple small hill formations, just before reaching the river.  My ears perk that maybe I have brought myself back to where we had spent the night with our father.  Eager of the possibility I soar over the waters and stumble to a land on the other side.

    My red eyes shift as I try to find recognition in the area.  It had been so dark that night that no memory comes forth.  

    I decide to continue on towards the tree line, just beyond the large mountainous landscape.  Each stride bringing me deeper into the gray mists of the foreign land.

    As I reach the trees I look up at the towering pines.  A few were green but most were dried from the extended summer heat.  I have never seen trees with sharp needles before and I start to realize I am not where I thought I may have been.

    Turning back towards the river quickly, I do not notice the sizzle of flame igniting in the brittle pine needle tinder.  It sparks, sending small embers to catch flame in the surrounding pine litter.  Soon the area is dancing with tiny tendrils of light threatening to consume to area...

    //Fire Mimicry-Summer Appearance-Fire Breathing-Water Immunity\\
    Fire Mimicry- Fox Fire, Pheonix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings(developing)


    The kingdom has remained quiet over the last few weeks.  My days are spent familiarizing myself with the expanse of terrain.  From the northern ocean shores, to the southern mountain peaks.

    I have yet to come across anyone, or anything, other than the wildlife that called the Chamber home.  Likewise, I had yet to expand my knowledge of the lands by visiting neighboring kingdoms.  It is perhaps why I find myself roaming the border of the Dale today.

    It is within the shrouded mist of the pine forest that I travel.  My muddy color is unremarkable and blends with the natural hues of the land.  Each hoof is placed carefully amongst the fallen twigs and needles.  There are more than usual these days.  The drought of summer has continued into the fall, remnants of dying pines litter the land in a heavy, flammable blanket.  It is only a matter of time before the renewing flames will sweep across the kingdom.

    When the scent of burning pine tar grows thick I do not startle; burning pine was not a new smell for the kingdom.  It is an unexpected taste on the winds that melds with the misty atmosphere that catches my attention.  My nares flare, drinking in the delicious aroma.  Ears flicker to a soft crackle of flame as my stride pulls me closer to where the smell originates. 

    My silver eyes shift, finding a glowing light beyond the trees.  I draw to the edge of the forest, investigating what has come to find my lands.  What has come to fear Her.

    To my surprise it is a child, lit brightly in living fire.  My movement stops as I watch the filly turn to leave, small flames threatening to ignite my lands are left behind.  My crown tilts as I again taste fear swirling about. 

    The overpowering temptation to taste her fears cause my magic to seep into the lands.  Weaving their way to the child, they infiltrate the girls heated core beneath the exterior inferno.  Its hold is apparent as the filly stops dead in her tracks, turning to look at the forests once more.

    A transformation occurs that only the mind being controlled can see.  The small embers, left by the filly, turn into a raging wildfire right before her eyes.  The tall pines are forced even higher by the fires stretching into the sky, seeking oxygen to fuel its fury.  The fiery child gasps at the destruction she has set into motion.  But it is nothing to what she is about to see…

    Out from the inferno stumbles a familiar figure.  His unmistakable masked face, the orange glow of his mane.  The usual flames lick at his hooves as he walks out from the blazing forest.  She screams his name, wanting to rush to him and lead him to safety, but as she moves towards him a change takes place.  It begins at his face, flames begin to consume his flesh.  Hair burns as skin peels back, revealing muscle and bone.  This continues across his whole body, the flames consuming him right before her eyes.  She screams his name again and again.  Crying out as she can only watch her brother turn to a burnt carcass -crumpled on the rocky ground- from the flames she has started. 

    As quickly as it started the fires subside.  Only the illusion of her brother's charred body remains…

    Face Your Fears And Know Thyself

    //Fear Illusionism-Trait Immunity-Goat Mimicry\\
    Goat Mimicry Characteristics- Goat hair, Goat horns, Cloven hooves 
    *Illusions intensity is up to player*
    -Immune to mental traits-
    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    The unfamiliarity with where I have found myself sends unease radiating through my body.  My usual adventurous nature shies as I find myself alone.  Being alone wasn't something I was accustomed to and I find anxiety rising quickly within me.

    There is a sudden gnawing need to turn around.  When I do fear cripples me as I stare up at a blazing inferno.  The giant pines towering over my small form, are lit brilliantly in flickering hues of orange and yellow. I gasp at what I am sure I have caused.  More fear grips me as I think of the trouble I have again found myself in.

    Nothing though was to prepare me for what I see next. 

    He walks out from the wall of flames seemingly unscathed.  I call out to him, my voice crackling as I stammer in disbelief.  Why had he followed me here?  To save me from my stupid self I am sure.  

    “Vic!  Hurry over here!” I go to run towards him but my legs remain cemented to the earth.  Struggling to gain control of myself I shift in frustration, my red eyes frantically searching the area for a cause.

    When I look back up the sight leaves my jaw gaping open.  The flames begin to consume him.  His face is the first to melt away.  I cry out, “Nooooo!  Vic!”  The flames continue across his body, ravaging it until nothing remains identifiable.  His burnt remains crumble to the ground as the fires beyond him extinguish. 

    Only then does my mind gain control over my legs and I rush to him, tears streaming down my face.  I gasp for air as I look down at his charred body.  “No,” I choke out, my head shaking in disbelief. 

    Look what you've done…  A shadowed voice whispers.

    I'm sorry Vic, I didn't mean to hurt you, I… I…” the words don't come for the excuse I want to find to blame anyone other than myself.  My body stumbles to my knees as I sob over my brother's carcass, “I'm sorry!”

    //Fire Mimicry-Summer Appearance-Fire Breathing-Water Immunity\\
    Fire Mimicry- Fox Fire, Pheonix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings(developing)


    "Look what you've done..."  A sinister whisper flows from my lips.

    The fear monger watches as the girl falls victim to the illusions.  Unbeknownst to her it is me who stands before her, twisting her mind so that she may see all that she fears.  All that she has done wrong in this world, and all the wrong she has potential in still doing.

    It may be illicit to prey on such innocent minds, but I feel guiltless lacking in this one.  Perhaps now she will know the errors of the path she has stepped upon.  Let her return home to those that have suffered from her selfishness.  Maybe now she will appreciate all that she has and know how easily it can be taken…

    A dark cloak begins to extend over the area and the bone crowned leader lifts the veil.  Camouflaged within the smog, I retreat back into my forests.  Leaving the flame-licked child alone on the rocky flats of my kingdom once more. 

    My silver eyes watch the girl sobbing for her brother uncontrollably.  A tinge of satisfaction crawls across my body like a cluster of spiders as I begin to turn and disappear into the mists.

    Face Your Fears And Know Thyself

    //Fear Illusionism-Trait Immunity-Goat Mimicry\\
    Goat Mimicry Characteristics- Goat hair, Goat horns, Cloven hooves 
    *Illusions intensity is up to player*
    -Immune to mental traits-

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