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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Arrival of the Queen [Kreios, Ygritte, Queen Mary, Lady Kenna]
    Seeing that both of the yearlings had wanted to journey to the Falls, Anahi had led the way the entire journey home. It had taken them roughly a day or two before they finally arrived at the Falls, cresting the hill that overlooked the entire valley that made up a majority of the home.

    The emerald green grass spread across the land like an ocean, a diamond blue waterfall's color easily striking out in contrast. Various patches of trees dotted the lands that stretched on for miles; a very nice home for boss stallions, their mares, other various members of the kingdom, and, of course, the king and queen.

    Anahi turned to look back at the yearlings, "I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Anahi, and I am honored to welcome you both to the Falls."

    After that brief introduction, the champagne mare turned to the valley and let out a loud neigh, a calling to the king and queen, Kreios and Ygritte, to let them know of the new visitors. Anahi herself, unless asked, would remain for the meeting of the royals and the two yearlings.

    She'd seen quite a few surprises since she'd been here; one never knew what lay in store when two strangers arrived in a new land.
    The Dark Bay Yearling was reluctant to follow the champagne mare to her 'kingdom' for all they knew this was a set up to attack her and Lady Kenna. Althoug the mare seemed to have only good intentions, she followed. After some traveling they appeared to a land with beautiful sceneary. A waterfall that roared for attention, the water was a deep blue. Trees that offered protection and shade from the summer sun. It was quite a beautiful kingdom and she hoped that the king and queen would be just as kind.
    Her pace matched Kennas, she turned and nuzzled her shoulder in comfort, partially for Marys own comfort. They had stopped as they were now in what Mary imagined the heart of the kingdom, she scanned the horizon as the mare gave a neigh, calling out to the king and queen. Mary turned her attention back to the champagne mare who introduced herself, Mary gave a small dip of the head "Beautiful Name" she responded. The mare looked back off in the horizon, she stiffened her posture to appear as royal would, speaking to her herd; hoping to gain the respect of the royals from this kingdom as a first glance.
    Queen Mary
    Long May She Reign

    @[Lady Kenna]


    Ygritte stood amongst the thin branches of the weeping willow as autumn descended upon the Falls. This was a time that all the foliage shed the year's past beauty to curl up tight and snug for the onset of winter. There was a peacefulness that seemed to accompany the slumber of plants. When everyone assumed the leaves have frozen and the roots petrified, well, Ygritte knew better. She nosses the wilted petals of wildflowers, allowing herself to be come lost in the last hints of summer.

    The sound of Anahi's voice reaches her first. The flower crowned skull lifting as her attention is immediately drawn to the sound of her name. The lithe form is already turning, moving. Then the sound of another's call follows. It it higher, less mature. The amber pools search onl briefly before happening upon the trio of equines. The larger, familiar features of Anahi and two new ones of girls not much younger than Ygritte's twin.

    As the russet woman nears, a small curl upturns the velvet lips as she greets the women. "Lovely afternoon, isn't it?" Her tones are smooth like a pebble tumbled by water. I'm Ygritte, welcome to the Falls." The placid gaze moving to meet each of the faces, acknowledging the mare with a nod as she knew Anahi was a resident of the kingdom. The queen mare falls silent as she waits a reply or introduction.

    Lady Kenna
    Since Mary, Queen of a Foreign Kingdom, was a child, the surrounding Kingdoms wanted her Kingdom and her crown. But there are forces that conspire.. forces of darkness, forces of the heart. Long may she reign.

    The lands of the kingdom were quaint and quiet, quite like their homeland in fact. Her hazel eyes shifted across the scenery evaluating the terrain if there was a need to battle and defend her queen she would so if it was needed at that, he attention shifted to the glorious waterfall that fed the cool clear liquid into the kingdom, it was quite beautiful even though Kenna would not admit such a compliment if they were greeted rudely or shown immediate aggression.

    As Mary nuzzled her, Kenna nipped at her mane in an affectionate manner playfully tossing her friends dark mane to one side, her attention held upon comforting her friend and queen at the mere moment was crucial. Mary needed to feel safe for once, assassination attempts were constantly held in their homeland, all wanted Mary's head on a platter except these fine folks. At least it seemed that way.

    Kenna didn't speak a word when the champagne mare announced her name, there was no need to speak there's so why make up conversation? Yet as always Mary had answered how a queen should graciously and kindly as always, lets just hope their cover wasn't blown. Unfortunately they didn't have fake names for themselves, and they surely should of come up with one before entrusting an equine with their true titles and names. For now it was unneeded but soon they would have to tell their tale.

    As Anahi called for the royals, Kenna found that her queen called too. Her vocals were sweet and seemed to pierce her ears for a moment, but Kenna did not comment. She knew it was better to keep quiet until they were alone with the king and queen of this kingdom to speak of their homeland.

    Kenna's lobes prick to the sight of an equine seeming to make their way over towards the three, Salmon points decorated the mare's body. Her pink mane was decorated with multiple flowers entwined along with a flower crown that neatly rested upon her head.

    Deciding to finally speak instead of allowing Mary to simply give the two away she answered the mare, "Yes it is, especially in your gorgeous kingdom." She spoke politely tightening her posture as she strode a few paces in front of Mary in a protective manner."It's a pleasure to meet you Ygritte." She paused hazel eyes locking with Ygritte's, "Would it be too much trouble to ask if my friend and I could speak to you and the king alone?" Honestly, she would hate to simply leave Anahi on her own so she asked politely trying to not act like a royal by saying,'Your dismissed.' So she kept her cool, and turned her attention to Anahi.

    "Would you mind Anahi?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow. Her vocals sweetly ended in a delicate manner, as her golden mane swept across her face concealing one hazel eye from view.
    Protecter & Sworn Lady In Waiting To Thy Queen Mary
    When Ygritte was the first to arrive, Anahi was quick to bow her head to show respect to the Queen. The champagne mare held Ygritte in high regards; not just any mare could run a kingdom while keeping a steady head. A herd was one thing, an entire kingdom that at any moment could be threatened with war, she knew she could never handle such a thing.

    One of the fillies, the one that appeared to be more bold of personality, as the other one was a bit hesitant to talk, spoke to Ygritte before turning her attention to Anahi and politely asking her to leave. The champagne mare was hesitant about leaving Ygritte alone, for all she knew, something bad would happen. However, she needed to display trust; perhaps sticking around these fillies and Ygritte when they did not wish for her presence would send a bad message.

    "Not at all. I wish you both luck, and again, welcome to the Falls," she told the bay yearling that had spoken to Ygritte. With another dip of her head to the Queen, Anahi turned and headed back toward the herd lands, wishing to graze a little before going on with her daily responsibilities as a diplomat.


    wildcat of the falls

    Chidlren are not yet a common sight in the Falls, so the high chatter of youth is a surprise that I am moving toward long before Anahi calls for Ygritte and I. I make my way through the kingdom more quickly once she does. My heavy body is unnaturally graceful as I trot forward on clawed feet.

    I see the flowered head of Ygritte a bit away, and by the time I arrive in the clearing, a flaxen yearling is speaking to in the midst of the four females. They are a pretty sight, silhouetted against the burning autumn leaves, and I hear the chestnut ask to speak alone to Ygritte and I. Anahi seems somewhat reluctant to leave them alone together with Ygritte, so I let out a low whicker to let her know that I am here, and that I appreciate her bringing the two younglings.

    “I’m King Kreios,” I say as I step forward, pressing my shoulder affectionately against Ygritte’s mahogany side. The more talkative filly seems to defer to the bay yearling, and it’s not hard to deduce that she views the girl as someone important. Perhaps she is, I think, but I do not recognize her. “What can we help you with?”

    i’m screaming the name of a foreigner’s god

    image by connor obrien

    Mary watched as a beautiful bay and salmon mare approached the three, she carried herself as a Queen would, and appeared humble from view. Mary gave a nod of her head to the Queen in return to her question. It certainly was beautiful, the kingdom was beautiful, it reminded her of the love she had for her own kingdom, far from here.

    She watched as Kenna stepped in front of her, protecting her, thankful for the friend she had. She turned to the champagne mare as Kenna asked her to leave, thankful that the mare had no objections, and was willing to leave the equines to discuss personally.

    As the champagne mare left, a giant stallion appeared; much taller than Kenna and herself the spotted stag introduced himself as the king. Mary gave a dip of her head to he who introduced himself as Kreios. It was nerve racking to give up there position, there secrets, to these horses they did not know. But the two fillies would have to at some point, and these horses seemed to be the ones to ask for help. The bay yearling stepped beside her friend, and raised her head high "My name is Mary, Queen Mary" she paused "I come from a lands far from here, I am a Queen to my own kingdom" she awaited there expressions, it was rare to see a horse so young ruling a kingdom. "Myself and my lady, Kenna, were forced to leave, many equines in my kingdom wanted my position, and they were willing to shed blood to obtain it. I am here to ask for help, my mother told me that the horses from beqanna held powers that we have never seen, powers that could help me regain my thrown" the filly explained there story, and why the two horses appeared here. She didn't know when, or if ever they would return to there own kingdom. But they needed help, watching the royals here, learning of there magical powers. She gave a quick glance to Kenna wondering if she left anything out.

    Queen Mary
    Long May She Reign

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