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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    make me pay like the devil i am || any
    god make me pay
    like the devil i am
    Down, down, down into the depths.

    Ischia is known for its clear and pristine waters, calm tides and gentle seas - but few venture beyond the vividly colored corals, beyond the tropical fish and their multi-colored homes, past the mild sea turtles and delicate shelled crabs that click tidily across the white, sandy bottom. Beyond the lagoon lurks something dangerous, something darker, something foreboding. The coral drops off and gives way into emptiness, the depths appearing never-ending when glancing over the edge. But there is an end, and he is there, drawn to the bottom of the sea, where blackness takes hold and tightens around him, where silence is truly silent, and where his collection awaits him. They are bones now, mostly - the fish with haunting and empty eyes have picked clean their corpses, leaving only piles of dusted bones in the muck. They are bottom-dwellers such as he, and the anglers periodically light up in the darkness, accustomed to his presence within their hauntingly still home. His jelly woman is who he visits - her tentacles electrifying and glowing within his darkness, an eerie light that draws more fish and squid to them, tubeworms opening and closing as they spin together in the blackness...she is not allowed to rise to the surface, into the light of day - she is his secret, and she will remain here in nothingness until she is no longer useful to him.

    The stallion glances up, fully solid outwardly (though his insides merely water, allowing him to remain alive beneath the depths). He needs more - the captives kept him busy, but the craving for flesh and water has not subsided, neither satiated by sex or control. He thinks of his mate, and though he would always return to her when his hunger begged for her body, he needed more than touch. His dear Vessel (alone on her little island, wasting away beneath the burning sun yet barely kept alive by his hand) and sweet Lily, forever forced to remain where he placed them by his sheer will. He will always know when the tides change and when their bodies slip into the sea in a chance to escape - and he would meet them with a lover’s embrace and usher them back to their barless prison. Despite the allure of being a captor, and how himself and Deathwish found fancy in their wide, frightened eyes…

    It was time.

    He would be distracted no longer by kidnapping and controlling - death will come, and he will be its master.

    The River had been his home for a long time before his bottom-dwelling in Ischia, and he knows the way through the currents expertly. Turning himself into nothingness, becoming one with the ocean itself and becoming an invisible entity spinning and spiraling through the water at his own speed, only stopping when the taste of saltwater deepens into that of brine, and where the waves stop to become the slow-bubbling of the River.

    Here he waits, invisible and unmoving just beneath the surface, patiently floating as he bides his time - he would only become visible at the exact, opportune moment.
    m a u g r i m.

    ooc: he is in the mood for murder, so if you need a pony killed off, you can reply! if you're just looking for overall torture/a possible kidnapping, please state that ooc in your reply! <3
    Mother only lets her past the cocoon of Home once the sun drops below the horizon (and then makes her wait longer, until the moon has climbed halfway up the sky). Sometimes Father will take her out and show her how to hunt. She learns quickly. She is instinctual and wild and untamed and just as she should be.

    She is quick to race past the bordering thicket of Home once Mother nods in her direction. Her vision is red with hunger. Saliva drips from her jaw as she creeps through the darkness of the forest. She is silent. She is tense. She is hungry.


    Her feet stop their careful movement and her eyes glance through the darkness.


    It is a quick kill, but it is efficient. She satisfies her hunger rapidly and when she is finished her dark, armored head is splashed with blood. There is a bubbling of a river nearby and so she slinks closer.


    The river reflects the glow of the stars above, but those constellations twinkle shades of rosy pink and deep red as her maw is washed clean. As her eyes peer deeper into the river, there is a break in the current. A subtle shift, so miniscule no prey creature would notice. Her stomach tingles. But she is a child and her instincts are not totally familiar to her. So she drinks.

    @[Maugrim] This is my first time posting her, so we'll see how it goes! I'm not looking to kill her, but I'd be down for some violent interactions, probably injuries on both sides if you're interested. Here is a reference of what her father looks like, and she's basically the same except she's smaller because she's still a baby.

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