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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Seeking Sisterhood-{Calling All Amazonians!}


    The Tobiano cautiously enters the field, it has been a long time since she conversed with another. Garona and her twin sister never got along, even though Garona wanted nothing more than that emotional and physical bond with her. Her mother was to busy contemplating how become the lead mare, Garona was left to entertain herself for most of her short life, she just needed someone to believe in her.

    She walks past the other equines, careful not to make eye contact or accidentally brush up against one. She was petite unlike her father, she resembled her mother more, large hindquarters but slim body. 

    She gave a snort with every step, the weather was cold but the snow was nearly melted and grass was peaking out ready to sprout for another year. She found a quiet spot beneath a tree where she decided to rest, she gazed at the others talking curious to how it was so easy for them.

    I Will Prove My Worth

    OOC: *cough cough* yea just sermfin to get out there.
    I am not afraid.
    Lately she had remained at Lexa's side, visiting the Chamber for the necessary need of a treaty, and patrolling the borders of her homeland. She payed less attention to the filed as her kingdom had begun to grow like a wild fire and there was no need to, except of course to rank up. Some how the position of being higher than others called to her as there were so few that had strife to achieve as she did. 

    Her speckled limbs guide her through cliques of equine, there was really no drill to recruiting. It was just a simple 'hello, would you like to join the Jungle?' but some of course she had to fight for. Today she wasn't looking for someone to fight for nor was she in search for someone with limited strength as she had in the past. Her kingdom's army was smaller than the diplomats, and her kingdom wasn't particularly a friendly 'la dee dah' kingdom. If one sister was attacked that would be portrayed as an act of war. For she knew although Lexa was new in her reign she was very much protective of each and every one of her sisters.

    Scanning the premises of the field with verdant optics, she spots a seemingly strong Tobiano mare. Her blotched pistons beneath her drive her forwards limb after limb until she reaches a good distance apart from the mare. For she knew some preferred their personal space not to be crossed. "Hello there." She allows a roguish grin to tug at the corners of her lips, "I'm Celeana of The Jungle." Celeana dips her head in a tone of respect. "Care to share a name?"

    Allowing her green eyes to wander the girl chuckles, "Quite the lovely day we have today. What brings you to the field?" She questions striding forwards leaving just enough speak between herself and the mare.

    [Image: celeana1_zps6eonkecp.gif?w=480&h=480&fit...1483304507]


    She was intently watching the others and quickly startled at the voice of another. Her head shot to the right where she spotted a white and black mare, her body relaxed at the sight of the mare, still suspicious as to how Garona didn't hear her creeping up.

    The spotted mare gave a greeting followed by a smile on her face, Garona force a smile similar to the stranger, only to be polite of course. The mare introduced herself as Celeana, Garona gazed at her, taking a moment of silence before sharing her own name. My name is Garona, I come from a herd in the Chambers. she snorted before gazing around the field, it was so nice to see nature. The Chamber is nothing but soot and the occasional bare tree, its like the Kingdom knew she was born into a life of solitude.

    Her gaze trailed back to the mare known as Celeana as she talked about the day and asked Garona why she was here. She gave a shrug, returning her gaze to the others talking about, the trees gently blowing. I like spring, it is when the the flowers and trees bloom again, a new life every year. I guess it was ironic for Garona to be talking like that, she was just barely a yearling after all, but in that year she has learned plenty. Mainly that she didn't want to be ignored anymore, her eyes returned back to the spotted mare once more. I suppose I came to attempt talking to a new face, but they all seem occupied. she paused for a few breaths Except you of course, why are you here? She asked returning the question to the mare who also seemed incredibly young.

    I Will Prove My Worth
    I am not afraid.
    She remains silent, as the mare before her introduces herself as Garona. The name was unique and Celeana couldn't help but wonder what could it mean? As her curiosity is perked, the girl remembers her task at hand recruit to rank up. Her stop in the filed would have to be a quick pit stop for surely she would be needed by Lexa tom patrol the borders. Since she was one of the few that remained in the army.

    "Well...." Celeana couldn't just tell the mare she was here just to benefit off of bringing this mare to her kingdom. So she went with something simple, "I'm just making a pit-stop before I head back to the Jungle. You can tag along if you want." She added gleefully, she was never a cheerful soul but some how making everything seem friendly made the Jungle seem more welcoming. Due to it's immense amount of predators and danger lingering within every canopy  it wasn't the most enticing place for those whom were faint-hearted.

    "Maybe you can even stay a while... There's a lot more vegetation and wildlife there than the chamber." She added casually, her ebony tail swirling at her hocks. She could only think of a few unharmful creatures that called the Jungle home, of course the capybaras, Howler Monkey's even if they lack in manners and the sense of when to stop shrieking their heads off and lastly, the black jaguar. The embodiment of the Jungle spirit's magic, that had dissipated from Beqanna. The feline still lingered only showing it's face in the necessary of times, like sister initiations and important meetings. 

    OOC:i know it's trash lol

    [Image: celeana1_zps6eonkecp.gif?w=480&h=480&fit...1483304507]

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