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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I need no sympathy; ALL PANGEA PONIES

    I'm just a poor boy. I need no sympathy.
    ( because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low )

    Who's to say that this is incredibly unfair. Those minuscule pathetic mites with wings, had done it again, just as they had snatched away the Valley and the Chamber in their malicious greed, they simply couldn't help themselves to the devilish feast within Pangea, and so the fucking god damn swipers have gone swiping, again(as if they didn't already have enough?). Snatching up the very foundations of his empire right from under his feet, right when he thought he was the king of the world, and then it was all gone. Shredded into a million pieces then throw into the depths of the see, thanks a fucking lot fairies, the Pangea folk really fucking appreciate it!

    So he wanders, pondering quietly to himself, his family and children needed protection, while the other residents his very own people still craved anarchy, and so he concludes with such simplicity. The cloven king has been gone for some time now, along with his horned son, so why not him, the ghost, the right had of the prince, take control?

    He had the strength, and plenty of comrades lingering within the holds of his very own battle ships, awaiting to be called upon. To wield such a force to be reckoned with, they could easily over power, and conquer lands vigorously. He has allies in other kingdoms after all, there was Chem in the lake, and he could probably round up some troops lingering within the fleet.. but he needed more. So the ghost, calls upon them, ALL Pangeans.

    "Friends, family, strangers.... It's come the time for us to rise from the ashes. The fairies have stolen from us once more, snatching up our symphony of chaos." He pauses, his words growing tender but still lacking any form of emotion within his tone, "But I say no more, if they don't want us, then they will not have all of US. For we will conquer what is rightfully ours." A crocodile grin forms upon his lips as he chuckles at the thought, as poinous barbs embellish every words that is released. His gaze lingering, within the stark silence, crimson eyes flickering about curiously. "Now who's ready to conquer the world?" He asks, as he allows himself to flicker in and out of sight, for it's time for the psychos to rise, and stake claim to what is there's, for the misfits to hail their names with pride, and for the murderers to get to work. The end is coming, and soon enough the fairies will all see..


    any way the wind blows        doesn't really matter to me

    @[Despayr] @[Imperial] @[Rhae]

    So waylay wants to conquer everything and everyone, because he's fucking pissed off. Anyone can join, and every pangea pony should be obligated to fight beside him, since he was the prince's right hand man.
    She was soaked to the bone and trembling with cold, her brilliant, blue eyes wide in wild uncertainty. One moment she was home, ghosting through the edges of the wasteland and avoiding the other residents as always, and then suddenly the world was quaking beneath her feet. She'd been so frightened, so unsure what to do and where to run. And she hadn't been fast enough either. Down she went into the sea, struggling to make her way back to shore as the whole territory sank to the bottom to be lost forever.

    Tears stained her cheeks, hiding in all the seawater still clinging to her delicate, dark face. She'd searched and searched the coast for her dear Bruise, but couldn't find him. She would have called out for him, should have called out for him. She didn't dare draw attention to herself, though. Not where the former residents of Pangea could possibly find her, not without Bruise to protect her. He loved her, after all. He'd never let anything happen to her.

    And now he was gone.

    Another tear stung her eye as she walked on, determined to find... she wasn't sure. Somehow, there must be a way to find him though. She didn't know what else to do, where else to go, who else to turn to. She didn't really know anyone but Bruise. Tioga had been gone for so long before it all happened. She was alone again. Lost again. Her heart felt so mangled and shattered at the thought of never finding Bruise again. She must. Somehow, she swore she would.

    Then a familiar voice reached her through the trees, only just then bringing with it the realization that she'd managed to wander to the forest. She preferred it to the meadow, where it was wide and open and everyone could see her so clearly. So it made sense that she had found her way back to this place, and she chewed nervously at her bottom lip as she tried to find him. The other him this time. Waylan.

    Oh, she gasped quietly when her eyes finally caught sight of the only other man that could be even remotely familiar to her, even in such a very small, brief way. Creamy, white hair stuck tightly to her neck, determined not to let her hide behind the curtain of it as she always did, but her head ducked anyway. She wished it was dry, dry, wished it could flow and cover her face.

    Waylan, she breathed, hopeful that he might remember her, that he may know where Bruise was as she pressed herself into his shoulder. She hadn't meant to do that, to come so close and especially hadn't meant to touch him. She was so used to having someone to hide behind, someone to steady her and he was the only thing she knew anymore. Still, she stepped away with a deep blush and walked to his other side where she could shield herself from any others that might show. She hadn't caught what he'd said or perhaps she would not have tried to follow his voice, even if she was so lost and desperate for any sort of piece of something familiar and safe.

    The dark velvet of her muzzle touched his shoulder cautiously, lightly, before falling away again. Have you seen Bruise? she whispered softly, her eyes darting around for others and hoping none showed. She didn't want to be seen. She would love to disappear as Waylan could, where she could vanish and be safe. She just wanted to be safe again. Where was her sweet Bruise?
    At Night she Walks the Beaches...
    She had been minding her own business... Plucking the barren grounds of Pangea for whatever nurioushment she could find.  Her frame was heavy, but not from overeating... No.  Overeating in Pangea was hardly probable.  In her meandering she was growing restless.  Something was stirring, changing... Being plotted.  The air suddenly sweeter, as she lifted her head in alarm.  Sweet... Pangea?! Ears swiveled about in confusion and just as she was to turn the ground quaked... Cracks in the soil deepened, widened.  The Oasis sank into the depths in the distance.  Two-tone eyes looked up to the blackened skies as streaks of violet purple scanned across them.  She remembered this from the Reckoning.  How the fairies stripped their lands along with their powers, her powers... 

    Knowing Imperial was absent from the lands as of lately she turned and headed for the borders.  Ivory legs carrying her very pregnant body as quick as possible.  Jumping crevasses that were quickly engulfing the lands.  Ears flattened as face twisted in a scowl as she reached the edges and looked back upon the land. Fucking fairies...

    Soon she set pace towards the common lands.  Knowing if any others survived from the falling of Pangea they were unwelcomed anywhere else...

    He wasn't hard to miss... The hiss in his voice as he spoke, preached to them.  His family, friends... Any who were too twisted and cruel to reside in the other kingdoms.  Approaching quickly and without hesitation she had the same scorned expression upon her face.  Eyes narrowed upon him... Wait... What the... Who the fuck is she?  Noting the fragile thing on his far side, caressing his shoulder.  Already in a pissy mood this wasn't going to fly... Exhaustion from the travel subsided as her adrenaline rushed.  Coming up quickly on his near side as he had already finished his banter, she snaked around his front, slipping under his neck.  Ivories barred as she reached out to snap the others hide, limbs pushing her forwards.  Their bodies collided as she pushed her way between Waylan and this.... Girl...

    Eyeing the mare warningly she recollected herself with a snort of satisfaction.  Attention diverting to her brother.  What would they do now?  Her eyes shifted about the common lands, the forest... Yuck!  Where was her ocean?! Her whitewashed beaches.  No this would not do.  Looking to his crimson eyes and wicked grin she knew he had a thought. "What is your plan brother?" Her own grin as devilish as his... 
    artsfon stock photos

    Despayr is in. Sorry Rhae, she's moody Wink
    Que Imperial

    Don't get too close

    He hadn't been far.  Not far enough to hear the moans of the lands swallowing itself.  The haunting screams of those that had parished at their hands and the rejoicing of those who wished them dead.  Mother was his fore most thought...

    Gathering himself quickly he raced to the border.  Stopping upon a cliff that overlooked the now tattered lands.  Nothing was familiar about the kingdom.  Icey blue eyes scanned the area waiting to see her figure.  Had she parished as so many before her had?  No... That could not be.  Without another moments thought he raced off.  Muzzle to the ground as he searched for her scent like a hound.  Ivory legs moved gracefully along the borders.  The lands had shifted more than he knew the farther he traveled...

    Suddenly upon the breeze he caught scent of another... His heart quickened as he recognized it but it was not his mother.  If she was alive though she would have followed him... His Father.  Cautiously he followed his scent.  The trail seemed to be a few hours old but he was unsure.  Blue eyes vigilant for anything of danger as he moved quickly.  The woodlands were becoming thick and wrapped him in an eery darkness.  Stopping suddenly as his ears swiveled, catching familiar tones upon the breeze.  His Father's voice was calling to 'them'.  He listened for a moment more before noting another's voice... A soft voice.  Much too soft for Pangea.  He neared curiously to the edge of the treeline.  Noting his Father and another at his side, not his mother.  Head cocked inquisitively.  Soon another approached from the far side with a whole lot of haste... Mother.  He smiled a tiny smile at seeing her alive.  Watching as she curled around Father and snapped at the other mare.  She was not one to mess with when she was in a mood...

    Deciding to join them he stepped from the treeline.  He had grown a bit since last being in Pangea.  His legs longer, chest wider, head broader.  Approaching from the side his mother was now on and the other mare was chased from his stride lengthened.  His slight smile not having left his maw.  His blue eyes shifted to the mare he had not met yet.  Slowly nearing he had a soft expression that would not be expected of his lineage.  His voice did not have a hiss as his Father's but a gentle hum as he greeted her, "Hello. I'm Imperial.  I don't believe we have met." His gaze shifted to his parents briefly then back upon the other... 


    She spun the stars on her fingernails
    Nayl cannot deny her curiosity. Her hands reached into the soil, into the water, into the sky, to create and to hear and to gain information. The world had shaken, rupturing at the seams and clumsily stitching back up. Nerine had rocked dangerously and the ocean roared as immensely as a titan awakened from the depths.


    Part of her waited to see what she loved – what she owned – to once again be lost, but it held steady. It wavered from the incredible power, and her balance was questioned at times, but then everything was still – eerily so. She blinked. She saw debris rising from the hills and, even farther, the mountains. What had once been a blue haze neighboring Nerine’s eastern border was suddenly open and vast. Grassy knolls, lakes, and rivers all traipsed the ground that was once new and unexplored. They spread like veins, nourishing and berthing life into a section of Beqanna that had not been seen.

    And then she remembered Pangea.

    There was no wasteland left. Their population and their home was gone, so she investigated with her mind reaching into the soul of the earth. She created creatures large and small, albeit briefly, to acquire any whisperings. That’s how she found them, quite frankly: her nosiness and her power.

    The Queen doesn’t rush to them with a broken heart or even a hint of remorse. When she arrives to their gathering, she secludes herself in the far back and listens. Conquer the world, he says, and she suppresses a laugh. Does he not know that it is already happening, but under her own iron fist? Nerine, Sylva, the Lake – all hers. A fleeting moment allows her to compose herself, to breathe in the settling air, before she steps forward with a coyness likely unwelcomed in this group of refugees. ”What a pity to see Pangea crash into the ocean,” her fiery eyes, curtained by an unruly forelock, sweep across their faces as they try to rally and try to encourage each other that Pangea will survive, and that they will thrive. ”I suppose you could only nurse from Carnage’s teet for so long, no?”

    In reality, she has never had a qualm with the kingdom; it was silent, it was harmless. They shared a border and often she would see a couple loom nearer to Nerine, but never actually crossing into her home. ”So, your course of action is take over the world, hm? Good luck with that.” Because she already owns half of it.

    covet and myrina's creation

    I feel like I don't need to even remind people that sometimes she's a bitch :| but only mildly lol
    I do not care that Pangea has slipped into the ocean. It was a fucking wasteland. I regard the previous tenants with nothing more than the fall of my lashes over my eyes. They truly must have believe in the god-king. They had greedily swallowed the seed of his promises and begged for me. I had simply lurked from when Bruise had brought me home to daddy but the sight of squabbling cunts and wagging tongues drove me to the outskirts and eventually away to dig out my own cavern.

    But now it was gone. I was not upset but frustrated because I would have to rebuild again.

    The group of horses are anything but quiet. I walk upon sky tinted legs to near them, the ground trembling gently as I take each step. The dirt choked bones of the deceased call to me from beneath the surface. Small rocks and pebbles clear from my path like loyal subjects so my path is clear and smooth. My ears move within the silk next of white hair as I listen to their voices while entering the jumble just across from the familiar face of the silver haired stallion. I offer Waylan a small quip of a smirk ( the first of it's kind) and cock a hind leg to swing my hips more comfortable in a resting position. I can offer no words worth listening to but I harness power and that speaks enough in itself.
    your hips on my jawline

    I'm just a poor boy. I need no sympathy.
    ( because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low )

    It doesn't take very long for the first one to show, the pale beauty, mistress of the prince, finds herself in his hands. And what she says does is little to surprise him, she has always been a sheep amongst wolves, and so as the sheep seeks for protection within the pack, so does she. What else could he do? After all he could just throw her to the wolves, and watch them tear her sweet flesh apart... but when she reaches for him, her sweet honey laced scent intoxicating him with one touch, and as she speaks his name, every bone within his body quivers with desire (no wonder why Buise kept her around).He can't help himself, and with a rather gentle embrace, he gingerly brushes his muzzle against her crest, as she speaks of the the lost prince's name, he pulls back. Ruby gems, fixated upon her, "I'm afraid to say, Bruise has long left us." He whispers. "but I know how fond he was of you, therefore I shall keep you safe." His words, are laced with honesty, as he brushes his velvet against her once more in reassurance. 

    Only for the moment to be struck by the piercing blade of his sister's jealousy, rather pitiful really. He stares at her with disgust, as her heavily pregnant body slams against Rheas' and he himself can't help but intervene he made a promise to the pale maiden, might as well keep it.  Before Daspyar can strike again, he lunges forwards, knocking his sister into place with the sullen force of masculinity. "Was that necessary?" He hisses, his words flecked with knives. He would of thought higher of his sister, but no longer, she was so impulsive and lacked any form of restraint. Keeping her around may be a hazard, but his very own bloodline dwindled between them, otherwise he would of tossed her to the wolves, knowing the likelihood of her survival hung upon his broad shoulder.

    His crimson gaze lingers upon the two, before he allows his gaze to meet his son, the sweet escuse of a pure bloodline, pathetic. And who was he to think he could speak to Rhae, who was now under his protection. Silver whisps of mane, sweep forwards, as he nips out at the boy. "Imperial. That's enough." he mutters harshly, as crimson eyes sweep over the small group catching the eye of fresh meat. And what's this? She can talk?

    Her words are true, bitchy and to the point, with he enjoyed, her sweet honesty. For it had been too long, they had survived, lingering within the the very threshold of their "god's" undoing, it was no surprise that some how, the pesky mites had managed to muster the courage to steal from them, and not face the fury of Carnage's ex-followers? Quite a pity, really, but this mare... Or perhaps this Queen? Had come to them, and he can't help but wonder why, perhaps she herself wished to join them, the Nerinian Queen, for he knew who she was, and it wasn't quite hard to catch a whiff of bird shit and  sea salt.

    "Ah! Look what we have here. The queen of Nerine!" He remarks, a crocodile grin forming upon his wickedly handsome face, as the silver entanglement of his forelock brushes over ruby gems. "Had enough of the fairies breasts?" He jokes, with a rather unsettling tone. As he flickers in and out of sight, " Why do you wish us luck? For if anything we should be wishing YOU, congratulations, I hear your quite the conqueror, my dear." His words grow tender for just a moment, briefly held, and rare, and then it's gone. "So, darling why have you come here of all places?" He is perplexed by her notion to be here, for why would a conqueror queen, hold such an interest in a couple of little to pathetic Pangea Refugees?

    Pondering for a moment, the man's eyes are misguided by the familiar seductress lingering within the crowd. The sweet cold hearted, maiden, Karsi, distracted by her, and her genuine personality. As a smirk manages to find it's way onto her lips, he can't help but stare, in longing, and remembrance of that one night they shared together. Fogged by his own memory he hardly, pays attention to the others, and course of actions in response to his carefully spoken words.     


    any way the wind blows        doesn't really matter to me

    Trying to get something up in my free time...
    She had forgotten. Until that moment she had forgotten how swiftly Waylan could affect her. His tenderness as he held her was startling, but oh so very welcomed, and selfishly she leaned into it just the slightest bit. She wished Bruise were here. But Waylan put that wish straight to death when he spoke. Left us, he said. Bruise left us.

    Her heart squeezed painfully and she couldn't help the tear trying to resurface to her glassy-blue eyes. Left? He left her without a word? No, he wouldn't do that, would he? He loved her.

    Didn't he?
    Hadn't he?

    "...but I know how fond he was of you, therefore I shall keep you safe," he promised her in a whisper. Her breath caught in her throat along with the hope that he meant it. Bruise was fond of her. She loved that validation too, always second-guessing herself. Maybe she'd imagined it. But no, see? Even Waylan knew Bruise had loved her. And now Waylan would protect her. She almost smiled, breathlessly taking the comfort he offered with such a gentle brush of his velvet against her. That, too, stole her breath away and she blushed deeply.

    And then the moment was shattered as someone else joined. She so wished no one else would show, but here this woman comes straight at her, rounding Waylan's broad chest to get to her. Rhae blanched at suddenly becoming her target and scuttled hastily back, but she wasn't quick enough and the woman collided with her. Just as she did, Waylan stepped in, living up to his word already that he would keep her safe.

    She flinched when she found she had almost scrambled backwards straight into another body, a young man. Her head ducked with another blush, and she looked up at him from behind a sticky curtain of still-damp, white hair and thick lashes. She couldn't help but feel like she'd.. overstepped somehow. Overstepped with a family, Waylan's family. She hadn't known he had one, though of course she wasn't surprised. This younger one seemed kind, which confused her considering where they came from, but she knew better the moment Waylan snapped at him too. He must be a danger also, then.

    She didn't want to get between Waylan and his family. The woman was clearly attached and territorial, and perhaps the boy was his as well. So she kept her quiet steps backwards, sinking into the shadow of trees as Waylan's attention was demanded elsewhere, a sharp woman that looked every bit a queen with a challenge in her eyes. Rhae settled quietly, briefly, until they were well distracted and she slipped away into the forest with the intent to meet with Waylan some other time. With less people, hopefully. She had never done well in crowds.
    At Night she Walks the Beaches...
    Stallions, shake a tail at them and they start drooling. Whatever... Be that way.  A scowl of disgust forms upon her delicate face as he comes at her.  Knocking into her heavied body.  With YOUR child I might add.  If she was capable of spitting she probably would have.  Instead her tail flicks in irritation, ears pressed flat.  Two toned eyes pinned on him, dismissing the scared fawn scuttling about.  Her vocals hiss as she steps towards them again, "Good luck with THAT." Eyes darted to the meek one seemingly scared of her own shadow.  Almost brushing into the blonde again as she walks past and away.  

    She notes her son, their son, fast approaching and dismisses him with a nod.  Her backside all that were seen by the others that approached soon after she departed...
    artsfon stock photos

    Ooc: just finishing her presence here.  She doesn't play well with others ;p

    Don't get too close

    His kind words fell short as the young mare dipped and beelined for the covering.  He himself darted backwards as his father snapped at him.  Harsh words as always.  Facial features twisted in an angered display as he protested, "What?! I can't talk to anyone now?" Barely a minute passed and a smokey grey mare appeared.  Instantly his father's attention switched and he was free...

    Turning 90 degrees he left his father to his new toy.  Not having the care nor patience to see it play out.  Coming up upon the area where the mare had disappeared he figured on his way out he could at least apologize.  Silver curtain hung loosely upon his neck as his head lowered.  Finding the exact location she had crossed into easily.  "Hello..." He called out again.  Maybe she had vanished.  His blue eyes scanned the area not immediately seeing anyone.  Oh well, maybe they would meet again.  He turned to the north and ventured on.  He would need to find his family a new home...  


    Ooc: finishing Imperials appearance here also.  If Rhae wants to run into him sometime you are more than welcome to Smile

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