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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A God's Creation [Leilan]

    Only when I reach the rocky shores and fore hooves touch their slick surface, does my hindquarters transform.  Replacing my water assets with those of the land dwellers, I step forward with much more grace than he.  I giggle slightly at his flounder.  Stepping out of the water completely and onto the forest floors, my aqua eyes look to him with entertainment.  Giving a slight turn of my head and finding in my vision the muted charcoal of my coat.  With a disapproving sigh, I refocus on my new acquaintance.  I may not be as stunning to look at in this form but I do not lack womanly physique.  

    The world surrounding us seems to liven as the light of day begins to lessen.  Soon evening would be upon them and their explorations halted, for now.  With a slight flicker of my ear, I note something rustling in the jungles underbrush.  A forest creature I am sure but one can never be too cautious.  My attention shifts only when he begins his answer and offers to learn the enclave along with me. I nod happily at his generosity, "That sounds fun! I bet we can discover all sorts of new things together." With a grin I wait for him to join me on stable ground.  My dark form is slowly beginning to blend with the shadows of the great palms and vast ferns.    

    When he does stride forwards, I swing my rump around to face him and follow his lead.  I know only how I got here from the land bridge and nothing more.  The beaches that surrounded the coast had seemed pleasant upon my arrival and it is my only suggestion of a destination, "What about the beach?  I bet the sunset looks amazing from there!" There is a rise in the pitch of my voice when I mention the sunset.  Never had I seen one over the ocean.  Actually, until my arrival I had never seen the sea.  Father forbid it.  Though I'm unsure why...


    A God's Creation ~ Carnage X Dynast


    The male is better on land, and the female is better in the water.

    But in an unequal way, because there's a difference. That difference is almost painful to him, because at least she carries herself way better on land than he could ever carry himself in the water. His brows raise a moment when she steps out of the pond and unto the grassier scape, but he hides it - of course she's a shifter, you idiot - by slowly setting foot on the shore as well.

    He addresses her and of course notes the lack of shine - but to be honest, her eyes gleam just as much as they did before, perhaps they stand out even more than when she was afloat, because now there's an inky black to her skin to counter their brilliant sapphire shine.

    He heads for the western shore then, when she mentions the beach and sunsets. "Sunset it is, milady." he agrees, and leads her trough the forest to go see just that. Of course, they encounter way too many parrots in there, and he wonders if she likes the colourful birds - perhaps Leilan is a bit too similar to them to like them immediately, but time will tell.

    @[Deiti] I wrapped this up because he's officially in Loess now since like, a whole season, that is why I almost forgot it was out here also. Sorry for that xD
    Perhaps it will be fun to thread again when he returns, I bet she will have changed a bit then Smile
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

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