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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    until we see what we've left behind -- open
    It was fascinating how one word can change everything for someone, as the mention of the Chamber had done to Raene. He draws his head back slightly, but still watching her carefully. Interesting, truly. She did not stir, it was as if whatever recollection she had of it had rendered her frozen, even if briefly. Words then follow, and they are ones that Dagro was hoping to have avoided hearing. It’s gone. Truly dismal news. Not for the Chamber itself, but for what he had parted with when it was there. Perhaps even just for the memories.

    Raene’s statement repeats in his mind. Gone...reshaped. They were heavy words to absorb, but he only slightly reveals a shift in his demeanor. He would have liked to have visited it at least once, through the eyes of a man rather than a boy. A man who had learned quite a lot in his travels to worlds far away. As a child, there was no real concept of evil to him, and anyone he had seen or interacted with was relatively normal, to his recollection. However, he was typically busy elsewhere. Busy learning, growing, and surviving. Adults and their politics didn’t matter.

    “That’s a shame.” he musters absently once he realizes how long he had taken to response. His gaze was fixed on nothing in particular, but it shifts to Raene. “Thank you for clarifying. Spares me a wasted effort.” he gives a small nod, sighing. He listens as Raene addresses Pandorica, and mentions the Reckoning. He remains quiet, but holds on to that word for a later time.

    landen x scire
    She watched the man's demeanor change slightly. Her heart shifted, her dreams of joining the Chamber vanishing like their breaths in the cold winter air. She let her eyes wander as Raene asks her somthing. If Pandorica's lived here before the reckoning.

    "Yes, I've lived in the meadow for nearly all my life." her voice was more plesant, seeing the day had gone on. She shook her head, trying to clear it of the huge earthquake and the slow rise of the mountain. The horses near her loosing their magical powers.

    Her eyes had glazed, memory taking over her brain. "The reckoning was a strange day, wasn't it? Everything had started off seemingly normal, the useual kingdoms were fighting again, all had their powers. The kingdoms were still here. But now, nothing but the name of the land is the same. Slowly, the horses are getting their powers back. But that's it. The mountains now here. The desert's gone, now only to be remembered by a lake." she shook her head.

    Her orbes shifted to the man beside her. "It's all gone. The common lands and where the children play are pretty much all that's left."
    djinni raene

    “Some of the kingdoms stayed together,” she tells Dagro when he thanks her, “If it’s horses you’re looking for and not the land itself, they might be together.” The sisterhood had gone to Nerine and the Falls to Sylva; perhaps the members of the Chamber had been equally tightly knit. They probably hadn’t – had she not found Walter in the Meadow? – but she’d rather give him something to pursue than have him stew in silence.

    When the black mare answers her question, the spotted mare listens curiously. The answer is not unexpected, but she watches curiously as the smaller horse’s eyes glaze over and she speaks candidly about a day that most of them would rather forget. When she finishes, the appaloosa smiles wryly. “Not all of us were so slow to regain what was taken.”

    But Pandorica confirms what she has said – that most of the lands of Beqanna are lost beneath the sea. “Perhaps it’s for the better.” She replies, her tone and expression carefully neutral.

    current appearance:
    heavy build
    black spotted blanket appaloosa
    salmon pink mane and tail
    D J I N N I
    genie | rose gold tobiano dun | trickster

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