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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Breathe in, Bleed out [M]| Dovev
    **This is likely to become M for mature content. Viewer discretion is advised**

    Do something.
    He waits. Standing in the forest, among the trees with the shadows caressing his tall and lean tobiano-patterned body. Shielding him from the rays of the sun. His mind is far from where he stands. Far from the heat of another summer day and the light layer of sweat sheened on his coat. Far from the stillness of the air. Instead, his mind revisits those brief moments in the meadow with a pretty thing wrapped in mahogany and crimson. A toy that was not his to play with, but he had anyway. It had been quick, so quick. Just a tease compared to what he craves the most. She hadn't given in to him, but she hadn't needed to. He could still taste her on his lips, feel the give of her flesh between his teeth, the tearing of skin to allow crimson to trickle down to match her legs. Delicious.

    A smirk plays along his lips. He doesn't know how he knows, but somehow he knows that he would find her. In her disrupted state, bleeding from wounds lashed into not just her pretty little body, but also her mind. He'd loved toying with her, even now the rush tingles through his veins. He isn't sorry, far from it. He was only sorry she hadn't lashed back out at him, had only stood and taken what he gave her. He could've given her so much more, but the beast wouldn't quiet. He had needs! And she wasn't giving them to him. So he'd left her with orders to find him, tell him what he'd done. And now he waits.

    The anticipation amplifies his cravings, his need. Knowing he would be coming, but not when. Zoryn had been a very bad boy, he thinks with a wicked grin, a shiver racking his spine regardless of the heat of the afternoon. He's waited days, countless hours, for him to come. To return to him. He would no longer be denied, he'd seen to that. He'd played with his toy in a naughty way, and he would be surely punished. He almost laughs with glee at the thought, muscles twitching. He aches, yearns. The beast in his mind paces, but Zoryn remains still. He'd filled himself with grazing all morning, but he is so damn hungry. He feels a change in the air, electrically charged, remaining alert and aware of everything around him. Sweet expectation permeates from him, tension of his impatience reaching bone-deep. Arduous amethyst-flecked gaze slowly sifts through the trees and brush.

    Come, and make it hurt so good.
    Silence. A bitter and brilliant silence overwhelmed his mind. Everything was compartmentalized, set aside and away from him. The deadened quiet was his savior, kept him whole when everything threatened to shatter to a million pieces. Anger, rage, had always been his strength. Sadness, if it had become too strong, too unbearable, had often shifted into it, returned him to the familiar strength of brute power. And it had become too unbearable. Too painful.

    Nothing could have separated him from his child, from the last piece of his Cerva and their shared happiness. From his perfect little Atrani. Nothing but herself as she recoiled from his touch, as she rebuffed him time and time again. He was used to being so close, so consumed and wrapped in affection, so the distance she placed between them had hurt far more deeply than anyone could truly understand.

    He'd had to walk away, been forced to let her have her way. He couldn't survive any more of her rejection. The pain of that loss was bottled up too, carefully set aside where it could not catch flame and explode in a torrent of pain. Where it could not burn away the fraying remnants of his humanity. He knew what he had to do, to release this in a controlled environment where no others could get hurt from it.

    He had a date with the devil and a score to settle.

    Drifting through the lands, a slow and building storm cloud of hate and suffering, he walked with a steady purpose. He knew exactly where to go, could practically feel the other calling for him, laying in wait for what was coming to him. Good. Because he was not in the mood to go searching for him, to let this form and solidify and take over him completely. A smog of destruction threatened to billow out of him, to choke the world around him and plague them all in torture and death.

    Quiet, dangerous.

    Black and bony, already bleeding, he halted, facing him squarely at a distance. There were dark promises in his eyes, lessons to be learned in ways the gold brother would both love and severely hate. As he should. Dovev stood solid and still, a poisoned dagger thrust into the earth as the rest of the world continued on heedless of what would come. So soon. Briefly, he returned to a time the other would recognize, black eyes locked onto him with such intensity, a sadistic twist to his mouth that he didn't allow to fully form.

    Come to me, he commanded softly.

    Do something.
    In his charged state, everything is a stimulation. The sun beaming down through the boughs overhead, heating his skin, his blood. The very occasional breeze, so soft- too soft to do anything in the way of cooling- does little more than set him ablaze, kindling to a fire of need. His beast stirs in his mind, stretching languidly and digging claws into the floor of its cage, triggering his nerve endings and causing muscles to twitch. He lashes his tail against his side, and the beast lets loose a low growl. It begins that horrid pacing, edgy and volatile with what was becoming desperation. Too long it'd been couped up. Too long it'd been locked away, deprivation taking its toll. That little tease with Leliana hadn't been enough, not near enough, and it needs more. So much more. Soon, pet, very soon.

    Even the wildlife seemed to give him a wide berth, as though he is a ticking time bomb ready to blow. And he is, standing on pins and needles and filled so fully with anticipation. The beast rubs along the walls of the cage, testing for weaknesses. He doesn't know how much longer he would be able to hold it together, his control tenuous at best. Worse, he doesn't want to hold it. Needs release. Oh how wonderful it would be to let go. A snarl and a hiss, flash of fangs, and then silence. So sharp and so still.


    A tingle crawls up his spine, aching muscles twitching at the tickle of it, the way his name slips off that familiar tongue. With it, a dark promise. His heart thuds heavy in his chest as he turns, a wicked grin spreading slowly across his lips. Brown eyes with flecks of amethyst- brighter now than usual- sift the forest quickly and land on him. Their gazes meet and there are no words to describe what it does to him. Finally, he'd come. Just as Zoryn knew he would. After what felt like ages, it was finally time.

    "Come to me." A command, and Zoryn shivers. Far from fear, only sweet sweet anticipation. He is beyond eager, feverish with his need for action, to answer his demand full stride. But he wouldn't give into him so easily. Not when he'd made him wait so long for this. So he moves toward him in slow, languid steps. His expression sinks into something dark as he goes, gaze locked with Dovev's. For just but a moment, he ducks his tan and white head, black forelock shrouding his face. He creeps toward the boney black stallion like a kid who knows he's in trouble. But that crooked smirk returns to his lips. No, he is not sorry. Anything but. The truth dances in his burning stare.

    Leisurely, langorously, he moves to him. The beast roars, rattling the walls of its cage, but he ignores it, soaking in the fearsome sight of the man and the meaning of this visit. He doesn't stop until they are nose to nose, burning alive with every step closer. His skin tingles, breathing slow and steady. The scent of blood tickles his nose and dilates his eyes. His mouth waters. He aches, hardens, steps closer to press his parted lips to Dovev's neck. Tongue darts out to taste him. Control slips just a little and he presses teeth down against flesh. The bite is slow, gentle, even as he tugs back purposely. His muzzle lifts to the side of his face, just next to his ear and his voice is a low, husky rumble as he speaks. "What are you gonna do about it."
    A familiar, wicked grin spread across familiar, wicked lips as Zoryn turned to him. Something dark and sinister stirred in him, a stealthy, thick smog blending with the blackness already filling his hard chest. The devil that seemed to slide into place was pleased that Zoryn was so eager to see him, so glad to see him come to deliver his punishment. It would not be as pleasurable as he knew his friend would want, as he knew he craved. Not for touching Leliana. He threw the name from his mind before it could lull him.

    The gold-painted man obeyed his command, defiant only in the lazy pace he walked. So goddamned slow. Dovev's ears flicked back in annoyance, baring his teeth briefly as he bit back the demand there in his cold stare. Faster! Zor's head ducked like a child's, but still those purple-flecked eyes held his. Still he came as he was called. Slowly, so damned slowly.

    Dov held still as he came nose-to-nose with him, watching the larger man breathe in his scent, the smell of his blood dilating Zor's eyes in anticipated pleasure. His own heartbeat kicked a little faster, drinking in the power of knowing he put that desire in Zoryn's brown and hungry gaze. That it was him that he truly craved, just as he had when they were teenagers, as he'd learned who it was that could truly sate his cravings. Dovev intended on reminding him of this.

    Those pale lips parted against a bone-thin neck as Zor stepped closer, as his tongue pressed against split skin and tasted him. He couldn't know how sensitive his skin was since the armor had appeared, it hadn't been there before, couldn't know that he felt every barest touch like the sear of a hot iron. His eyes closed to guard it from him, standing stiffly beneath his friend's careful attention.

    Zoryn's teeth found their purchase, so very slowly pinched his tender flesh and tugged on every last nerve in his black, shuddering skin. He exhaled as those lips moved to his ear, whispering. What are you gonna do about it.

    Dovev casually slid out of his touch, black eyes unreadable and dark as they opened. He gave a crooked smile, stepping up to Zoryn's shoulder and reaching out. But only his breath touched him, only the hot air from his lungs kissed the bastard that had wronged him. It was time to remind him, and his voice was smooth and clear when he spoke low, forcing Zoryn to focus to hear him.

    You touched her. There was no malice, no reproach in his tone. Flat and even. A distasteful fact. The heat of his breath passed over a golden spine as he slowly trailed down his side, the bone of his shoulder barely tickling Zoryn's skin. I know I told you before, he continued in dark warning, whiskers brushing faintly down a thick flank of muscle and back up again.

    I am the only one that can sate you. It is me that you will always crave. I'm the only one that can give you what you need, Zoryn.
    Only me.

    Their eyes locked as he paused, so tantalizingly close to a thick black tail. So often, they hadn't needed words. So he let the burn in his stare say it for him. You'll never get what you want from anyone else. So never try again. His lip pulled back to show his teeth, so very lightly dragging a few inches across his tanned skin before retracting again. Just a tease, just a taste. Zoryn wouldn't get what he wanted until he truly understood.


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