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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  A Rose In The Rain [ Warship/Chamberlings]


     The shock was wearing off, but only slightly so. Beqanna had called back her land, her magic, and gifts. She had reset all of her nations to their humble beginnings; had grown tired of the kingdoms’ bickering, and destruction. She had taken the kingdoms away and everyone was without a home, forced to regroup, forced to come to new terms. The blood bay thought of this morning, his time spent keeping the Chamberlings safe, and how there was no Chamber left to protect to work for. Did he want to call them together, bring the people he knew back together? Or should he move to make a new family, find those that he wanted to keep around, and grow a new diverse group? There were so many options and it was much to take into account. In reality, he worked for chamber because of Killdare. Nymphetamine knew this, so did there was a question of what would be best for him in the end. 

    The thought of what to do and the constant replay of the day’s events made Nymph’s head spin. He made his way from the mountain to the meadow, one of the only places left untouched by the events of the day. The flat rolling grasslands of Beqanna were a welcomed sight after the long and trying day. It was much more active than normal, but considering all the Beqanna was a bit of a tizzy, it was understandable. Nymphetamine scanned those around him, some looked familiar, but no one held a face of someone he felt he could sort everything out with. So the stood and waited, and watched. Eventually, there would be someone who he could hash it out with, but until then, he would wait.

    Like a thorn to the Holy Ones

    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]


      The air itself feels stagnant and hot from the sheer weight of bodies in such close proximity, and it leaves his nerves on fire with raw irritation. The uncertainty of the moving ground and the sheer magnitude of change causes his head to ache in a way it hadn't in some time, and the constant undertone of noise (voices, so many voices - some hushed, some bellowing) echoes in the depths of his mind. He presses forward, heavy legs carrying him through the dense stalks of greenery that waver so gently with a breeze he can barely feel, while his eyes of fire search - he can see over the many bodies, and his heart beats faster within his chest as he weaves through the mass of living, breathing bodies.

      His breath catches in his esophagus as his gaze happens upon that of the blood bay, and his heart clenches within the iron bars of his chest. Nymphetamine, second-hand to none other than his own ally. Mirth bubbles forth from the heavy trenches of his own vexation, and his terse muscles pound more frequently over dense bone as he lopes along one hillside. At last, a small shred of quiet - but it is all but interrupted with the weight of his gruff voice, permeating the heavy air. "Nymphetamine! You seem well - at least, to say, unharmed. I cannot find any of the others, but I have been  looking. Have you seen Killdare? His Queen? Eight and Topsail are well, and our alliances stand - we seek refuge; will you join us in our search?"

    if truth is north, then i am true south
    She is the last queen of the chamber, and yet she does not mourn its loss. The destruction of such a selfish Kingdom feels like freedom, it is almost enough to justify the world coming undone. The chamber had demanded a heart from her grandfather, the heart that had beat forever beneath their heels, and a life-debt from her father. She had always known the kingdom would want something of her next; she had not been drawn there without reason, without purpose.

    But now it would have nothing.

    She might’ve forgotten the kingdom entirely if she had not found Rodrik, a former king and her grandfather by something more than blood, and two of the former princes. But finding them reminded her that Killdare would have tried to gather everyone, he would have wanted to protect them still.

    It was always him that she had served, never the kingdom.
    So she goes now, in his name, to find their people.

    She had tried to find Killdare first despite that he would not have wanted her to (she is as selfish as the kingdom she hated, as hungry for what she feels is hers) but she had found him nowhere, not even a whisper. Unease twisted in her chest, it wilted any flutter of hope that might have ever tried to exist in the dark of her heart the longer she was without him. She felt tethered to him in every way, had always vowed to protect him, and she had failed.

    When she enters the meadow it takes only a second to place the familiar silhouette of Nymphetamine. Touching her nose to Erebor’s dark shoulder to let him know where she’s going, she turns to join him. But before she can he is joined by someone pulled quite literally from her nightmares. She would know those red eyes anywhere. Her body turns fluid and feral, her ears disappearing into the tangle of dark and blue mane as she closes the distance between them in great, bounding strides.

    But when she reaches Nymphetamine’s side, pressing her nose to his neck possessively, it is just in time to hear Killdare’s names on the lips of this not-stranger. She watches him darkly, it is impossible to look anywhere else because suddenly she cannot see anything but the barn, the rows of stalls and those glowing red eyes watching her from the dark. It is only when Erebor appears at her side and touches his nose to her neck that she understands the rest of what this black stallion says.

    “I am his Queen, though I have not seen him anywhere.” The admission feels like fire in her chest, a carved out loneliness she wants nothing to do with. Her brow furrows darkly beneath the point of a long, spiraling horn as she pieces together enough of what he had told Nymphetamine, and then she steps forward. “You must be Offspring,” he was the only ally left unmentioned, and of course he wouldn’t name himself, “I cannot speak for Nymphetamine, but if you will help me protect those that are mine, then I will join you.”

    His eyes flash again in the half-light and she flinches, turning from him, from that which makes no sense.
    She had convinced herself that he was not real, that he was just one more lie in a series of impossible things.

    But he stands here before her, all flesh and blood, confirmed by the heat of his pulse when she reaches out to touch her lips to the curve of his mouth. “I thought you weren’t real.” This confession is quiet, just a whisper, and then she has pulled away from him again to rejoin Erebor and Nyphetamine.
    Siba was a bit irritated that it had taken her so long to locate her sire. After telling him that she was going to go out and search for her dam, the two had parted ways. A day or so had passed since Beqanna's changes before Siba had any news of her dam to report to her sire. She didn't know how this news would affect him, since she could tell he'd been battling with his feelings. Siba knew he liked this other mare, a pretty blue-colored one named Kimber. However, he seemed to like Nitika too, so Siba didn't know what to think.

    Would Nymphetamine be pleased? Would he be disappointed? How would he feel when Siba reported her news?

    The filly was unsure, but knew she had to tell him. So, when she couldn't find him, she walked around, asking if any horse had. A blood bay stallion was pretty easily picked out from among a herd, especially ones that had the wide range of colors Beqanna sported. Finally, she had a hit, and hurried as fast as she could to her sire's location.

    When she arrived, the filly hesitated to say anything. A large black stallion was there with her sire, as well as a blue mare, one she recognized as Malis. She couldn't hear what the other horses were really saying; she wanted to give them their space. Her dam had been quick to chastise her for eavesdropping one time, and Siba had quickly learned not to do it again.

    So, when it seemed the major part of the conversation was over - at least when Siba heard Malis agree to what seemed to be an alliance with the black stallion - Siba walked forward, a hidden look in her one good blue eye as she approached her sire.

    "Dad... I looked all over... I... I don't know how you'll take this news..." she said, then looked behind her. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, a flash of white appeared, and it was clear.

    Nitika stepped out from among the trees, her white coat a bit ruined by the dirt and mud she'd acquired during her time out searching for her family. She had a wound on the side of her neck that turned her fur a bright red, something that Siba cringed at every time she looked at it.

    Siba turned to look back at her sire, "I found her in the southern edge of the forest... she was hurt... she needs a place to stay... can she stay with us Father, until she gets better?" Siba asked, knowing it was better to voice her words as a question since the mare next to Nymphetamine was giving off vibes that Siba didn't like.

    OOC: Hey @[Offspring], if it's all right, both Siba and Nitika would like to contribute to adding points to the team so they can find a land to call home. Is that okay?

    I'm a mouth that doesn't smile

    I'm a word that no one ever wants to say

    The dust was settling, but the chaos was not. All of Beqanna seemed tossed up into the throes of the reckoning. Everyone was waking up, rubbing the sleep from their eyes, shaking off the dust that covered them. It was time to rebuild, start anew – a clean, even sheet like the snow that was covering the ground. Monarchs fell, families were separated, and those who wielded power were once again common and unadorned. It was strange, seeing these equines that once held magic in their veins and traits by their side (Eight included), without that power. It was strange to see Beqanna torn asunder, the kingdoms thrown into one expanse of land. How strange everything was now.
    Eight had taken no time in finding those he had once shared the Valley with. It was imperative to rebuild – to find a place to call home once again – for who knew what Beqanna had lying in wait up her sleeves. But this was a new world, and while the Valley existed no longer, her allies still did. And so Eight had forged on with Offspring and Magnus, preparing to create a trifecta to forge a new land.
    However, there were still faces unaccounted for – allies that they had not found, the Chamber. Eight had wandered the Meadow throughout the past week since the reckoning, keeping a keen eye out for Killdare and Malis, but to no avail. However, on this sharply cold winter day, he was in luck. From the horizon of the meadow, he saw Nymphetamine, flanked by Offspring. So the old Tundra king had indeed found members of the Chamber – and even her queen.
    Eight approached, hearing the tail end of Malis’ words and the arrival of two fillies, one injured. A small twinge reminded Eight of the lack of power he now wielded – the fact that he could not console the torn skin of the girl. He turned to the group; “Nymphetamine, Malis, Offspring, girls.” He nodded to each in turn. “I am Eight, for those I haven’t formally met. Malis, we would be glad to welcome you into our refuge. We stood by the Chamber before, and we will stand by her former people now. We have petitioned for land, Magnus, Offspring, and I – and we await the verdict.”




    Chamber had grown smaller through the years, her people living quietly in peace. It was a different life than the days of Straia and the peace hadn't fit many so they left seeking power and destruction. But those who remained were true and loyal to the kingdom and each other. That loyalty spread to Chamber's allies, a bond that in the blood bay's opinion was some of the strongest in Beqanna. They of course did as they pleased but their individual actions always seemed to work for each other, allowing the alliance to grow. Everything was different now, and the bay's foundation had been severely shaken. He had been to the mountain, while there only found 2 his own, and then at the meadow he had scanned for those he knew and found no one. He was alone, without his own around him. He had hoped they would come, he hoped the meadow would bring those he worked along side to him, but none did.

    He felt he waited for some time, each passing minute caused his heart to sink a little lower. Where was everyone? So many had fled, so many had hidden in imagined safety, there was no way only 3 had made it out the the quakes alive. His mind raced with what-if scenarios, what had happened to Killdare, Malis, Kimber? What if the allies wouldn't accept him without Killdare? He knew all the other leaders, save Eight-- the only leader he hadn't met except from a glance on the battlefield, he had tended Chamber's friendships and ushered information and good will between them almost exclusively for the past 5 years. His diplomatic relationships with the other rules had grown into friendships-- but he was not a ruler himself-- not yet. He had been left with a sinking feeling. Was he to force himself upon the allies, ask them to take him in, to have pity on him and hope they accepted him--even if they didn't want him? Or was he to try and gather Chamber up, take her people that he could find and forge a new path, something dynamic and unexpected? It was a decision he would have to move on quickly, as there was not enough time to just wait forever.

    His thoughts swirled as he noticed a black horse of solid build move through the meadow, Nymphetamine’s ears peaked with interest as he swore it was Offspring. The body moved through the crowded space, slowly making his way towards the bay. It wasn’t until he saw the Tundra King’s eyes that he believed it was Offy. The former fire and ice king was a welcomed sight for his worried mind, and his words washed over him in a series of waves. First was relief, then concern as his fears for Killdare, and finally comfort as he offered him a place among the alliance. Nymphetamine was unable to answer as Malis appeared beside him, eyes a little wild, and pressed her nose against him. He didn’t understand her crazed nerves at the sight of Offspring, but he brushed it off to the recent events. Malis spoke first explaining how she had not found Killdare, and Nymphetamine grew more concerned for his friend and former king. Nymph brushed his nose against Malis in a show of support for her pain and concern. Malis became queen not for Chamber but for Killdare.--It had to be difficult. His voice fell then, and he would follow Malis and keep the work of his king alive. Offspring, friend, I am glad to see you well; and hear of Valley’s health and safety. I have not found Killdare either, which does concern me. However, Killdare does enjoy solitude He could be reflecting somewhere privately. I will continue my search once I know those who Chamber protected have a sanctuary. Killdare would want Chamber to continue our alliance, so I would be glad to join you and the others.”

    Nymphetamines attention was pulled by the voice of Siba, one of his youngest daughters. She isn’t so young anymore, she had grown into a strong young mare. She had been with him on the mountain and had left to find her mother, Nitika. He turned from Offy and Malis with a nod, momentarily excusing himself and focused on the pintabian mare. Her eyes spoke much more than her mouth had to he knew something was wrong. ”What’s wrong Siba? What did you find?” Siba was unsure how to say what was on her mind and he walked to her to reassure her. At that time she came forward with a wound upon her neck, and nymph instantly wished he could heal her, or that eight was here and had his magic still. Seems that his need to protect his child hadn’t gone away as she had grown. But Siba’s next words knocked his heart yet again. Nikita had been hurt, and Siba had worried he wouldn’t take the news how she hoped. Nymphetamine looked at his daughter and her concern, and then to Offy. Nikita, while she may not have his whole heart, he cared for her and wanted her safe. ”Of course, I will talk to Offspring, I am sure he will welcome those I call family.” He believed his word true, but knew if he met resistance he would be forced to leave.

    Nymphetamine gestured for Siba to come back to the others with him. When his attention returned to the others Malis returned to his side, and Eight had come too. Eight introduced himself to everyone, and Nymphetamine listened closely. Today had ended well, with friends, and now hopefully a home. He was ready to leave the meadow, to gather with those that would reside in the sanctuary, and then go home, if Beqanna would allow it. ”Eight, it is good to finally meet you formally. Everyone this is Siba, my daughter. Her mother and her resided in Falls before the quakes, but Siba found her mother injured in the Forest, and has ask that she and her mother join us. If there is nothing else that needs discussed, I will go get Nikita, and meet everyone to travel to our new home, if Beqanna finds us deserving.” Nymphetamine waited to hear any final topics and say his farewells. He looked to Siba before motioning for her to lead the way. It was a new day in Beqanna, and the his new job had already started--- gather up the Chamberlings, and find Killdare, but first he had to gather Nikita. There was much to do, but Nymphetamine was glad to have something to work towards.

    Like a thorn to the Holy Ones

    OOC: don't feel like oyu have to reply since there is now a little outdated but, if you want to ok! sorry for the delay, house hunting craziness.
    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]
    Siba was beyond thrilled; not only for the fact that some of the horses here were petitioning for a kingdom, which meant safety for the herd, but also that Nymphetamine was taking an interest in her plight. Due to her nervousness, which the stallion picked up on, he walked over to her to give her a sense of reassurance, something Siba appreciated. She took in a breath to settle down, taking a note that her sire was looking at the cut on her neck.

    "It's fine Father; minuscule. It'll heal in a day or two," she said, brushing her muzzle back to move her mane so it covered the cut.

    When Siba mentioned Nitika, Nymphetamine seemed to want to help. She followed her sire to the group of horses, shrinking back a bit in their presence. Never before had she been around such an imposing group. She'd met the leaders of the Chamber a couple of times, but for very brief periods of time. Here, in their presence, with leaders of other fallen kingdoms, she felt very small, invisible almost...

    The mare stood by her sire's side, although a bit behind him as she let him do all the talking. Without any hesitation, Nymphetamine introduced her as his daughter before explaining that her dam, Nitika, needed a home so she could heal from the wounds she'd received during Beqanna's changing. Siba kept her eyes down, not looking at the other leader-esque horses, knowing it might be considered a challenge to do so.

    Instead, the blue-eye filly waited for her sire to finish speaking. When Nymphetamine was done, he gestured for her to lead him to her dam. Smiling, glad that it seemed he was genuinely concerned for the paint mare, Siba turned away from the leaders and led her sire a ways into the trees.

    She'd brought her dam much closer than she had intended, but in the case that someone wanted to help, Siba didn't want Nitika to have to travel much farther. So she'd found a safe place, a mile or so's distance from the herd, a secure place that would provide Nitika safety while Siba left to find help. The blue-eye mare turned her head continuously to continue looking at the land; something she had always done, considering one of her eyes was blind.

    Reaching a particularly dense thicket of trees, Siba motioned for her sire to continue falling. Using her body to try and brush some of the thicket aside so he could continue after without getting smacked in the face by the thick branches, Siba let out a small whinny, letting the nearby horse know she was close and would be arriving any minute.

    Finally, Siba reached the end. She spotted the paint mare standing weakly on the other side of the small glenn. Nitika had a defeated posture, her body weakened and hurt. A nasty cut ran along her shoulder, though the amount of blood seemed to have lessened in Siba's eye, which gave her hope; perhaps her dam standing still had helped to stop the wound from bleeding moreso than it had. As it was, the mare's front leg was stained red.

    The mare's blue eyes were tired, but filled with hope and love when she saw her daughter. Siba trotted over, nuzzling her dam, running her muzzle along the mare's neck. Nitika returned the show of affection, lifting her head much as she could and nibbling Siba's forelock. Siba met her dam halfway, knowing Nitika shouldn't be moving much.

    "Are you okay Mom?" she asked, concerned for the paint mare. Siba looked back to Nymphetamine, her one good eye filled with worry and fright, "I moved her as far as I could... but she's tired Dad... I don't know what to do... I'm scared..."

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