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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Family Gathering

    Is it sick of me to need control of you?

    She missed him. The golden girl had been out and about, exploring the lands and seeking her siblings, but now she was home and she needed her brothers. 

    Her strides are languid and every step oozes sex and control. She had filled out and grown up, long legs, delicate frame, and doe eyes. Enough to make anybody come crawling but there was only one on her mind. A violet feather still lay against her neck, tangled in the base of her mane. The only token of affection she would ever carry. 

    Little Nicia is still a princess, still a goddess among men, and now she has the striking looks to go with the attitude. Which was good, things had grown so stagnant after all. She spots the mothers as she descends into the tranquil little cove they all call home. Making a beeline towards the iron effigy of her father, she plants a tender kiss on it's nose before calling out to her siblings to see who's still home.

    Her voice rings out like a bell, strong and sweet and demanding. She has no doubt that they will show, after all, she wills it. 

    "Brothers! I'm home!" 



    He isn't far, he was always around at the most opportune times. She calls, his ears pivot on his head, pushing aside his raven locks to hear. It was a familiar sound but one he had not heard for some time. One that he knew Kirin missed and was probably the reason for his lack of interaction lately.

    Kult smiles, a wicked crooked grin, planting his hoof firmly into the belly of the otter he had been tormenting. One finally shrill scream from the creature before it's life was his. It was his way of responding back, she called, he answered.

    Climbing the crags he crawls to her, snaking a serpentine path to stand before her. He never carries his head high so he need not lower it now, he is already giving her the respect she commands. He is bloodied, when is he not? Dried patches of wine splash his face, his legs, even his hair. He had changed some, like he notes that she has, but where some men might stiffen at her sight he simply took her in. Sex appeal was not a thing for Kult, he didn't understand it, probably never would. His coat was graying, like Kirin, but the absence of color was a natural one. His bay was merely beginning to peel back into a rose-tinted cloud.

    He had not cleaned, Kirin would not approve, perhaps he would not care this time. His black vapid eyes find hers before he crackles her name, "Nicia" he says simply, but he says so much by saying little.

    He does not touch her, he doesn't care to be touched himself, so a close personal eye gaze will have to do in place of embraces.

    Khaos x Killgore


    He thinks he is hearing things at first. How many times had he imagined her sigh, the thrill spill from between her lips? Enough to think he might be going crazy, wouldn't Mother be pleased?

    His heart thuds watching Kult clamber towards the cliffs, towards their Father, because a glorious beam of gold rests on them as well. His attention had been caught by the otter, Kult had just trapped it, it was too soon to hear that sound. Smart little brother.

    He can not cross the sea fast enough, pushing his wings to close the distance. How had she grown more beautiful? He can hardly wait to land, skidding to a stop across the gravel-like surface, tucking his lavender wings to his sides. Luckily he was the only purple kid in town, else wise she may not recognize him now that the purple had bled fully from his hide.

    Kult turns away, staring blankly across the sea side, and he can not help but drink her in as he approaches. The fine curves, her body filled where it should have been long ago, her features no longer childish. She was a woman, growing and flowering he hoped. Hell, he would mount her now just for a good bit of fun, to show his love for her. He had tired of the squeals of the shore animals, he longed for something better.  

    That would have to wait, for now he simply presses himself into her, melting his skin to her's. There was no waiting as his lips found every inch of her neck, stopping only when they reached the feather he had given her what seemed forever ago. There he smelled her, pulling her scent from her body, the faint smell of his own still clinging to her adornment. He grunts, speaking into her hair, "I've never smelled something so sweet dear sister. If I could devour you, there would be no stopping me."

    His voice was like a caged animal, finally released after a decade of imprisonment. "Do not leave me again." Teeth grab at her jaw, nothing too painful, more desire than anything, but he meant every word. He could not bare to be apart for so long, not knowing when she would come back. "There are more, they will come."

    Soaring sadist of Silver Cove

    She is new.

    My mother had mentioned a sister alongside my many brothers, but I have yet to meet her. Kirin and Kult, I know, and am beginning to understand. But this one. I wonder what having a sister will be like. Is her bloodlust and admiration for our father-god as great as the family I have met? My purple eyes watch coolly as she flits across the landscape to greet Khaos with a kiss. Mother is gone, our newest brother in tow behind her,but I have no doubt she will return soon. In her absence I will obey and greet my sibling.

    But I will reserve judgement.

    I make my way up from the shore where I have been counting the bones of the seal pup my brother and I caught. Curious, stupid things. One would think the rotting bodies of their comrades would keep them away. But they return like clockwork. It nearly takes the enjoyment out of the hunt.

    I exchange a look with Kult as I pull up beside him, our bodies close, but respecting his desire not to be touched. I have seen that he enjoys being the one to touch, to tear, to trick, but he does not wish for it to be done to him. I enjoy both.

    He says her name, our sister. Nicia.

    Every line of her body promises sex in a way that reminds me of our Mother. I am as beautiful as they are, but I do not know how to convey that quality of seduction no matter how I study it. I arrive in time to see Kirin swoop in, with eyes only for our sister. While Kult looks away, I watch with a cold, academic gaze. Their desire seems perfectly natural to me, as if they are two sides of an unholy union. The laws of nature do not apply to our kind. We mate where we will and no one can be a better match than a fellow child of the iron god.

    I wait as they greet one another, a stirring in my chest.

    "Kirin. Nicia, I presume? I am Kersey, your little sister." I glance at the trio, adding "There is a new one. Mother has a child with her. And Raelynx is here."

    K E R S E Y
    the academic executioner
    daughter of carnage and killgore


    I love the way that your heart breaks
    with every injustice and deadly fate.

    He is slow to arrive. But then, the concept of time is as foreign to him as the absence of pain. He hears her call. Of course he does, but obedience is not something that has been indoctrinated into him as it had been with his other siblings. He is used to coming and going as he pleases, doing as he wishes, when he wishes.

    But he does answer, finally. Curiosity, if nothing else, compelling him to approach. It had been some time since their initial meeting, when she had sought out her fellow siblings so that she might gather them all together. Like little trinkets, she had collected them all, bringing them home to be admired. And whatever else you might accuse Raelynx of, intelligence is not one of them. So he had come, to be admired like the rest of her trinkets.

    He has changed from that unkempt, uninspiring child she had first met. Whether that change is for the better or for the worse is yet to be determined. A matter of opinion, if you will. He had become the plaything of a god, His to torment and maim as He would. And oh had He. Had it not been so, he might have one day grown into a handsome creature. Now, it would never be so. The hair has been burned from his body, the flames consuming not just his graying coat but parts of his skin and muscle as well. His body is now heavily scarred, a mottled mixture of black and gray, accented by his burned, rounded ears and the brand on his forehead - a simple, foreign mark that stands out starkly against his charred skin.

    As he approaches, he does not wear his flame; the flame that had been gifted to him so that he might forever remember his torment. Rather than a skin of fire, today he wears a skin of char. A small, horrifying smile curves his cracked lips as he wonders how his golden, beautiful sister will react to the unsightly monster he has become.

    He slips alongside her, opposite of Kirin. He is tall, allowing his dull gray eyes to easily find the lavender stallion over their sister’s back. The smile deepens then, teeth glinting whitely behind those blackened lips. He does not say word as he slinks forward, halting only when he stands directly beside Nicia at an uncomfortably close distance. As his insipid gaze turns from Kirin’s to find Nicia’s, he says nothing, allowing the smirk twisting his lips to saying everything that he needs to.


    khaos x eyrie

    html c insane | picture c naelii.deviantart.com


    They come. He knew that they would, yet he can't help but find himself feeling disappointed. There are so few remaining.

    He looks them over, counting each, which doesn't take long. One, two, three, four, five. Six, with Kingpin, but he was still too young to wander far from Mother's side. What of the others? His hazel eyes dissect the appearance of Raelynx as he approaches. His younger brother was once an unremarkable black colt, now he stands before him looking unusual. Gross, but unusual-which is only slightly better. At the very least he had returned to the Cove, which counted for everything in Kirin's book.

    Kult has the sense to turn away, the salted boy looking out over the sea. He had been ever present, a blight on the world, Kirin was proud to call him brother. Kersey was proving to be prized as well, she and Kult never straying far from each other's company. They had a delightful catch and kill game going, he would not keep them from it. 

    "Raelynx, brother, I am pleased to see you returned to your homelands." He does his best not to linger long on the boys form, it was rather unsightly. "Nicia my dear" He lilts to the golden girl, as Kersey approaches them both. "Our young sister Kersey, she holds an aptitude for taking things apart." He smiles warmly at this, he often enjoyed the show. "Mother made her at my request. Her father is a god of space, but she understands that Khaos is the one true God." She had learned very quickly, even to the point of spouting his praises. 

    "There is another still, with Mother Killgore, he is much too young to join us. He is called Kingpin, his father leads in Mourning Mountain." Not a speck of information spared. He would share all things with her and hold nothing back. 

    Soaring sadist of Silver Cove

    Is it sick of me to need control of you?

    One by one they come, as she knew they would. First is Kult, her deliciously creepy brother, with his flat eyes and murderous ways. She greets him warmly, well aware of his desire to not be touched. Still, Nicia plants a lovingly light kiss on his cheek and nibbles his mane. She needs to make sure he knows who he belongs to and how very much she loves him. Not far behind the bay is her dearest love. Kirin has changed in the time she's been gone, but he is still as strong and handsome as ever. His lavender coat brings a hint of wistful sadness to her eye. She will miss his vibrant violet, but the lighter color compliments his frame nicely.

    He rushes to her side and for a moment she forgets herself, lost in the bliss that he evokes in her. She breathes his name on a sigh. "Kirin", each syllable laced with the longing she can't find the words for. She presses herself against him, reveling in the softness of his skin against hers. This is what she had been missing. With him at her side she felt capable of anything. He kisses along her jaw and her eyes close in ecstasy. He grazes her with his teeth and she shivers with want, with need. His raspy voice at her ear brings a beautiful grin to her lips, lighting up her face and bringing out the tease in her. She gently nips his shoulder, a promise for later in the smoldering look she gives him. Alas, she must turn her attention to the others that arrive.

    The next is a pretty brown and purple girl. A flare of jealousy briefly courses through Nicia. Another girl, intruding in her territory? And the way she stood by Kult suggested familiarity, a familiarity she wasn't too happy with. When the girl introduces herself as her sister the jealousy and outrage abates somewhat. As long as the girl learned her place she would have no issues. Nicia sends Kersey a smile, sweet and laced with dominance. Nicia loved her family but she was in charge here, and the girl needed to learn sooner rather than later. "Hello my sweet" she purrs at the girl, "I'm so glad that you're here! How have you enjoyed the Cove in my absence?" She quirks an eyebrow at the mention of Raelynx and others and looks to Kirin for affirmation as a terribly burned creature joins there company.

    Her first instinct id to be horribly disgusted at the mottled, scarred thing before her, but it is carefully hidden and quickly replaced with shock and concern. As selfish and manipulative as she is, never let it be said that she didn't care deeply for her family. She is filled with sorrow at the sight of her family member, and searching the gray eyes, she grows sadder still. "Raelynx? Oh my brother, who did this to you?" The carred stallion stands close to her side. She feels the heat of his body near her and presses against him, closing the space. They were hers, all hers, to love and cherish no matter the disfigurement. She slides her golden hide against his skin and plants a tender kiss against his neck. "You must tell me everything" she says to the burned boy that she remembered so differently.

    "You all must tell me everything." she says to those gathered, a near maternal spark in her eye. They were her family, and she would do anything for her family.



    We will never be the kinds of sister who braid one another's hair or giggle over a crush. It is quite clear where things stand. My sister is madly devoted to our brother, whilst I have enjoyed the ecstasy of pain at the hands of another brother. And the third is my companion in our holy crusades for knowledge.
    The world is different for those of us who serve a great purpose. I pity those who will never know what it is to be children of a true god.

    "Immensely. It's rife with subjects of interest, sister dear."

    My eyes darken as I look the older girl over. It does not bother me that she is in charge of our family, but I do not know her, and I feel the irrepressible need to show her that this is my family, too, as surely as it is hers.

    "Our brother, Kult, is a more than capable partner. We have enjoyed our outings."

    A slow, satisfied smile creeps across my lips. There is the potential for trouble but I doubt it will come to fruition. The slight bubbling of tension is more than enough to keep things interesting, without upsetting the balance. For just as she would, I would do anything for my family.

    Khaos forbid mother has any more girl children. I am not certain our family would be able to hold.

    Nicia's words draw my attention from studying, once more, the wounds that cover Raelnyx's body. I still have not heard the story of their making. I long to do so. Perhaps our seductress sister will be able to pry the words from his lips, but I feel a flash of jealousy at her casual caresses. Whether for me or my brother, I do not know.

    "There is nothing to tell for me, sister. We are here, as ever, ready to serve when we are needed." I give Kult a sideways glance, knowing a bit of his restlessness. "We do, however, wish there was more diversity in our studies."

    One can only tear apart otters for so long.

    K E R S E Y
    the academic executioner
    daughter of carnage and killgore


    One by one, ha-rah ha-rah. A crooked grin split his jaw as he turned to find the others filing to the top of the cliffs. Kersey floats to the tangle of their twisted siblings, and he can not utter a single word of caution. Raelynx is last, the one of fire sports a coat of charcoal and Kult wonders why that is.

    It's Nicia's touch that derails his silent train of thought, making him cringe and toss his head away. She would do as she pleased he knew, but that didn't mean he had to go and enjoy it. His flat eyes sink, as he recoils inwardly, turning himself inside so as to display the desired outward farce. "Sister." He says simply, before he can find the opportunity to move away.

    Luckily for a while Raelynx takes center stage, her doting concerns wash away his discomfort and he can go back to being a silent observer. That proves difficult too, he can see, hear, this all boiling over. It was a carefully placed lure, it was bait all the same. He knew Kersey would not simply roll over like a good dog, much as he thought she should. Snip, snip, snap, the line would break if they were not careful. All he can think is how sore her absence has made him. They had done everything together, the three, and he was feeling jealous. He didn't pine for her affections, more her attentions, and she was not around to give them. Kersey was, Kersey did.

    It's a mistake perhaps. A better mistake though than the one he can predict, he slides back in front of the gilded woman. Nipping at her shoulder, if anything it would be a graze, a pinch. Physically that's what it would be, for her. He knew the pot would boil over, onto him, not his Kersey. He needed to redirect the volatile situation, place the blame on himself, because somehow he thought that he could take the blow. So, where else would he turn the table if not on himself?

    Khaos x Killgore

    hahah things. Idk why he wanted to do that.

    I love the way that your heart breaks
    with every injustice and deadly fate.

    In a flurry of dulcet words and hooded glances, Nicia greets them all, giving each a small token of her affection. A touch, a nibble. Except Kersey. He is curious about that, though he does not remark on it. He is a man of few words. It would take much more than such a slight to the bay and purple girl to induce him to comment, much less to action.

    For him, Nicia has sweetly caring words that neatly disguise a deeper feeling, one he cannot quite pinpoint. He has never been so clever as she at these things.

    Her concern should be touching, should stir familial love and belonging inside chest. Instead it chills him. It is too much of a reminder of the terrible nightmare that had plagued him while he had been a guest of the dark god. Of his mother and her sickening concern (he still cannot determine whether it had been real or only a nightmare). He jerks back sharply, large head lifting as nubby ears flatten. The flame surrounds him suddenly with a deceptively soft whooshing noise, protecting him just as it singes anyone who might be foolish enough to still be touching him.

    ”A god.” The words are said more curtly than he had intended, though they answer her question all the same. ”He found me. Remade me.” He does not elaborate. It does not occur to him that she might want him to. That any of them might wish to know the story of his remaking.

    And quite suddenly the limelight is removed from him in a most unexpected fashion. Kult, the quietest of them all, skirts forward to aim a grazing nip at Nicia’s shoulder. Raelynx’s bland gaze moves to him, taking on a hint of mild surprise before a slow smile once again begins to curve his lips.


    khaos x eyrie

    html c insane | picture c naelii.deviantart.com

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