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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The SNAKES start to SING
    He was deliberate in his pace, his gliding with purpose for once. Nier had many ideas in his head, a flurry of words. He decided on his flight that he would come here. Claim this land as his and go back and pick up the black maiden, MorningStar.

    This ridge called to his inner greed, beautiful and taunting, the shades of rubies and sapphires glimmered in the cliffs. This was his. He'd have this land and he wouldn't have to answer to any one. If he wanted to lounge on the edge, looking at the depths below, doing nothing but idling, he could.

    And he couldn't wait.


    He had taken the ground, trotted for the first time in a long time beside another. He forgot how exhausting it was. Flying everywhere was definitely the way to go. He turned to MorningStar and gave a gratifying snort.

    "What do you think, my pet?"
    ..::We are the in between, cast down as sons of war
    Struck to the earth like lightning, on this world we're torn
    We won't cause the pain, of living out their law
    Take joy in who you are, we know our wings are flawed::..

    Lucid bodice follows the alabaster master, close and obediently. The femme would please him, she would make certain she would be remembered in his eyes. Cerulean pools examine him, every inch of his ghostly tower. Sinews were strong, eyes twinkled with electric dreams. Femme twists a smirk upon her velvets as she follows closely to him. through the umbra and growth from the herdless area to the beautiful cliffside. Gemstone Ridge. Ruby reds, emerald greens, sapphire blues, they even shone through the tainted white of snow. Beautiful now, the fatale wondered how glorious it would be in the height of summer. the wind plucking at her midnight tresses as she stood atop the ridge, with her master.

    ..::We're bored to death in heaven
    And all alone in hell
    We only want to be ourselves::..

    She nickers, a soft noise from her velvets. nasal passages flaring, breathing in the saline taint of the sea far down the depths below. she kicked a stone with a flint, watched as it fell, laughed as it struck the ground with a plop. Femme looks at her master with dazzling cerulean orbs and she smiles.


    She lips at the air, velvets pulling at the scent, as her nape arches and she nips gently at his tresses, pulling herself closer to him she gazes out the topography. By the sound of him, Nier did not have any other here. She was his first and it swelled within her, a sense of gratification. she nudged him again and blew a breath between her lips.

    And it's all yours.

    She laughs a serenade, like a siren sitting on the beach she dances for him. appendages twisting beneath her she sashays to the left, to the right, her plume snapping at her haunches in time with her movements. Graceful. beautiful, she arches her willowy nape and she then snakes closer to him. Wanting the closeness. it's cold up here in the wind. she'd much prefer to be in the confines of a cavern. out of the window. getting to know her master better.

    Tell me about you. Master Nier. I want to know everything.

    ..::Follow the morning star, a light when darkness fell
    The passion left unholy, now you find yourself,
    We have nowhere to go, no one to wish us well,
    A cry to find our home, our stories they will tell::..
    She's got a tongue that asks questions and a mind ripe like a succulent apple. He was never that fond of the sweet treats, they're normally rotten to the core with an infestation of maggots. Nier wondered, if he cracked this little ebony mare open, would she be full of devastation?

    He studied her with a keen eye, in the light that broke the wintry sky, he could see her better here. Her sleek body, small snd compact. Her dished face exotic against the ridge. It was the brilliant sapphires in the rock face that made him notice her gemstone blue eyes. He gave a rugged snort; all this fancy examination. He let a yawn stretch his jaw as he lazily came alongside her as she continued to sashay her hips and stretch her legs. Nier had himself a little exotic dancer, all to himself. Greed piqued him within but not for long before his sloth behaviour took over. Wings opened and he stretched them, ruffling them.

    Oh he did like to impress.

    "Piece of paradise, no?"

    He listened, ear turned to her. Yes the minx posed questions. And he'll answer then, the way Any sloth demon would. In a lazy tone, a little bored already. Was this it of herd life?

    "Nothing much than you see, Pet. Born and raised here. Find it boring as hell -- will you change that for me, my little exotic dancer?" he playfully nipped at her hocks, wiling her to move some more. He has some exploring to do and he didn't want her too far out of sight. He'd hate to see that pretty little thing in a mess of black mans, blood and bone down the edge.

    Sick and twisted minds breed sick and twisted lies.

    n i e r;
    tyrael x amnesia
    the winged invisible sloth demon
    Fatale twitches audits, listening to the master stud with attentiveness. Plume waves over obsidian hocks in waterfall of raven black. Butterfly lashes coat her cheek as she pressed bodice closer. Delighted femme is at the attention, his touch sends shivers through every inch of her frame. Threatening to fall, she dances away once again, raven flints rapping along the terra firm.  Flakes of Ivory spit up at her as she sashays and sways, lost in her own serenade. At her masters name she smiles, her velvety purring in delight and desire. She is here in this paradise, beaches below, glittering gems blinding her sapphire eyes. It's beauty and exotic. It's like her, like him.

    Trust you to find this place. It's beauty unmatched. You have a good eye m'lord.

    Stark against the paling light she continues her trance like dance, flints knocking, appendages shifting. Femme moves closer, ivories opening as maw trails along the milky stud, kisses of seduction, sweetness and amaze.

    I can do anything you like. Master Nier. I can be your doll, your pet, anything you'd like.

    Her smile unwavering she moves even closer, pressing her bodice close to him, alluringly, wanting. Her velvets nip along his withers. A little overbearing but she wants him for hers. He may think it's the other way round, but he's hers as much as she's his.

    But you hurt me. I will be hell for you.

    Cerulean orbs glitter with promise as she warns him with a delightful smirk.
    If you’d imagine Hell’s throne room, you could depict the demons with their obligatory vice. You’d have Wrath, seething in the corner, eyes as red as blood. Next to him Envy, green and fine with jealous beads of sweat running over his crocodile body. Lust was easy, he was too busy fawning over things that he could not have. Gluttony would be holding up armfuls of grapes, but having some poor pet feed them to him, one by one, his mouth full, no time and no want to talk. Sloth, he is the epitome of nothingness. Bone-idle and lazy to the very, agnostic core. Thus we are introduced to Nier. Handsome and manipulative, daring and brash, if only he could get up off the couch and do something.

    Sometimes he felt the world owed him, sometimes he felt he owed the world, some form of compensation for his existence, but alas, he would amble the earth, terrorise it’s victims until the end of his days. If he didn’t die from complete boredom.

    Ashen hooves kicked up some of the melting snow beneath his feet, they balled beneath his soles and he felt like he was walking on stilettos. He decided long ago that walking the earth’s crust was too much work. Flying was the way to go, even if he never truly soared with the eagles so to speak. The real epitome of a fallen angel, wings as white as the foamy clouds, but a heart as black as the night sky. Heart? I think you’d be pretty sure that the grey steed had not a heart in his body, just an empty space where it would have resided.

    Nothing excited him. Nothing made any spark in his dark eyes. Very little enthused him to make him move, to stir something in his core.

    He yawned again, tail flicking idly by his hocks, his eyes watching BrokenStar with a strange intensity. She had a soul unburdened, a beating heart within her and life in her veins, pumping ripe and true. The way she pressed up against him made him think of things, terrible, terrible things. He trailed his muzzle along her spine, nipping, biting, catching hairs in his teeth. Her words were whispers of wanton, words he would have expected to hear a little way along the line, but not now. He must be doing something right...

    "I have an eye for exceptional things..." he blew a breath, near her cheek, his teeth finding her jawline where he nipped, softly, never affectionately but with a softer force than before. Nier then took a step back and watched her, slow, deliberate, from her hoof to the tips of her ears.

    "That's a promise I'd love to hear you say -- I'd show you many things, Pet, you just have to allow me to own you. You are mine, and in return you have my protection, you have my eye." he rose a proverbial brow, gave a low, guttural snort and firmly nipped towards her backend. He was some equine Christian Grey, dark thoughts and an twisted mindset, if only he could over the dullness in his dark eyes.

    "I have no doubt what you could be for me, and Hell is surely one of them. But, Pet, Demons are from Hell and I find it quite homely..."

    n i e r;
    the SNAKES start to SING
    tyrael x amnesia
    the winged, invisible sloth demon

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