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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    What a Wonderful Life-[NO KINGDOMS]
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    Zaravich decided to venture out into the field today; the Dale has been quiet and she lonely. Trailing behind her was her black filly, almost 6 months old and ready to venture outside of the Dale. The black Arabian galloped into the field with her tail raised high, it has been a long time since the equine found herself running as she was. Since her pregnancy with Josie she grew uncomfortable, the filly was born very weak, and still is weak and she was unable to leave her foals side to run. Although today the black filly was running behind her mother, tail raised just like her; the filly was about 6 paces behind, still weak from birth.

    The sun was beating down on the two horses, summer was growing near an end and the days were growing more tolerable (in the sense of heat). Zara thrashed her head around feeling as though the first time she ran in the field, without a kingdom, without a foal, and of a younger age. She felt free again, and it was lovely to have relive it. She slowed her pace until her filly was able to catch up, slowing even further to a walk. The creek that the field offered was in front of them, as they walked over the two equines lowered there necks to get a drink. Zara was quick to lift her head and scan the horizon as she heard a noise of others. 

    the tiny dancer
    The field was a pleasant place, and not long after Hasenel had been grazing beneath the sun, he lifted his head as the sounds of new life entered it. From a distance he could see a black mare moving happily along, but curiously, a little creature trailed her. It didn't take the fire stallion long to realize it was a foal, and immediately assumed the mare was a runaway, or had had permission to leave her herd for a time.

    Near him was a small stream of water, and when the black mare stopped at the edge of it and enjoyed a drink, he felt he should say something, given their proximity.

    "Excuse me, miss," he said gently. "From which home do you and your little one belong?"

    Hasenel figured he might as well get his curiosity out of the way about her, and learn whether or not she was claimable. Her foal wasn't a concern at present.
    She prowls forawrd muscles coiled, hunting out her next victim of social graces. Its then that the stallion distractedly picks up the sent of the other stallion he had met earlier. The aggressive style ruffling more than just his mental feathers.

    Turning from the path of the kitten he makes his way along his wings lifted just hovering over his black coat. Cobalt mane flashing in the sun. When he sees a mare and her child, and roving his eyes over the same stallion that he had been looking for. Warely he approaches. Chuckling at the foal with a nod to the mare and the other stallion. A grim line thins itself out over his lips as he tenses around this creature.

    He hated it when other stallions thought themselves able to abuse without reprocussions. Society here had surpassed that style of life long ago, in no way did he intend to let it fall back into that sort of pattern. Of the Dale His nostrils had flared taking in the scent of his homeland. He's Phaedrus, I'm Sheba hun. You have an adorable foal there. Whats your name little one? She flickered her head around to the stallion hissing under her breath how rude could he get. She really needed to teach him some manners, not unlike the other flaming stag beside him.

    He rolls his eyes at the cats flare for diplomacy. Just as much as she liked her solitude, and silence when it came to interaction she was far more advanced than himself. It didn't stop the friendly fire that they spit back and forth though. He was used to it it seemed that females had a nack for the dramatics. Almost as if it was unavoidable.
    i'll carry this flag, to the grave if i must
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    The mares senses did not fail her, it was not only one equine who approached her but two. The first one to appear was a charming chestnut stallion, who was quickly followed by a black stallion who had wings. She was always interested in the 'magic' equines these lands had to offer. Some horses who did not grow up with these powers feared them, although Zaravich was interested in them. She was quick to pick up the scent of the Dale on the black stag, although Zara belonged to the Dale, she has never seen him before.

    She looked down to a cat that spoke and her eyes grew wide, this was just like Ramiel and Weirs 'spirit animals' this confirmed that the stag was from the Dale. She gave a dip of her head to the cat, who spoke more than the stag. "Thank you" Zara muttered at the felines compliment to her foal.

    The little filly who was tucked close to her mother peaked her head out as the cat appeared, the filly was about 7 months old and had never met another horse from the Kingdom, but like her mother was able to recognize the Dale scent. "I'm Josie!" she said playfully to the feline, she tucked back under her mother as she looked at the chestnut stag who did not carry the Dales scent.

    Zara was quick to nuzzle her foal offering comfort to her, returning her gaze to the cat and dark stag who did not give a name "I am Zaravich, of the Dale" she spoke towards the two stags. her gaze returned to the chestnut stag as she answered his question as well.

    the tiny dancer
    Hasenel was enjoying his time with the mare until other hoof steps caught his attention. Turning his head, his nostrils immediately flared as he saw Pheadrus, the black stallion he'd encountered--and not too well--only a little while earlier. It seemed to the fire stallion that the black on was eager to keep robbing mares from him.

    Not this time...

    But after the mare introduced herself, Hasenel noticed her scent to be matching that of the other stallion's. He then realized she was either a runaway to be returned to her former land, or would already be inclined to follow the competition. With a field still full of other mares, Hasenel decided he would add her to his losses, though his pride felt the sting of it.

    Extending his neck, the fire stallion touched the side of Zara's muzzle with his own. "I hope you are taken care of," he says to her quietly before walking away, paying no mind to Pheadrus.

    OOC; My post might be displaying all italicized. Not sure why!
    He had to ask. What brings you away from the Dale on such a lovely day? as they announce themselves, the foal bravely stepping from her mother only to dash right back into the protective custody of her larger frame. As she does so the other stallion steps forward, and Phaedrus tenses slightly prepared if he should try to harm the two as he had promised he would to the other mare. He only touches the mare before starting to walk away. He relaxes slightly still keeping his eyes on the stag.
    From this view he can see where he had scraped his teeth on the others haunches, using his elasticity to do so. His lips strain trying not to smile. Though Sheba is not as polite and fangs glisten in the light. He had been able to teach the last stallion that attempted forcing some manners, hopefully this one would learn as well. That’s a beautiful name Josie. I’m Sheba, and that big grump is Phaedrus. He lowers his head slightly sheepish that he had forgotten something so important. Sorry about that, he mumbles. He watches as she steps closer to the filly arching to whisper in her ear He’s really just an oversized bed of fluff, he just likes to act tough. Something about impressing the ladies. She giggles winking at the girl as if she had just given her the biggest secret ever.
    When it came to serious matters Sheba could be the quietest and most deadly thing any could come across, just as his enormous mass could be/had been used to crush bones, but today and every other social encounter, the pair took turns in being the quiet stand offish one, and the forward chatty one. They both easily tired when not in solitude, so taking turns was probably the easiest way to get things done for the kingdom/herd. Not that either of them didn’t enjoy company, just talking had never been the favorite thing to do.
    i'll carry this flag, to the grave if i must
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    The mare watched the chestnut stag as he spoke, giving a goodbye statement. He moved closer, only to touch her. Her body stiffened as he did so, and she stepped closer to Josie; it was only instinct to protect her foal from a possible harm. He gave a nuzzle and departed the group, her body relaxed again as she turned to the black stag who asked why she was away from the Dale. "It gets quiet sometimes, I like to meet new faces" she said as she stepped slightly closer to him. "Odd i've never met you; I've live at the Dale for over 4 seasons now" curious to what he did that she did not see him for so long.

    Zara and Josies heads snapped to the Phaderus's feline who spoke, they both gave a chuckle at its comment. As the chestnut stag departed, and Phaderus had a Dale scent Josie felt comftorable to come out from hiding; she stepped forward sniffing the feline interested in all the Dale spirit animals.

    Zara scanned over the stags blue mane and tail, he was rather stunning to view and figured he had to have claimed a herd since she never saw him in the Dale. She was sure he had a bunch of other mares courted to him, on his looks alone. She was curious to what brought him out to the field today.

    the tiny dancer
    He nods at her comment reflecting on the quietness of their home. That it does. Then she draws up the question many wonder at and few have the courage to pursue. What happened to him? I'm not exactly diplomatic material, if I'm not battling, I'm patroling borders, or in the Golden Plains watching over my herd. He doesn't say it with a smile, nor does he say it with a frown. Facts were facts, why put feeling into something that was just a practical way to keep busy. It keeps me away from having to deal with all the rulers politics. He crookedly smiles at this attempting to make a joke. A rather bad one at that.

    He shakes his head, rather then forcing her to be polite and acknowledge the stupid remark he changes the subject. Well Sheba seems to have a knack for doing so just in time too, making a smooth joke that he would never be able to produce. It must be a female thing. She purrs her rough tongue licking at the fillys shoulder for a second, greeting her as a cat often does. Fondly carressing. Would you two like to see his herd? She blurts it out and Phaedrus's eyes go wide, cheek muscles burning under the black skin.

    Sheba, I know your excited but no need to be hasty now. He falls over himself barely able to get the words out. Hoping to deflect any tension her comment might cause. He didn't want to force anything, besides they were having such a pleasent conversation at the moment. His head drops slightly attempting to hide the embarrasment. He couldn't know if other mares had fallen in love him or not, it was a distant concept to him. Something he had yet to consider. He knew that if he was to fall for someone it would clearly be a monigounis relationship on his part. The herd, well they were there not as toys, not as lovers either, more just a oversized family, probably to fill that spot that he couldn't put a finger on just yet.

    To him it was fulfilling to raise young that would otherwise not have a safe place, and protect the helpless from preditors, or maybe simply just provide a place to rest for some weiry soul. Yea he was rambling agian. His wings flutter slightly letting the breeze slip over his coat and cool his otherwise overheated body.
    i'll carry this flag, to the grave if i must
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    Zara listened intently as the winged stallion talked about his warrior duties, it made sense now that she had never seen him. Between the war that ended shortly after her arrival and him maintaining a herd, he must have had little time to do anything else. She watched as he forced a smile on his face, which made one grow on hers, she was such an energetic equine and was curious to how he could maintain such emotionless faces all the time.

    Josie looked at the feline who groomed her laughing as she did so. Her ears pricked up as the cat asked if her and her mother wanted to see Phaderus' herd. She leaped for joy YES! mommy can we go?!" she asked, full of excitement the black filly ran by Phaderus gently brushing by his wing, she was heading back to the Dale. She was slower than the other equines and knew the adult horses would be able to catch up to her in no time, she didn't even bother to look back.

    Zaravich gazed at Phaderus' who's eyes grew as the feline asked them to come to the herd, followed by him silencing the cat. She figured he just didn't want to her in the herd and that was why had hadnt asked, but he drooped his head as though he was embarrassed by the cat. Her eyes followed Josie as she brushed against the stag and ran off. She gave a gentle laugh from the joy the filly brought I would love to see Phaderus' herd" although Zara had all intentions to maintain her diplomat job with the kingdom, she didn't mind viewing and even joining Phaderus' herd lands. She never thought of herself to be claimed by a stag who had a bunch of other mares, she much preferred to feel love for the first time, and maintain that feeling with one equine. Although she loved Josie, even though the father of her foal has not been seen since the day they conceived. Being a mother was more joyful than she thought, and she didn't mind foaling more with this stag (should they grow close). "Shall we go than?" she said with pure joy in her voice, she raised her tail (like an arabian) picking up a trot, she brushed her body against his, his body was heated, warming hers to the touch. She swayed off in the direction of the Dale and looked back with a smile, waiting for his directions to the lands.

    the tiny dancer

    OOC: you can make a post in the Plains if you want

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